IAIA Special Symposium
Water and Impact Assessment: Investment, Infrastructure, Legacy
Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) ǀ Lincoln, England, United Kingdom
1 - 2 September 2016
Water is the most important resource on this planet, and a significant proportion of global investment and infrastructure is concerned with ensuring its supply, management, quality, and transportation. Every €1 invested in clean water can yield €4–€13 in economic returns, but when its use becomes unsustainable and its supply limited, polluted, or even too abundant during flood events, our society and its infrastructure can fail.
All forms of development interact with water at a physical, policy, regulatory, social, or cultural level. In the face of future climate change adaptation and mitigation, new infrastructure will need to be resilient to both current and future hydrological risks. The impact assessment (IA) of water effects for new infrastructure or water-relevant policies, plans, and programs (through EIA or SEA, for example) is a complex and critical step within the appraisal of investment, operational, or future sustainable management cycles.
This IAIA symposium aims to: Advance a multidisciplinary discussion about the challenges and opportunities associated with the management of water-related impacts across investment sectors; support IA professionals in effectively meeting challenges associated with water IA, management, and planning; and promote new approaches in impact assessment.
15 March 2016
Abstract submission process opens
Registration opens
Preliminary program available
24 June 2016
Abstract submission deadline
15 July 2016
Registration deadline for presenting authors
12 August 2016
Registration closes
15 August 2016
Final program posted
1 - 2 September 2016
IAIA extends sincere thanks to the following committee members and their organizations for their generous in-kind contributions to this symposium:
Ross Marshall, Chair (UK Environment Agency)
Thomas Fischer (University of Liverpool, Environmental Assessment & Management Research Centre)
Bridget Durning (Oxford Brookes University)
Phil Le Gouais (Mott MacDonald)
John Fry (University College Dublin)
Ben Cave (Ben Cave Associates)
IAIA Ireland-UK Branch
Royal HaskoningDHV
Oxford Brookes University
IAIA is the International Association for Impact Assessment, organized in 1980 to bring together researchers, practitioners, and users of various types of impact assessment from all parts of the world. IAIA involves people from many disciplines and professions. Our members include corporate planners and managers, public interest advocates, government planners and administrators, private consultants and policy analysts, university and college teachers and their students. IAIA has members from over 120 nations.
For 35 years IAIA has been holding annual conference events all over the world to promote best practices in impact assessment.