16 FebruaryRegistration and payment deadline for presenting authors, sector chairs, and session chairs. Important: Presentations and papers will be dropped from the program and proceedings at this time if the presenting author is not registered.
19 FebruaryDeadline for technical visit and training course registration.
26 February - 10 MarchSector and session chairs prepare their final session plans and send to program chair; program chair coordinates final schedule.
1 MarchDeadline for exhibitors and requests for inserts in delegate bags; requests for special audio-visual equipment, Mentor/Mentee participant forms, auction donation forms, and Buffet of Ideas suggestions due.
9 March - 31 MarchPapers are revised as needed.
11-17 MarchSession chairs send final information to presenters, including date and time of presentation.
17 MarchRe-registration cutoff (all registrations after this date to be made on-site).