Presenting Author: Claudia Valencia Franke
| Coauthor(s): Stewart
Summary Statement: The main drivers for conflict in the extractive and infrastructure industries include poor community engagement, inadequate benefit sharing and excessive impacts on the economy, society and the environment (UN, 2012). By developing a project within the UN SDG’s framework, potential sources of conflict can be managed. For example, if Goals 9 and 12 are included while planning a new project, and local and regional procurement are promoted whenever possible, local sustainable development can be fostered, resulting in more benefits for the region. Goal 9 and 13 promote the use of clean, environmentally beneficial technologies and industrial processes, which can be more efficiently achieved at the project design stage. If Goal 15 is envisioned, restoration and conservation of ecosystems can be included as commitments and environmental impacts can be minimized.
It is important for all large engineering and infrastructure companies who are employed to plan, design, build and analyze environmental and social impacts for such projects, to implement a Sustainability Policy and Framework aligned with the SDGs. It is possible to include tasks and actions aligned to the SDGs in project design, trade-off analyses, construction and procurement decisions, development of mitigation and compensation measures, which can later result in measurable benefits for the economy, the environment and a more positive relationship with local communities and a reduction in conflict and distrust.
Acceptance Status: approve