IAIA16 Submitted Paper & Presentation Abstracts
Following is a list of IAIA16 Annual Conference paper & presentation abstracts.
Abstracts: Paper & Presentation | Posters
Meeting Climate Change Challenges through Intern
Abstract ID# 272
Presenting Author: Vidhisha Samarasekara
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: The BCRWME is a pilot project that is demonstrating participatory watershed conservation and management planning specifically focused on water resources. It aims to provide access to more reliable water resources for domestic and irrigation purposes for communities living in watersheds most vulnerable to climate change
Acceptance Status: approved
"Impact Significance" in EIA Reports of developme
Abstract ID# 381
Presenting Author: gopu venugopala reddy | Coauthor(s): janjanam jyothirmayi , Manchala srinivasa reddy
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: The criteria for impact significance as mentioned in the scoping documents, 120 EIA reports submitted by project proponents to Moefcc and guidance manuals of EIA were assessed.
Acceptance Status: approved
"Naturally Evolving": Flawed SIAs in Oil Sands EIA
Abstract ID# 242
Presenting Author: Patricia McCormack
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: SIAs for Canadian oil sands hearings are fundamentally flawed, They lack expertise by consultants and review panels & adequate empirical data and build on flawed concepts of "natural evolution."
Acceptance Status: approved
2020 Tokyo Olympics and Health Impact Assessment
Abstract ID# 306
Presenting Author: Noriko Ashiya | Coauthor(s): Kenichiro Yanagi
Preferred Session: HIA as a creation of deliberative society for sustainable development
Summary Statement: We move on to a discussion of the role of the HIA in promoting Green Growth, both in a general sense and in a particular sense for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
Acceptance Status: approved
3-D ROW to minimize involuntary resttlement
Abstract ID# 50
Presenting Author: Kenji OGURA | Coauthor(s): Shusaku NAKATSUBO
Preferred Session: Urban resettlement and land readjustment.
Summary Statement: This paper proposes infrastructure development by utilizing three-dimensional Right-of-Way (3-D ROW) to minimize involuntary resettlement in highly dense urban areas. Involuntary resettlement is unavoidable for building an urban highway network system; thus, 3-D ROW minimizes resettlement and enables livelihood restoration in the same community area.
Acceptance Status: approved
: IAIA and Climate Change - Progress, Challenges a
Abstract ID# 250
Presenting Author: Weston A. Fisher
Preferred Session: The link between resiliency and climate smart(er) impact assessment
Summary Statement: What more can we do to respond to local and global climate change challenges in light of recent developments following the 2015 Paris COP21 Conference? How can we apply our collective skills as IAIA professionals to the current and future impacts of climate change?
Acceptance Status: approved
A Case Study of EIA for Wind Farms in Japan
Abstract ID# 415
Presenting Author: Naoya Nishibayashi | Coauthor(s): Etsuko Hayashi , Shigeaki Takeoka , Wataru Kitamura
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: This study presents a case study for environmental impact assessment of wind energy facilities in Japan mainly about selection of species and calculation methods of habitat potential
Acceptance Status: approved
A case study of EIA monitoring in Vietnam
Abstract ID# 233
Presenting Author: Le Thi Phuong Loan
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: Challenges and lessons from the EIA implementation progress in Vietnam construction project
Acceptance Status: approved
A comparative analysis of EIA projects in Iran
Abstract ID# 474
Presenting Author: Shideh Hallaj Neyshabouri
Preferred Session: How SEA and EIA contribute to more resilient plans, programs, and projects
Summary Statement: A number of EIA projects are compared to assess weather EIA process in Iran has helped in improving resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
A holistic approach to the monitoring and modellin
Abstract ID# 385
Presenting Author: Nigel Moon | Coauthor(s): Russell Merz , Marian Hart , Matthew Hamilton , Muhammad Parker
Preferred Session: Defining and achieving good practice in scoping
Summary Statement: Discussing the importance of considering environmental linkages at the scoping stage of an impact assessment. Good planning early results in data that can bridge disciplines.
Acceptance Status: approved
A mine we can be proud of: Assessing legacy social
Abstract ID# 190
Presenting Author: Reisha Jones
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: How do you assess legacy social impacts? How do you address challenges from years of cultural and land use effects? This presentation shares experiences from a Canadian copper operation.
Acceptance Status: approved
A mobile-assisted traffic impact assessment
Abstract ID# 124
Presenting Author: Nares Chuersuwan | Coauthor(s): Noppatsorn Muangnak
Preferred Session: Impact assessment for smart cities (I)
Summary Statement: A mobile phone application was a tool for assessing the traffic emissions in a city. Constructed driving cycle provided more accurate data suited local conditions and gave better emission estimate.
Acceptance Status: approved
A resilience & sustainability framework in Oil&Gas
Abstract ID# 453
Presenting Author: Marta Henriques
Preferred Session: Is nature’s resilience a valid argument for expanding the oil industry?
Summary Statement: A framework for resilience and sustainability in the Oil & Gas industry in emerging economies is presented from the perspective of an environmental practitioner working in the sector for an operator.
Acceptance Status: approved
Aarhus Convention and Japanese EIA systems
Abstract ID# 506
Presenting Author: Sachihiko Harashina
Preferred Session: International comparison of public participation indicators
Summary Statement: Aarhus Convention is a norm for sustainable development and IA should be the major way. Various Japanese EIA systems, domestic ones and international cooperation field, were assessed by this point.
Acceptance Status: approved
Access and storage of EIA reports after disclosure
Abstract ID# 273
Presenting Author: Akiko URAGO | Coauthor(s): Hiroo Kasagi
Preferred Session: International comparison of public participation indicators
Summary Statement: EIA documents are disclosed in defined period in Japan. But most of the documents cannot be accessed and no storage rules. The authors researched various laws and accessibilities to EIA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Accountability and engagement in AFD projects
Abstract ID# 154
Presenting Author: Sekou Touré
Preferred Session: IFI's accountability mechanisms: Resilience and sustainability (II)
Summary Statement: The performance of the Independent Review Mechanisms shows various trends in complaints filed about the African Development Bank projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Adaptation in the Eletric Sector:France and Brazil
Abstract ID# 471
Presenting Author: Katia Garcia | Coauthor(s): Gilles Debizet
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: The paper analises how the Electric sector in France and in Brazil are developing their Business Adaptation Strategies in a way to face the negative impacts of climate change.
Acceptance Status: approved
ADB & HIA: improving health and equity in SE Asia
Abstract ID# 434
Presenting Author: Martin Birley | Coauthor(s): Filipe Silva
Preferred Session: Developments and trends in HIA and health in EA in Asia and Pacific regions
Summary Statement: ADB is investing over 1M USD on strengthening HIA within ADB and the GMS region. Presentation will discuss early findings and bring together participants to discuss how this project is taken forward.
Acceptance Status: approved
ADB: economic, social & health development in Asia
Abstract ID# 451
Presenting Author: Susann Roth
Preferred Session: Developments and trends in HIA and health in EA in Asia and Pacific regions
Summary Statement: ADB is a pioneer in promoting health in development in SE Asia. This presentation will discuss ADB efforts to promote regional public health and its future direction for healthy development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Advances and key challenges in Economic IA
Abstract ID# 316
Presenting Author: Galina Williams
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: Economic Impact Assessment (EcIA) plays an important role in determining the overall worthiness of a project. EcIA tools that can be used at local and regional levels are discussed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Advisory Committees to improve IA Quality
Abstract ID# 281
Presenting Author: Sachihiko Harashina
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: Advisory committees could make the quality of IA better. As a good example in Japanese local governments, Fujimae wetland, Nagoya case and JICA’s ESC system will be illustrated and examined.
Acceptance Status: approved
Air Dispersion Modelling as a Design Tool?
Abstract ID# 399
Presenting Author: Marc Blanche
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: This paper seeks to explore the notion of available air space within new and existing industrial areas, with the emphasis on using air dispersion modelling to inform the planning process.
Acceptance Status: approved
Alaskan climate change vulnerability assessment
Abstract ID# 517
Presenting Author: Ronni Wilcock
Preferred Session: Optimizing adaptation to increase resilience in a context of climate change
Summary Statement: This study assesses vulnerabilities of Alaskan resources, environmental services and infrastructure to potential future climates. The assessment is used to increase resilience through management and adaptation strategies.
Acceptance Status: approved
An analysis on risk assessment in China’s EIA
Abstract ID# 287
Presenting Author: juan xu | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Shigeo Nishikizawa
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: As for China, EIA and safety assessment are independent. EIA documents, however, are required to contain risk assessment. This research aims to find the features of RA in Chinese EIA system.
Acceptance Status: approved
An Export Credit Agency's use of Impact Assessment
Abstract ID# 64
Presenting Author: Max Griffin
Preferred Session: Uptake of impact assessment by the finance sector
Summary Statement: The presentation summarises UK Export Finance's use of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment as a key step in evaluating relevant projects which seek Export Credit Agency (ECA) support.
Acceptance Status: approved
An integrated and people-focused scoping approach
Abstract ID# 488
Presenting Author: Gabriela Factor | Coauthor(s): Francesca Viliani
Preferred Session: Defining and achieving good practice in scoping
Summary Statement: A case from the textile industry is used to present a scoping integrated approach to better include social, health and human rights perspectives, relying on stakeholder engagement and multidisciplinary team
Acceptance Status: approved
Analysing SEA by application of Culturised frame
Abstract ID# 193
Presenting Author: Bahareh Khodaparast
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: This paper proposes culturisation approach to help forming and applying SEA effectively in Iran with the recommendations according to culturisation frame.
Acceptance Status: approved
Analysis Land Planning EIA After Disaster in Chile
Abstract ID# 158
Presenting Author: Kay Bergamini | Coauthor(s): Roberto Moris
Preferred Session: Planning for disaster debris
Summary Statement: This paper exhibits an analysis of the Risk Studies, specifically debris flow and flood, incorporated into the EA process of Land Planning Instruments of a group of towns in a disaster zone in norther
Acceptance Status: approved
Analysis of Facility Vulnerability to Climate Chan
Abstract ID# 470
Presenting Author: Paul Sage | Coauthor(s): Mick Bilney , Jeff Yorzyk
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: This presentation will provide an overview of how this risk-based approach was used to assist NOAA to determine potential threats of climate change to its mission critical facilities and operations.
Acceptance Status: approved
Anticipating Terrorism: Considering the Role of Im
Abstract ID# 384
Presenting Author: Charles Kelly
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: This presentation investigates how the process of impact assessment can contribute to anticipating the social, economic, political and environmental impacts of terrorist events.
Acceptance Status: approved
Application of the precautionary principle in EIA
Abstract ID# 79
Presenting Author: Paola Gómez-Priego | Coauthor(s): Emilio Rodriguez-Izquierdo , Abri Cid-Salinas , Luis Bojórquez-Tapia
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: We present an innovative EIA approach that operationalizes the precautionary principle for ascertaining impact significance.
Acceptance Status: approved
Applying Health Impact Assessment to Community Hea
Abstract ID# 377
Preferred Session: HIA as a creation of deliberative society for sustainable development
Summary Statement: Summary (30 words): Model of using HIA to evaluate Health Charter has increased local understanding of the determinants of health, developed a process for decision-making, and promoted a cross-sectoral collaboration around health issues.
Acceptance Status: approved
Applying HEP to Dam Removal EcIAs in Japan
Abstract ID# 360
Presenting Author: Hiroto Yagi
Preferred Session: Quantifying biodiversity impacts and resilience potential
Summary Statement: Habitat Evaluation Procedures were used to quantitatively evaluate multiple habitat scenarios for Plecoglossus altivelis (sweetfish) associated with the first dam removal in Japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Applying SoundscapeEcology to Ecosystem Evaluation
Abstract ID# 248
Presenting Author: Koji Ainota | Coauthor(s): Akira Tanaka
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: We investigated the soundscapes of 26 urban green areas and calculated the proportions of biophony and anthrophony. As a result, there was positive correlation between biophony value and green ratio.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessing land-use heterogeneity at city fringes
Abstract ID# 210
Presenting Author: Suranga Wadduwage | Coauthor(s): Andrew Millington
Preferred Session: Impact assessment for smart cities (I)
Summary Statement: This study assesses the non-linear land-use characteristics of city fringes in a spatial context. Urban to rural land-use and feature gradients were used to interpret the anticipated changes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessing robustness of urban transport network
Abstract ID# 149
Presenting Author: Yaoming Zhou | Coauthor(s): Mingying Song , Junwei Wang
Preferred Session: Connecting transportation planning and IA: Theory and practice
Summary Statement: This paper provides a new method for measuring robustness of urban transportation network considering both disturbances from demand uncertainty and capacity interruption from supply.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessing small hydro in the Indian Himalaya
Abstract ID# 267
Presenting Author: Alan Diduck | Coauthor(s): Richard Johnson , Esther Edwards , A. John Sinclair , Dinesh Pratap & James Gardner
Preferred Session: Impact assessment of small things
Summary Statement: This paper examines the impacts of small hydro and identifies ways to improve small hydro planning and approval processes, e.g., local involvement in site selection and cumulative effects assessments.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessing sustainable water use and local economy
Abstract ID# 391
Presenting Author: IKJAE KIM | Coauthor(s): INHYE KONG , IKJAE KIM , YEONJOO KIM
Preferred Session: Environmental Information Platform for a resilient and sustainable society
Summary Statement: This study is meaningful to encompass various drivers which affect sustainable water use in multi-structural approaches. Also we explored the relationship between local economic status and conditions.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessing vulnerability in resettlement projects
Abstract ID# 508
Presenting Author: Irge Satiroglu
Preferred Session: Performance and innovation in resettlement and livelihoods restoration
Summary Statement: Based on best practices and real-life experiences in resettlement, a new framework is proposed to assess "vulnerability" and identify measures to achieve monitorable results in livelihood restoration.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessment and evaluation of odour impact from was
Abstract ID# 133
Presenting Author: Mr. Ka Ming Lok | Coauthor(s): Prof. ShunCheng Lee , Ms. Yee Ling Cheung
Preferred Session: Impact assessment for smart cities (I)
Summary Statement: This study aims at investigating the odour impact and effectiveness for treatment of odorous waste gases on sludge from wastewaer treatment facilities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessment by Land Use Change in Khon Kaen
Abstract ID# 345
Presenting Author: Hideyuki Ito | Coauthor(s): Sho Ko , Keiji Watanabe , Takahiro Fujii , Kiichiro Hayashi
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: This paper aims to analyze the various impacts by land use change in Khon Kaen, Thailand which is one of Asian local cities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessment of the Social Development Programs Impl
Abstract ID# 382
Presenting Author: Melanie Dayao Manaog | Coauthor(s): Maria Lourdes Nanette Guerin
Preferred Session: Corporate sustainability assessments
Summary Statement: The study attempt to assess the required Social Development Management Program required for mining companies to determine if it has achieved sustainability goals.
Acceptance Status: approved
Attitude on post disaster environmental management
Abstract ID# 523
Presenting Author: Ryo Tajima | Coauthor(s): Tomohiro Tasaki
Preferred Session: Recovery from natural disasters and community resilience in aging society
Summary Statement: Psychological structure of the attitude on post disaster environmental management will be discussed, based on in-depth interviews and focus group interviews to the victims of the Tohoku Earthquake.
Acceptance Status: approved
Avoiding the Assessment of Indigenous Rights
Abstract ID# 492
Presenting Author: Towagh Behr
Preferred Session: Indigenous cultural landscapes and impact assessment (II)
Summary Statement: A review of Canadian Impact Assessments demonstrates how poorly and infrequently impacts to Aboriginal Title, Aboriginal Rights, and Treaty Rights are assessed. Innovations in assessing these impacts will be presented.
Acceptance Status: approved
Back to the Future – 30 years of Australian EIA
Abstract ID# 557
Presenting Author: Melissa Lamb
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: Learnings from EIA of development proposals in Australia over the last 30 years. Can the last 30 years be used to project EIA practices in 2045?
Acceptance Status: approved
Bahia’s W corridor: changing land uses and susta
Abstract ID# 460
Presenting Author: Pedro Bettencourt | Coauthor(s): Nuno Silva , João Fernandes
Preferred Session: Connecting transportation planning and IA: Theory and practice
Summary Statement: The West corridor of the Bahia State, Brazil, aims to transform regional development opportunities through careful management of environmental and social impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Benefit Sharing Panel Discussion - IFC
Abstract ID# 341
Presenting Author: Lakhdeep Babra
Preferred Session: The role of international cooperation in promoting project benefit-sharing.
Summary Statement: This contribution to the panel will share the experiences of IFC in pursuing benefit-sharing objectives for large-scale projects, and lessons learnt for the field of impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
benefits of early approach with Colla Comunitties
Abstract ID# 489
Presenting Author: Guillermo Contreras | Coauthor(s): Cristina Fernandez Lira
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: Early approach and voluntary agreements with Colla indigenous communities in north of Chile; in the middle of climate disaster, not only an engagement process also rescue and reconstruct history.
Acceptance Status: approved
Benthic Fish Change after Bottom Trawlers Abandone
Abstract ID# 417
Presenting Author: Mark Shea | Coauthor(s): Jie Sun
Preferred Session: Fisheries resilience and sustainable aquaculture
Summary Statement: By comparison of data collected before and after the bottom fish-trawling abandoned, this paper presents benthic fish changes and comments on effectiveness of such mitigation on local fish community.
Acceptance Status: approved
Best Practice in SEA in the GMS
Abstract ID# 322
Presenting Author: Iain Watson
Preferred Session: Best practice in adopting a strategic approach to sustainable development
Summary Statement: Strengthening of SEA system in the GMS will require establishment of enabling legal environment, overcoming negative perceptions, effective communication strategy, technical capacity development, and establishment of M&E systems.
Acceptance Status: approved
Best practice through the mitigation hierarchy
Abstract ID# 392
Presenting Author: John Pilgrim
Preferred Session: Business-led approaches for promoting biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: Recent CSBI guidance offers an opportunity to increase integration of biodiversity into impact assessment, right through the mitigation hierarchy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Better EIA through Resilience centered baseline st
Abstract ID# 244
Presenting Author: Behzad Raissiyan
Preferred Session: Systems approaches to impact assessment for resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: Comparing the baseline studies of an oil field development project with the results of the project implementation, reveals that resilience centered baseline studies could have been improved the EIA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Big-data collection for environmental assessment
Abstract ID# 403
Presenting Author: Marco Sumini | Coauthor(s): Giuseppe Magro , Stefania Pellegrini , Cinzia Vischioni , Giovanni Caldana
Preferred Session: Resilient e-governance systems for smart communities
Summary Statement: The setup of a procedure finalised to the collection of large amount of data for environmental governance.
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity assessment & monitoring for windfarms
Abstract ID# 68
Presenting Author: Alexander W. Indorf
Preferred Session: Improving confidence in biodiversity baseline studies
Summary Statement: Guidance for the preparation of biodiversity assessments for wind energy facilities in the World Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity in Agribusiness: The IFC Experience
Abstract ID# 339
Presenting Author: Lakhdeep Babra | Coauthor(s): Louis Philippe Mousseaux Mousseaux , Conrad Savy
Preferred Session: Biodiversity and tropical agriculture and forestry
Summary Statement: This contribution to the panel will share the experiences of IFC in applying PS 6 to a range of agrinusiness projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity in sugarcane industry EIA
Abstract ID# 61
Presenting Author: Luis Sánchez | Coauthor(s): Ana Paula Dibo
Preferred Session: Does impact assessment improve ecosystem resilience?
Summary Statement: This paper reviews 26 recent EIS of sugarcane projects in São Paulo State for their contents on cumulative impacts on biodiversity.
Acceptance Status: approved
Bonding, Bridging and Linking networks for Efficie
Abstract ID# 540
Presenting Author: Kiyomi Kawamoto | Coauthor(s): Karl Kim
Preferred Session: Planning for disaster debris
Summary Statement: This study showed how bonding, bridging and linking networks contribute to the efficiency of earthquake waste management over the longer term recovery period.
Acceptance Status: approved
Boom town effects of oil and gas development
Abstract ID# 343
Presenting Author: Katherine Witt | Coauthor(s): Jeffrey Jaquet , Julia Haggerty , Jenny Pope , Will Rifkin
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: Videotaped interviews and roundtable discussion with a highly experienced panel outline the cumulative social and economic impacts of oil and gas development. Audience participation welcome
Acceptance Status: approved
Building City Resilience in Practice
Abstract ID# 410
Presenting Author: Risa Onishi | Coauthor(s): Thomas SK Tang , Marcus Ip , Kazuto Furukawa
Preferred Session: Building resilience for long-term wellbeing
Summary Statement: This paper examines how different cities are using the cities resilience scorecard in practice, and what challenges they are facing to implement resiliency strategies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Building Excellence into Health Impact Assessment
Abstract ID# 113
Presenting Author: Liz Green
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: This paper describes the methods, successes and knowledge obtained by the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) in developing and delivering high quality HIAs through its training programme.
Acceptance Status: approved
Building IA Capacity Through Online Training
Abstract ID# 112
Presenting Author: John Boyle
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: Presentation and discussion of planned IAIA Professional Development Program -- online IA training for aspiring practitioners and administrators who aren’t able to access in-person training.
Acceptance Status: approved
Building Resilience in the Pre-Operations Phase
Abstract ID# 346
Presenting Author: Rebekah Ramsay
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: Focusing on the early project phase, I consider challenges faced by mining companies in building resilient communities and relationships within a context of project uncertainty.
Acceptance Status: approved
Can science save us from ourselves? Designing and
Abstract ID# 462
Presenting Author: Karina Andrus | Coauthor(s): Lee Martin
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: In 2013, flooding occurred in southern Alberta affecting over 100000 people. Can rebuilding after natural disasters utilizing predictive science and modeling adequately address global climate change?
Acceptance Status: approved
Can we have it all? Is ESIA really a panacea?
Abstract ID# 405
Presenting Author: Miles Scott-Brown
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: Can we have it all in impact assessment?
Acceptance Status: approved
Capacities of Traditional Cultural Landscapes
Abstract ID# 504
Presenting Author: Giorgio H. Curti | Coauthor(s): Christopher M. Moreno
Preferred Session: Indigenous cultural landscapes and impact assessment (II)
Summary Statement: We discuss how material capacities of Indigenous cultural landscapes must be considered for more informed and effective resilience and sustainability decision-making practices and impact assessments.
Acceptance Status: approved
Capacity Building for Integrating Ecosystem Serv's
Abstract ID# 268
Presenting Author: Vinod Mathur | Coauthor(s): Asha Rajvanshi
Preferred Session: Ecosystem services: Why so little used in planning?
Summary Statement: Mismatches between the theory and practice in the area of Capacity-building needs to be reduced. Recent experiences at Wildlife Institute of India in this direction would be good ‘take aways’.
Acceptance Status: approved
Capacity Enhancement of Resettlement in Cambodia
Abstract ID# 144
Presenting Author: (to be nominated by the Government of Cambodia) (to be nominated) | Coauthor(s): Akira Yamashita , JICA Secretariat for IAIA16
Preferred Session: JICA’s leadership in impact assessment capacity development
Summary Statement: JICA Project on Capacity Enhancement of Environmental and Social Considerations for Resettlement in Cambodia introduce the project achievement and on-going tackling issues to improve implementation quality in the field.
Acceptance Status: approved
Case Study: Red Sea biodiversity baseline study
Abstract ID# 482
Presenting Author: Alessandro Casartelli | Coauthor(s): Marco Donato , Federico Breda
Preferred Session: Improving confidence in biodiversity baseline studies
Summary Statement: This study presents the rationale and outcomes of a phased biodiversity study in the Red Sea performed in order to develop a more reliable Environmental Impact Assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Challenges and Opportunities of ICTs in Reducing D
Abstract ID# 254
Presenting Author: MUZAMMEL HAQUE
Preferred Session: Planning for disaster debris
Summary Statement: While the study applied a set of participatory methods and tools to reach the research participants, the response rate was around 80% of the sample size. It has been found that there is an increased demand of ICT based disaster management system and ample opportunities exist for policy measures at national, regional and local levels. The study has implication for policy formulation and project design since it offers recommendation for effective use of ICT in reducing disaster risk.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 355
Presenting Author: Dario Sciunnach
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: Post-industrial sustainable redevelopment in Lombardy (Northern Italy) can be supported by a procedurally simplified, scientifically sound and accountable EIA. Local stress factors require specific consideration to prevent social confict.
Acceptance Status: approved
Changes and Achievement in the Policies and Practi
Abstract ID# 445
Presenting Author: Guoqing SHI | Coauthor(s): Jian Zhou
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: 1990, social dimensions in development project came to the views of administration officials and researchers. In the past 20 years, a big change happens in concept, policies, practices, studies. The paper reviewed these changes and achievements in Social analysis and social assessment and Michael Cernea’s contribution in knowledge transfer and capacity building.
Acceptance Status: approved
Changes needed for EA to be used in planning
Abstract ID# 298
Presenting Author: Charlotta Faith-Ell | Coauthor(s): Kristina Lundberg , Berit Balfors
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: This paper discusses proposals for changes of the EA and planning systems in order to increase the use of EA in planning.
Acceptance Status: approved
Changes of glacier resources in Karlik Mountain
Abstract ID# 259
Presenting Author: Yibing Qian
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: Based on the glacier changes and its effects on the environments, we put forward some regulations on the glacier resources development and the practical measures for its protection in this region.
Acceptance Status: approved
Changing Power Dynamics in a Flawed Food System
Abstract ID# 77
Presenting Author: Irit Tamir
Preferred Session: Poverty, inequality, and resilience
Summary Statement: Assessing climate risks and measuring incomes is the first step towards paying a living income to farmers, providing adaptation tools and building resilience in a flawed food system.
Acceptance Status: approved
Characterization of the EcIA in Strategic EIA
Abstract ID# 238
Presenting Author: Wei Li | Coauthor(s): Ruifeng Yan , Yayuan Dong , Yuanyuan Feng , Li Cao & Zhouxuan Liang
Preferred Session: Does impact assessment improve ecosystem resilience?
Summary Statement: It is generally anticipated that coal will remain as the main energy source in China. The coal mining areas experience the environmental problems represented by subsidence and ground water damage. Shanxi is the major coal production base for its abundant and various coal reserves, for which it has a long history of intensive coal exploitation. The study attempts to characterize the ecological Impact assessment (EcIA) in strategic environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the 11 coal mining areas in Shanxi province.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 350
Presenting Author: Huizhi WANG | Coauthor(s): He XU
Preferred Session: The role of EA in the “One Belt One Road†initiative (I)
Summary Statement: The work is a pilot of SEA for China's oversea development initiative.
Acceptance Status: approved
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Strategic Environ
Abstract ID# 175
Presenting Author: yuan zhu
Preferred Session: The role of EA in the “One Belt One Road†initiative (I)
Summary Statement: The work is a pilot of SEA for China's oversea development initiative.
Acceptance Status: approved
City Index for Sustainable Development
Abstract ID# 145
Presenting Author: MYUNGJIN KIM | Coauthor(s): Hyerngdu Yun , Intae Choi , Bongho Han
Preferred Session: Impact assessment for smart cities (I)
Summary Statement: Environmental Sustainable City Index (ESCI) is developed and applied in Korean cities and is discussing for improvement.
Acceptance Status: approved
Climate change adaptation in Tyrolean agriculture
Abstract ID# 89
Presenting Author: Heidelinde Grüneis
Preferred Session: Optimizing adaptation to increase resilience in a context of climate change
Summary Statement: Adaptation to climate change is a necessity for vulnerable mountain agriculture. Integrated actions, which are not only driven by climate change seem promising in addressing regional climate change impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Climate Change adaptation using the Mauri Model
Abstract ID# 115
Presenting Author: Kepa Morgan | Coauthor(s): Piet Ubels
Preferred Session: Optimizing adaptation to increase resilience in a context of climate change
Summary Statement: Adaptation to climate change in Nepal was impeded by the Gorkha earthquake. How did the Mauri Model evaluation of adaptation measures integrate the worst natural disaster in more than eighty years.
Acceptance Status: approved
Climate Change and IA for Development Cooperation
Abstract ID# 140
Presenting Author: Wendy Emerton
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: This paper will share the lessons learned from the incorporation of climate change into an IA for a community based climate change adaptation project in Timor Leste.
Acceptance Status: approved
Climate change impacts in conflict assessments
Abstract ID# 397
Presenting Author: Louise Simonsson | Coauthor(s): Per Wikström , Birgitta Liljedahl , Annica Waleij
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: How climate change impacts can be assessed in conflict situations to avoid unintended negative consequences for the area of interest and operation personnel, to develop sustainable security.
Acceptance Status: approved
Climate Resilience: Bringing the Community Back In
Abstract ID# 75
Presenting Author: Akihiro Nakamura | Coauthor(s): Kate Crowley
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: This paper will comparatively analyse disaster preparedness in Japan and Australia, and investigate the optimum policy framework for bringing the community back in.
Acceptance Status: approved
Collaboration effectiveness between IEMA & HKIEIA
Abstract ID# 370
Presenting Author: Henry Leung | Coauthor(s): Josh Fothergill
Preferred Session: Collaboration and capacity building: The key to resilient IA practice?
Summary Statement: Effectiveness of the collaboration and capacity building for the MOU entered between IEMA and HKIEIA is examined in terms of communication tools, capacity and skills development for the IA industry.
Acceptance Status: approved
Collaborative Moose Health Monitoring Program
Abstract ID# 491
Presenting Author: Doron 'Rocky' Lis | Coauthor(s): Janis Shandro
Preferred Session: Collaboration and capacity building: The key to resilient IA practice?
Summary Statement: A progressive approach to environmental assessment of mines includes monitoring traditional foods. An example of this approach is described with a collaborative moose health monitoring program.
Acceptance Status: approved
Communicating a new energy option and its impacts.
Abstract ID# 137
Presenting Author: Jóna Bjarnadóttir
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: A new form of online digital non-technical environmental statement for wind farm in Iceland will be introduced along with other means to inform and engage the public.
Acceptance Status: approved
Communities, Local Economies and Oil and Gas Devel
Abstract ID# 430
Presenting Author: Julia Haggerty
Preferred Session: Boom town effects from oil and gas development
Summary Statement: early findings from research on local perceptions of post-facto impacts of oil and gas development in the USA
Acceptance Status: approved
Community Adaptation to Oil Spills
Abstract ID# 65
Presenting Author: Peter Croal
Preferred Session: Oil pollution and gas leakages, social and natural resources resilience
Summary Statement: The presentation will look at the issues faced by communities that suffer an oil spill. In particular, a case study will be examined to demonstrate the current gaps in managing an oil spill crisis.
Acceptance Status: approved
Community HIA:Biomass Power Plant Case in Thailand
Abstract ID# 102
Presenting Author: wichitra chusakul | Coauthor(s): Piyasak Sukanthapong
Preferred Session: HIA as a creation of deliberative society for sustainable development
Summary Statement: Consequently, The Energy Regulatory Commission issued a Code of Practice for Very Small Power Producer. Involved organizations were enthusiastic to solve the problems. Entrepreneurs were aware of health of people
Acceptance Status: approved
Community influencing project design in Greenland
Abstract ID# 487
Presenting Author: Gabriela Factor | Coauthor(s): Rikke Carlsen
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: How the SIA process, meaningful stakeholder engagement and proactive proponents influenced the design of two mining projects in Greenland and revert a challenging start
Acceptance Status: approved
Community Management and Autonomy in West China
Abstract ID# 56
Presenting Author: Huang Xia
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Community Management and Autonomy after the Reform of the Village to Residence: A case study of a western relocated community
Acceptance Status: approved
Community Participation in CHIA, Thailand
Abstract ID# 395
Preferred Session: HIA as a creation of deliberative society for sustainable development
Summary Statement: The level of community participation is different due to the context in each area. However, it’s important to support each community to meaningfully participate and reach the empower level
Acceptance Status: approved
Community-led HIA effectiveness: Stakeholder views
Abstract ID# 263
Presenting Author: Chaunjit Chanchitpricha
Preferred Session: Health and wellbeing in infrastructure planning: How does IA fit?
Summary Statement: Different perspectives of stakeholders towards voluntary community-led HIA effectiveness were explored regarding procedural, substantive, transactive and normative aspect.
Acceptance Status: approved
Community-led Impact Assessment and Community Powe
Abstract ID# 380
Presenting Author: somporn pengkam
Preferred Session: Communities’ role in HRIAs of private sector investment projects
Summary Statement: community-led impact assessment can balance power in decision making, to protect and promote community right toward equity development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Community-led Impact Assessment in Myanmar
Abstract ID# 313
Presenting Author: Ratawit Ouaprachanon
Preferred Session: Contention, social movements, and the politics of impact assessment
Summary Statement: This paper presents process of Community-led Impact Assessment (CIA) in Myanmar as a social learning tool for communities to respond an influx of foreign investment and tensions amidst ASEAN integration.
Acceptance Status: approved
Comparing the efficacies of flood early warning sy
Abstract ID# 444
Presenting Author: AHMED SANDA
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: This paper discusses the efficacies of flood early warning systems across communities in relation to their adaptive capacity and according to their level of education.
Acceptance Status: approved
Comparison of EIA follow-up procedures between Tha
Abstract ID# 155
Presenting Author: Kultip Suwanteep | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Nishikizawa Shigeo
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: The study aimed to compare the procedures of EIA follow-up between Thailand and Japan about municipal building projects as a case study. Key aspects of the system in the project will be summarized.
Acceptance Status: approved
Compliance & enforcement implementation in Canada
Abstract ID# 229
Presenting Author: Steve Chapman | Coauthor(s): Ron Hallman
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: Implementing a compliance and enforcement program for Canada’s federal environmental assessment regime
Acceptance Status: approved
Compliance and enforcement of EIA and EMPs in Asia
Abstract ID# 185
Presenting Author: Peter King
Preferred Session: ASEAN EIA update and roundtable
Summary Statement: Outlining the value of AECEN in ensuring compliance and enforcement of EMPs and mitigation measures in EIAs in Asia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Conceptualise SEA in privatised strategic sectors
Abstract ID# 373
Presenting Author: Ana Rita Domingues | Coauthor(s): Alexandra Polido
Preferred Session: Corporate sustainability assessments
Summary Statement: SEA could be paramount to guarantee the prioritisation of sustainability objectives in private organisations responsible for relevant public services to assure the welfare of the general public.
Acceptance Status: approved
Conceptualizing Regional Cooperation on Energy in
Abstract ID# 342
Presenting Author: Mirza Sadaqat Huda
Preferred Session: Economic impact assessment and sustainable regional development
Summary Statement: The dire state of energy security in South Asian countries requires urgent regional cooperation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Conflict Drivers in Development Projects and Tools
Abstract ID# 108
Presenting Author: Osvaldo Gratacos | Coauthor(s): Gina Barbieri
Preferred Session: IFI's accountability mechanisms: Resilience and sustainability (II)
Summary Statement: CAO is the independent accountability mechanism for the private sector arm of the World Bank Group (International Finance Corporation). CAO has gathered a substantial store of data and insights since its inception, having received and processed over 150 cases. This material has been analysed to isolate the main issues of concern raised by communities impacted by large scale development projects which might have an impact on resilience and sustainability. Through its dispute resolution work, CAO has developed a number of tools to effect change and improve development outcomes. This session will focus on the following tools, utilizing case examples of their application: contextual assessment (Chad Oil Pipeline); capacity building (Uganda Forestry Project); joint impact assessments (Mongolia Mining Project); third party facilitators (Uganda Forestry Project; Albania Oil Project); joint development forums (Uganda Forestry Project).
Acceptance Status: approved
Cooperative Mechanism of Carbon Emission Reduction
Abstract ID# 282
Presenting Author: Li Junjun | Coauthor(s): Huang Maoxing
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: The Belt and Road; Carbon Emission Reduction; Cooperative Mechanism
Acceptance Status: approved
Coordinating Cross-Disciplinary Research on Energy
Abstract ID# 535
Presenting Author: Jeffrey Jacquet | Coauthor(s): Julia Haggerty
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: This paper describes challenges in coordinating energy-related SIA, and outlines a new project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation to support coordinating social science research on Energy
Acceptance Status: approved
COP 21 agreement - how we might all best respond?
Abstract ID# 171
Presenting Author: Rasmus Lauridsen
Preferred Session: The link between resiliency and climate smart(er) impact assessment
Summary Statement: The new international agreement on climate change on keeping global warming below 2°C, the challenges and the financing of the transition towards low-carbon, resilient economies before and after 2020
Acceptance Status: approved
Corporate Sustainability Assessments in Thailand:
Abstract ID# 323
Presenting Author: Cheree Topple | Coauthor(s): Jerome Donovan , Eryadi Masli
Preferred Session: Corporate sustainability assessments
Summary Statement: This presentation explores how the private sector undertakes corporate sustainability assessments. Using 16 multilevel case studies from Thailand within the manufacturing sector, a framework for addressing sustainability assessments is presented.
Acceptance Status: approved
Creating successful Projects with Communities
Abstract ID# 537
Presenting Author: Sarah Palmer | Coauthor(s): Mary Lou Lauria , Robert Bracken
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: Integration of environment and society into the siting, design, procurement, construction, and operation of a facility creates successful and resilient projects for communities and companies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Creative conservation; planning tools for (S)EIA
Abstract ID# 172
Presenting Author: Mojca Golobic | Coauthor(s): Alenka Cof , Janez Marusic
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: The presented examples will show the potentials of the landscape planning and design concepts and tools for the optimization of the development proposals sites, design and technology.
Acceptance Status: approved
Crisis preparedness : how to prevent the stamped
Abstract ID# 120
Presenting Author: Youhong dong | Coauthor(s): zhi rong
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: The comparison between the celebrating for New year in NY and in SH 4.1Idiea 4.2 system 4.3 culture 4.5 team 4.6 technology 4.7 Resourec
Acceptance Status: approved
CSBI: Resilience in managing biodiversity impacts
Abstract ID# 51
Presenting Author: Mark Johnston
Preferred Session: Business-led approaches for promoting biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: Biodiversity in Impact Assessment – Learn about efforts by the Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI) to provide leadership in developing and sharing good practices related to managing biodiversity across the oil & gas, mining and financial industries. These efforts support the “Best Practice Principles for Biodiversity in Impact Assessmentâ€.
Acceptance Status: approved
Cultural heritage in European environmental policy
Abstract ID# 561
Presenting Author: Ana Pereira Roders | Coauthor(s): Loes Veldpaus , Maaike Goedkoop , Katri Lisitzin Lisitzin , Michael Kloos & Carola Neugebauer
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: The present paper reviews the environmental assessment framework today, and discusses the evolution on the role of cultural heritage in decision-making regarding urban development processes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Cultural Impact Assessments that Build Resilience
Abstract ID# 486
Presenting Author: Thomas Dyck | Coauthor(s): Daniel Stuckless
Preferred Session: Indigenous cultural landscapes and impact assessment (II)
Summary Statement: The sustainability of Indigenous communities across Canada and globally is at risk if cultural impacts from industrial development are assessed without considering the needs of communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Cumulative effects, Caribou and NEB regulation
Abstract ID# 231
Presenting Author: Zoe Pfeiffer | Coauthor(s): Marcus Eyre , Sandra Kerkhof , Stephanie Titman
Preferred Session: Habitat and ecosystem restoration as an impact mitigation option
Summary Statement: This presentation will discuss the experience of Canada’s National Energy Board with caribou habitat restoration and offset condition requirements on linear oil and gas projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Current condition of widely evacuated people
Abstract ID# 207
Presenting Author: Wakana Takahashi
Preferred Session: Nuclear disasters: Preparedness, emergency response, and rehabilitation
Summary Statement: Through an analysis on questionnaire survey for evacuees, this paper aims to find their actual conditions, and many of them are not covered by compensation and reconstruction measures.
Acceptance Status: approved
Debris and Damage Assessment after Tropical Storm
Abstract ID# 549
Presenting Author: Eric Yamashita | Coauthor(s): Karl Kim
Preferred Session: Planning for disaster debris
Summary Statement: This study examine the case of Tropical Storm Iselle and the debris damage caused by the toppling of albizia trees cutting off transportation and damaging homes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Decade of ADB Accountability Policy Implementation
Abstract ID# 135
Presenting Author: Jitendra (Jitu) Shah
Preferred Session: IFI's accountability mechanisms: Resilience and sustainability (II)
Summary Statement: This presentation will summarize the ADB Accountability Mechanism’s 10 years of experience with the processes, cases received, outcomes of compliance review and problem solving, and highlight lessons
Acceptance Status: approved
Designing development decisions to achieve the 203
Abstract ID# 217
Presenting Author: nicholas king
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: How might new rapidly emerging technological, environmental and social trends enable better design and approaches to IA to ensure contribution of development decisions to meeting the SDGs?
Acceptance Status: approved
Determining flood inundation in data sparse region
Abstract ID# 227
Presenting Author: Nimi Dan-Jumbo
Preferred Session: How SEA and EIA contribute to more resilient plans, programs, and projects
Summary Statement: SEA approach is a more realistic means of dealing with flood inundation problems, however this is often deemed impossible in data sparse regions due to data issues. Alternative means were applied here
Acceptance Status: approved
Developing a model for a multi-stakeholder HRIA
Abstract ID# 478
Presenting Author: Tulika Bansal | Coauthor(s): Sam Szoke-Burke , Manon Aubry
Preferred Session: Business and human rights: Where to now?
Summary Statement: This presentation suggests a multi-stakeholder approach to human rights impact assessment in order to overcome some of the challenges posed by company-led HRIAs and community-driven HRIAs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Developing infrastructure projects in Pakistan
Abstract ID# 507
Presenting Author: Roman Novozhilov
Preferred Session: Contention, social movements, and the politics of impact assessment
Summary Statement: The study presents recommendations for better integrating community, social and political issues unique to Pakistan into IAs for a large number of upcoming infrastructure projects in the country
Acceptance Status: approved
Dialogue regarding new power plants in Iceland
Abstract ID# 178
Presenting Author: Jóna Bjarnadóttir
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: When developing new power plants their location as well as the route for power lines is often an issue of public debate.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 98
Presenting Author: Edgar Buhanga | Coauthor(s): Justine Namara
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: Mount Elgon National Park is an important ecosystem for the surrounding communities. Its degradation puts at stake the lives of over 1 million people around it. Its not an option but has to be saved.
Acceptance Status: approved
Disaster Resilience and Stakeholders Collaboration
Abstract ID# 150
Presenting Author: Jayashree Parida | Coauthor(s): Niharranjan Mishra
Preferred Session: Collaboration and capacity building: The key to resilient IA practice?
Summary Statement: Building Community Disaster Resilience through Multi-Sectoral Collaboration at Local Level
Acceptance Status: approved
Disasters Management after 2030:Confidential Resea
Abstract ID# 48
Presenting Author: Taiser Aborashed
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: Am a M.D of Syria.Palestinian knows En,Fr,Bulgarian,Arabic. I have been researching the function that indicates the possibility to having informations of events before occuring such as disaster AIDS.
Acceptance Status: approved
Discursive Framing and the Melancthon Story
Abstract ID# 63
Presenting Author: John Devlin | Coauthor(s): Rebecca McEvoy
Preferred Session: Contention, social movements, and the politics of impact assessment
Summary Statement: Learn about the discursive framing that took place around a controversial quarry proposal in Melancthon Township, Ontario, and how it contributed to the success of the grassroots opposition movement.
Acceptance Status: approved
Do SIAs address Business and Human Rights Needs?
Abstract ID# 469
Presenting Author: Irit Tamir
Preferred Session: Business and human rights: Where to now?
Summary Statement: HRIAs provide a framework for what is required under the UN Guiding Principles and should be included in the planning process of any large scale investment project or supply chain.
Acceptance Status: approved
Does IA result in climate smarter projects?
Abstract ID# 386
Presenting Author: Arend Kolhoff
Preferred Session: The link between resiliency and climate smart(er) impact assessment
Summary Statement: Does the use of climate change considerations in Impact Assessment result climate smarter projects or plans? The findings of a worldwide inventory will be presented to answer this question.
Acceptance Status: approved
Donor-driven IA: from under-design to overkill?
Abstract ID# 448
Presenting Author: Jean-Roger Mercier | Coauthor(s): David Yondo
Preferred Session: ODA and the role of IA for sustainability
Summary Statement: A large infrastructure project overdoes impact assessment and management: the Kandadji dam in Niger poses a dilemma with an environmental and social component costing more than the dam itself.
Acceptance Status: approved
Drinking water quality in Public Sector Schools
Abstract ID# 560
Presenting Author: Abida Ayub | Coauthor(s): Yasir Gul Khan
Preferred Session: Developments and trends in HIA and health in EA in Asia and Pacific regions
Summary Statement: Using EIA as a tool to assess health and environmental impacts of the current drinking water distribution system in public sector schools in Lahore.
Acceptance Status: approved
DRM criteria in school design in Sindh, Pakistan
Abstract ID# 473
Presenting Author: Ana Luisa Gomes Lima | Coauthor(s): Ernesto Sanchez-Triana , Javaid Afzal
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: The paper describes the analytical work for introducing disaster risk management and environmental health criteria in school infrastructure development in Sindh, Pakistan.
Acceptance Status: approved
EA Index, a tool for guiding development projects
Abstract ID# 234
Presenting Author: Ji Young Kim | Coauthor(s): Heonseok Yoo
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: KEI EA Index was designed to measure governance of EIA review system in Korea. The index may be used as an indicator of being more environment friendly.
Acceptance Status: approved
EA institutional for countries in Silk Road
Abstract ID# 295
Presenting Author: Wei Ren | Coauthor(s): Jian Song
Preferred Session: The role of EA in the “One Belt One Road†initiative (I)
Summary Statement: This paper explores impact assessment legislation and institutional backgrounds on infrastructure investment for six countries in the Silk Road economic belt.
Acceptance Status: approved
EA: A Sustainability Steering Wheel
Abstract ID# 568
Presenting Author: Matilda Azong | Coauthor(s): Sindiso Charlotte Chamane , Dikeme Kgaodi , Otsile Niel Dikgang
Preferred Session: Best practice in adopting a strategic approach to sustainable development
Summary Statement: This poster presents some of the experiences of CLEAA’s Professional Development Fellowship Program participants, advancing the use of environmental assessment best practices in Sub- Saharan Africa.
Acceptance Status: pending
EBRD experience with CSBI tools and guidance
Abstract ID# 388
Presenting Author: Peter Moore
Preferred Session: Business-led approaches for promoting biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: EBRD shares experience using CSBI tools and guidance to promote "biodiversity-inclusive" impact assessments
Acceptance Status: approved
Eco-design: a new approach for IA
Abstract ID# 104
Presenting Author: Virginie DEFROMONT | Coauthor(s): Nicolas JACOTOT , François PICH , Dorothée LABARRAQUE
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: The eco-design approach, applied to linear infrastructure projects conforms to the impact assessment approach by enabling the avoidance and reduction of mitigation measures at all stages of a project
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecological Impact Assessment; the conformance of g
Abstract ID# 67
Presenting Author: Kanokporn Swangjang
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: To better incorporate ecological-based objectives in environmental impact assessments; connections between eco-content and different stages of an EIA are strongly recommended, particularly the importance of relationships between guidelines and EISs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecological Restoration of Coastal Zone in Xiamen
Abstract ID# 241
Preferred Session: Habitat and ecosystem restoration as an impact mitigation option
Summary Statement: Natural coastal zone has been degraded for reasons inevitably,series of methods have been used to restore the fragile ecosystem,Fortunately,some of them have achieved good results.
Acceptance Status: approved
Economic Impact Assessment and Benefits Sharing.
Abstract ID# 321
Presenting Author: Galina Williams
Preferred Session: The role of international cooperation in promoting project benefit-sharing.
Summary Statement: This paper explores the strategies that host countries can implement to enhance the benefit sharing using the tools of economic impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecosystem Mitigation Funds:highway construction
Abstract ID# 505
Presenting Author: Sangdon Lee
Preferred Session: Quantifying biodiversity impacts and resilience potential
Summary Statement: Highway construction leads problems in habitat degradation and fragmentation. This study will seek mitigation to minimize construction by measuring funds of ecosystem mitigation in Korea
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecosystem Resilience Assessment: Policy Challenges
Abstract ID# 83
Presenting Author: Muralee Thummarukudy | Coauthor(s): Conor Skehan
Preferred Session: Oil pollution and gas leakages, social and natural resources resilience
Summary Statement: How can one assess the capacity of ecosystems within the context of oil industry to ensure that industrial accidents do not lead to irreversibile loss of the ecosystem services for the local community
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecosystem services and the development of pioneeri
Abstract ID# 559
Presenting Author: Bruce Dunn | Coauthor(s): Mark Kunzer
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Quantification of ecosystem services leads to improved planning and management of Asia’s large scale ecosystems. Pioneering programs utilizing ecosystems services data have resulted in improved management of large scale ecosystems.
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecosystem services in land-use planning in Namibia
Abstract ID# 90
Presenting Author: Ulrich Scheffler | Coauthor(s): Claus-Peter Hager
Preferred Session: Ecosystem services: Why so little used in planning?
Summary Statement: We will share experiences and preliminary results of an ecosystem services analyses integrated into an SEA in Namibia. We will discuss impacts, limitations and difficulties encountered.
Acceptance Status: approved
effect of adaptive planning the urban resiliency
Abstract ID# 100
Presenting Author: hooshang hendi | Coauthor(s): hooshang hendi , naser eghbali , rahim sarvar , akram norozi
Preferred Session: Urban resettlement and land readjustment.
Summary Statement: The effect of adaptive planning the urban resiliency (case study : region 14 of the Tehran metropolis) Key words: Adaptive planning, urban resiliency , Sustainable Development
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 249
Presenting Author: Kohei Sakai | Coauthor(s): Mingji Cui , Yusuke Toyoda , Hidehiko Kanegae
Preferred Session: Cultural heritage: Disaster planning, mitigation and response
Summary Statement: This study reveals how providing disaster preparedness information at tourist areas affects tourists’ image of tourist areas. It does not have negative effects on their image of tourist areas.
Acceptance Status: approved
Effect of Energy saving campaign in Fukushima
Abstract ID# 279
Presenting Author: Hiroto Shiraki | Coauthor(s): Hiroki Tanaka , Shogo Nakamura
Preferred Session: Environmental creation from disaster
Summary Statement: Effect of Energy saving campaign for 50 household in Fukushima prefecture was estimated. The analysis using fixed-effect model shows that the campaigns have some negative effect to the electricity con
Acceptance Status: approved
Effective SA in development cooperation?
Abstract ID# 103
Presenting Author: Jean Huge | Coauthor(s): Nibedita Mukherjee , Camille Fertel , Jean-Philippe Waaub
Preferred Session: ODA and the role of IA for sustainability
Summary Statement: Does sustainability assessment work in development cooperation? We aim at conceptualizing effectiveness based on a participatory approach, linking it to its expected functions in decision-making.
Acceptance Status: approved
Effectiveness of Mitigation Measure on Power Plant
Abstract ID# 400
Presenting Author: Zhenzhong Yang | Coauthor(s): Yuan Xu
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: This paper develops a top-down approach to track and evaluate the effectiveness of SO2 and NOx mitigation measures on large coal-fired power plants in China from 2006-2013.
Acceptance Status: approved
Effects of land-use change on biodiversity
Abstract ID# 502
Presenting Author: Knut Anders Hovstad | Coauthor(s): Sølvi Wehn , Line Johansen
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: The effects of abandonment of agricultural land on biodiversity and ecosystem services are examined and information on historical land-use are used to understand present distribution of plant species.
Acceptance Status: approved
Effects of seabed mining: New Zealand experience
Abstract ID# 432
Presenting Author: Malcolm R. Clark | Coauthor(s): Ashley A. Rowden , Geoffroy Lamarche , Alison MacDiarmid
Preferred Session: EIA and monitoring protocols for seabed minings in deep-sea environments
Summary Statement: Recent work on deep-sea mining issues in New Zealand is described, including ecological risk assessments, and guidelines for environmental impact assessments. Two case studies highlight key scientific requirements.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA and wetland biodiversity in Hong Kong
Abstract ID# 315
Presenting Author: Michael Leven
Preferred Session: Sustainability: Solid ground or a slippery piece?
Summary Statement: Biodiversity conservation is required under Hong Kong's EIA process, but success is variable. Factors favouring success are reviewed and identified.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA – a resilient process?
Abstract ID# 303
Presenting Author: Jack Krohn
Preferred Session: Contention, social movements, and the politics of impact assessment
Summary Statement: EIA as a process is criticised by various interest groups – what can make it resilient and sustain its credibility as a practical, relevant tool for modern-day decision-makers?
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA Challenges to Coral Reef Resiliency
Abstract ID# 484
Presenting Author: Aaron Goldschmidt
Preferred Session: Does impact assessment improve ecosystem resilience?
Summary Statement: As marine biologists approach coral reef resilience in the face of global coral bleaching, EIA experts must address how preservation measures are evaluated in the context of established regulations.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA in MPA of México; Accomplishments and Lessons
Abstract ID# 334
Presenting Author: Sergio Alejandro Pérez-Valencia | Coauthor(s): Peggy Turk-Boyer , Paloma Alejandra Vadivia-Jiménez , Elia Inés Polanco-Mizquez , Alejandro RodrÃguez-Uceda
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: In 2009 an EIA it was first applied to small-scale fisheries inside a MPA of Mexico. We outline accomplishments of four operative programs and lessons learned.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA in relation to ocean resource development in J
Abstract ID# 179
Presenting Author: Tomohiko Fukushima
Preferred Session: EIA and monitoring protocols for seabed minings in deep-sea environments
Summary Statement: A history of Japanese environmental assessment study in relation to deep-sea mineral resources development are overviewed. And then new project, which is initiated 2014, is introduced
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 70
Presenting Author: Takuya Sugimoto
Preferred Session: How to respond to public concerns on resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: This presentation would be clarified an actual situation of reference of environmental information based on EIA in the ex-ante evaluation in Japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA participation in Southeast Asia is democratica
Abstract ID# 173
Presenting Author: Naoyuki SAKUMOTO
Preferred Session: International comparison of public participation indicators
Summary Statement: EIA participation is highly recommended to accelerate democratization process. Whether environmental democracy indexation about Asia can reflect the “real†situation is questioned. Discussions are made to fill the perception gaps.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA performance analysis in the case of Korea
Abstract ID# 160
Presenting Author: Taehyoung KIM | Coauthor(s): Eugene Kang
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: KEI analyzed numerous information related to EIA and elicited the Environmental Indicators of each area reflecting each projects, and estimated the economical value on the EIA performance analysis.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA Reporting for Energy and Mining Projects
Abstract ID# 421
Presenting Author: Randall Krichbaum
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: This presentation discusses current EIA reporting methods in the energy and mining sectors, and looks at some new techniques being used to present this information in more accessible formats.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA Technical Guidance on Radioactive Materials
Abstract ID# 208
Presenting Author: HIROFUMI AIZAWA | Coauthor(s): Keiko Omori , Yoshiaki Aida , Tomoko Mizuochi , Keizo Fukushima & Tatsuya Abe
Preferred Session: Nuclear disasters: Preparedness, emergency response, and rehabilitation
Summary Statement: This presentation provides an outline of the Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Guidance on Radioactive Materials by Japanese Government and how Japanese policy addresses radioactive materials.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA’s and the Sami people’s cultural heritage
Abstract ID# 62
Presenting Author: Ezequiel Pinto-Guillaume
Preferred Session: Indigenous cultural landscapes and impact assessment (II)
Summary Statement: The Sami people’s cultural heritage is seldom taken into consideration in environmental impact assessments in the Sápmi region. What has happened since the first environmental impact assessments were made?
Acceptance Status: approved
Empower Residents Leading EIA under aging society
Abstract ID# 425
Presenting Author: Yoichi Kuwabara
Preferred Session: How to respond to public concerns on resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: Japan has been shifting to aging society. It is critical to empower self-governance of EIA by concerns of seniors heard tailoring standards securing quality of life at each community.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enhanced Baseline and Monitoring Approaches
Abstract ID# 562
Presenting Author: Marielle Canter Weikel | Coauthor(s): Leonardo Viana
Preferred Session: Tools and approaches for integrating biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: CI’s Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) handbook and Tropical Ecology Assessment & Monitoring (TEAM) protocols support more robust and replicable biodiversity baselines and long-term project monitoring.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enhancing accountability through community engagem
Abstract ID# 109
Presenting Author: Victoria Marquez-Mees | Coauthor(s): Eva Heiss
Preferred Session: IFI's accountability mechanisms: Resilience and sustainability (II)
Summary Statement: The intervention of the Independent Accountability Mechanism facilitating a dialogue process helped the effective implementation of ensure that IADB’s safeguards and led to increased community engagement in the project.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enhancing Fishermen Commitment in a Mexican MPA
Abstract ID# 475
Presenting Author: Paloma Alejandra Valdivia-Jiménez | Coauthor(s): Sergio Alejandro Pérez-Valencia , Peggy Turk-Boyer , Elia Inés Polanco-MÃzquez , Leonor López-Herrera & EfraÃn Wong López-Cuéllar
Preferred Session: Fisheries resilience and sustainable aquaculture
Summary Statement: A comprehensive education and social participation programs were implemented to give fishermen the tools and create enabling conditions for willing engagement in an impact assessment in a Mexican MPA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enhancing IA’s influence on design
Abstract ID# 246
Presenting Author: Claire Gronow
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: A quantitative literature review and Australian-based qualitative research on the effects of IA on proposal design assists in understanding opportunities and constraints of IA as a design tool.
Acceptance Status: approved
enhancing resilience of urban transport network
Abstract ID# 151
Presenting Author: Junwei Wang | Coauthor(s): Yaoming Zhou , Mingying Song
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: This paper presents work on emergency resource allocation problem, particularly on determining the optimal sequence of contraflow in evacuation after disaster, considering demand generated on links.
Acceptance Status: approved
Ensuring Impact Assessment Requirements in the Leg
Abstract ID# 521
Presenting Author: Hitoshi Ushijima
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: This paper argues how we ensure regulatory, environmental, and social impact assessment requirements in the legal process, if these requirements would not be fully complied and/or enforced by relevant parties.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environment Competitiveness of Countries along B&R
Abstract ID# 283
Presenting Author: Huang Maoxing | Coauthor(s): Li Junjun
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: The Belt and Road; Environmental Competitiveness; Assessment
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Burden of Tanneries in Bangladesh
Abstract ID# 449
Presenting Author: Tanvir Ahmed | Coauthor(s): Zia Uddin Md. Chowdhury
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: The Environmental hotspots in leather production were identified; the ecological and human health burden of these processes were evaluated using LCA method adopting a ‘cradle to gate’ approach.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Design Criteria for Project Design
Abstract ID# 218
Presenting Author: Simon Catchpole
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: The environmental criteria for project design are specifications based on an aspects analysis, followed by the application of defensible rules according to: environmental regulations, international guidelines, accepted local practice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Management Zonation For Coal Minning
Abstract ID# 159
Presenting Author: Geng Hai-qing
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: This paper made a zonation for the environmental management of coal minning industry in China.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Protection Authority Hall of Honour
Abstract ID# 544
Presenting Author: Meissa Lamb | Coauthor(s): Donna Weston
Preferred Session: Picture this: Images of resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: A statement of resilience – 45 years of experience and knowledge in environmental impact assessment in Western Australia presented on one single wall.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Risk Assessment, Lessons for IA
Abstract ID# 493
Presenting Author: Jean-Roger Mercier | Coauthor(s): Agnès Baule , Sophie Privat , Benedict Cave
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: nvironmental Risk Assessment, A process lead by the European Food Safety Authority - Lessons learned from two training workshops that can apply to Impact Assessment
Acceptance Status: approved
Equivalency of forest culture ecosystem services i
Abstract ID# 95
Presenting Author: Kiichiro Hayashi | Coauthor(s): makoto Ooba
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Forest related cultural ecosystem service was studied as a case study in Nagoya, Japan. Combination of field survey and a questionnaire survey were conducted.
Acceptance Status: approved
ERHI assessment of CSG in Queensland, Australia
Abstract ID# 49
Presenting Author: Angela Werner | Coauthor(s): Kerrianne Watt , Sue Vink , Paul Jagals
Preferred Session: Health and wellbeing in infrastructure planning: How does IA fit?
Summary Statement: This paper presents an environmentally-related health impact (ERHI) assessment of coal seam gas (CSG) development in Queensland, Australia, presenting subjective and objective health outcomes data.
Acceptance Status: approved
ES inclusion in EIA through a proxy development
Abstract ID# 80
Presenting Author: Paola Gómez-Priego | Coauthor(s): Abril Cid , Emilio RodrÃguez-Izquierdo , Luis Bojórquez-Tapia
Preferred Session: Ecosystem services: Why so little used in planning?
Summary Statement: We present an approach to ascertain direct, indirect, synergistic and cumulative effects of a coastal tourism megaproject upon ES provision in a context of limited data, knowledge and expertise.
Acceptance Status: approved
ESIA and IBAs: Parallel or Complementary Processes
Abstract ID# 547
Presenting Author: Tania D. Monaghan | Coauthor(s): Aurora M. Hernandez , Kelly LeBlanc
Preferred Session: The resilience of Indigenous People
Summary Statement: Exploring the dynamic between the ESIA and IBA processes by demonstrating the benefits and limitations of each process as assessed through the lens of an environmental Cree communication strategy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Estimating impacts on land cover& flood parameters
Abstract ID# 188
Presenting Author: Nimi Dan-Jumbo
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: in data sparse regions, cumulative impacts of development on land use and flooding can be performed by integrating remote sensing & alternative hydrologic techniques to gain insight future impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
European activities and challenges after Chernobyl
Abstract ID# 247
Presenting Author: Gilles Hériard-Dubreuil
Preferred Session: Nuclear disasters: Preparedness, emergency response, and rehabilitation
Summary Statement: This paper discusses activities after Chernobyl accident with the government, UNDP, European member states and NGOs, as well as current European projects towards preparedness for nuclear accidents.
Acceptance Status: approved
European Landscape Convention – useful or not?
Abstract ID# 429
Presenting Author: Einar Berg
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: The European Landscape Convention is aspiring and bold in its objectives, but is it too vague? This paper discusses what has been achieved from it through 15 years in function.
Acceptance Status: approved
Evaluating the Capacity of Community Readiness Pri
Abstract ID# 266
Presenting Author: YUTTANA HOMKET | Coauthor(s): Sawpheeyah Nima
Preferred Session: Systems approaches to impact assessment for resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: The community readiness was insufficient to conduct a community health impact assessment for the biomass power plant construction in Southern Thailand. Thus, it needs to prepare well before an implementation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Evaluation for regional-scale ecosystem services
Abstract ID# 308
Presenting Author: Makoto Ooba | Coauthor(s): Kiichiro Hayashi , Hideyuki Ito
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: The importance of continuity of ecosystems, especially in urban areas and the methodology is useful for evaluating ES in the context of ecosystem offset.
Acceptance Status: approved
Evaluation of the EIA System in Bangladesh
Abstract ID# 442
Presenting Author: Tanvir Ahmed | Coauthor(s): Shakil Ahmed Ferdausi
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: EIA in Bangladesh is used presently as a tool for project justification rather than as a project planning tool. The limitations of the current EIA system and possible ways to overcome it is discussed
Acceptance Status: approved
Evaluation of water quality status of Ciliwung Riv
Abstract ID# 347
Presenting Author: Hefni Effendi
Preferred Session: Fisheries resilience and sustainable aquaculture
Summary Statement: In general, river water quality of Ciliwung improved from 2012 to 2014. Highest pollution index existed at MT Haryono Jakarta downstream of Ciliwung, whilst the lowest pollution index occurred at Katulampa upstream of Ciliwung. At year 2012, Ciliwung river water quality status for class 1 (as raw domestic water source) was highly polluted. Meanwhile, at 2014 the status underwent improvement to be fairly polluted. If the purpose of Ciliwung river water quality referred to class 3 (fisheries and animal husbandry purpose), so at 2012 river water quality status was fairly polluted. However at 2014, improvement was revealed by the change of river water quality to be lightly polluted.
Acceptance Status: approved
Examining biodiversity assessment methods in Japan
Abstract ID# 552
Presenting Author: Rina Hamasaki
Preferred Session: Biodiversity offsets: The Asian experience
Summary Statement: In this study, we collected examples of biodiversity assessment methods that have been used in Japan. We then clarify the trends and problems of biodiversity assessment methods.
Acceptance Status: approved
Examining the Process for Satoyama Banking
Abstract ID# 554
Presenting Author: Ayaka Matsumiya
Preferred Session: Biodiversity offsets: The Asian experience
Summary Statement: We survey the current state of biodiversity banks in the U.S. and we consider the process of establishment for introducing satoyama banking as a biodiversity bank in Japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Examples like biodiversity offsets in Japan
Abstract ID# 197
Presenting Author: Yoshiaki Aida | Coauthor(s): Tomoko Mizuochi , Keiko Omori , Hirofumi Aizawa , Keizo Fukushima
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: The aim of this presentation is to introduce how offset areas are being managed in communities, using examples of mitigation measures of negative impact to biodiversity in Japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Experiences from the 2011 MV Rena disaster, NZ
Abstract ID# 139
Presenting Author: Tumanako Fa`aui | Coauthor(s): Kepa Morgan , Daniel Hikuroa
Preferred Session: Country experiences with oil spills and the resilience of ecosystems
Summary Statement: This paper presents an assessment of the pre-grounding and post-grounding states of the affected environment due to the 2011 MV Rena disaster, and the impact upon the systems resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Extending building lives: an original approach.
Abstract ID# 93
Presenting Author: Noemi Basso | Coauthor(s): Norihide Imagawa
Preferred Session: Cultural heritage: Disaster planning, mitigation and response
Summary Statement: Synergic approach to Life cycle management and Risk mitigation of buildings in natural hazard-prone countries.
Acceptance Status: approved
Extensive integration of SEA in spatial planning
Abstract ID# 481
Presenting Author: Dick van Straaten | Coauthor(s): Katrien Debeuckelaere
Preferred Session: How SEA and EIA contribute to more resilient plans, programs, and projects
Summary Statement: Flanders has adapted its SEA and spatial planning regulation to an extensive integration of the SEA and planning process to obtain better environmentally substantiated spatial plans
Acceptance Status: approved
Facing up to sustainability in Lisbon and Tokyo
Abstract ID# 524
Presenting Author: Yoichi Kumagai | Coauthor(s): Maria Partidario , Robert B. Gibson
Preferred Session: Impact assessment for smart cities (I)
Summary Statement: This paper compares how Lisbon and Tokyo have faced up to sustainability-related issues to inform future planning in the two cities, with lessons for other cities facing similar challenges.
Acceptance Status: approved
Flood prevention as resilience measures
Abstract ID# 132
Presenting Author: Shirley LEE | Coauthor(s): NA , NA , NA , NA & NA
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: Carefully planned and designed flood prevention projects that optimize benefits and mitigate impacts are effective resilience measures to combat climate change associated heavy rainfall phenomena.
Acceptance Status: approved
Fostering Integration of EA with Planning & Policy
Abstract ID# 243
Presenting Author: Ayodele Olagunju | Coauthor(s): Jill Gunn
Preferred Session: Contribution of SEA and EIA to Resilient PPP
Summary Statement: An investigation of how integration of EA with planning & policy-making is fostered in a transboundary context and how such initiatives can translate into meaningful environmental and social outcomes.
Acceptance Status: approved
From compliance to problem solving: the EIB model
Abstract ID# 105
Presenting Author: Felismino Alcarpe
Preferred Session: IFI's accountability mechanisms: Resilience and sustainability (II)
Summary Statement: This session will illustrate the EIB’s model of citizen’s driven accountability, using specific examples of compliance reviews and other problem solving techniques, and focusing on lessons learnt.
Acceptance Status: approved
From Resettlement Towards Integrated Development
Abstract ID# 304
Presenting Author: Manon Circe
Preferred Session: Performance and innovation in resettlement and livelihoods restoration
Summary Statement: In Mali, 800 displaced families became the prime beneficiaries of an irrigation project. The integrated approach adopted for resettlement led to improving their livelihood beyond expectations
Acceptance Status: approved
Future energy glory for Africa: The Grand Inga Dam
Abstract ID# 565
Presenting Author: Aimee Bella-Corbin | Coauthor(s): Mbianyor Bakia , Amadou Konare
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: This paper illuminates these potentials and opportunities for Africa, using the Grand Inga as a showcase for future renewable energy opportunities in Africa. With a capacity of 40,000 megawatts and an estimated cost of $80 billion, the proposed Grand Inga Dam in the Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the largest hydropower projects in Africa.
Acceptance Status: approved
Gaining Credit Point in GB: Solidwaste Reduction
Abstract ID# 418
Presenting Author: Mesi Shinta Dewi | Coauthor(s): Djoko. M Hartono , Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik , Iwan Kustiwan
Preferred Session: Economic impact assessment and sustainable regional development
Summary Statement: GB concept could be succeed to reduce carbonfootprint, but it’s depend on awareness of the occupant. There is lack of awareness about reducing solidwaste and it's related to level income of occupant
Acceptance Status: approved
Global Search for both efficiency and effectivenes
Abstract ID# 289
Presenting Author: Cheryl Wasserman
Preferred Session: Resilient e-governance systems for smart communities
Summary Statement: The paper describes recent country successes to make EIA and related planning, permitting and enforcement more efficient and effective through linked and flexible information technology platforms potentially for use internationally.
Acceptance Status: approved
Good Practices for the Collection of Biodiversity
Abstract ID# 176
Presenting Author: Peter Moore
Preferred Session: Tools and approaches for integrating biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: The presentation will provide an overview of the key principles addressed in the MFI biodiversity good practice document: Good Practices for the Collection of Biodiversity Baseline Data,
Acceptance Status: approved
Governance on disposal of radioactive materials
Abstract ID# 206
Presenting Author: Yayoi Isono
Preferred Session: Nuclear disasters: Preparedness, emergency response, and rehabilitation
Summary Statement: Land of the East Japan was contaminated with radioactive substances by the accident. This paper will discuss current situation and issues on governance for radioactive waste disposal.
Acceptance Status: approved
Guidelines for Landscape Impact Assessment. A tool
Abstract ID# 153
Presenting Author: Kay Bergamini | Coauthor(s): Osvaldo Moreno
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: This work presents the "Guidelines for Landscape Impact Assessment in the SEIA" developed in Chile, which is now mandatory to guide the landscape impact assessment procedure.
Acceptance Status: approved
Health Impact Assessment integration in oil & gas
Abstract ID# 461
Presenting Author: filippo uberti | Coauthor(s): erasmo macera , simone mortara , Yina Xiao , Nunzia Linzalone & francesca viliani
Preferred Session: Health and wellbeing in infrastructure planning: How does IA fit?
Summary Statement: The paper illustrate how to incorporate the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) process into the complex oil & gas industrial project designing phase, integrating with other Sectors, and favor the implementation of a more comprehensive HIA assessments under the specific request of certain country.
Acceptance Status: approved
Health Impact Assessment: a new guidance for the o
Abstract ID# 441
Presenting Author: filippo uberti | Coauthor(s): erasmo macera , francesca viliani , Gary Krieger
Preferred Session: HIA as a creation of deliberative society for sustainable development
Summary Statement: An IOGP/IPIECA task force updated the guidance document on Health Impact Assessment (HIA). The guidance presents a unified understanding of concerns, principles and practices of HIA for the oil and gas industry
Acceptance Status: approved
Heritage Impact Assessment for living UNECSO Sites
Abstract ID# 503
Presenting Author: Carola Neugebauer | Coauthor(s): Katri Lisitzin , Michael Kloos , Ana Pereira Roders , Peter Strasser
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: Referring to evaluation theory, the paper analyses and compares systematically the local contexts, practices and effectiveness of Heritage Impact Assessments in European UNESCO sites, and concludes fu
Acceptance Status: approved
HIA as a tool for decision-making process for lice
Abstract ID# 340
Presenting Author: Uraiwan Inmuong
Preferred Session: Health and wellbeing in infrastructure planning: How does IA fit?
Summary Statement: The Thai Public Health Act 1992 decentralized local governments to issue annual public health license to health regulated activities. HIA is tested if incorporated to be as a permission tool.
Acceptance Status: approved
HIA Capacity Building Needs Assessment in SE Asia
Abstract ID# 443
Presenting Author: Yanyong Inmuong | Coauthor(s): Siriwan Chandanachulaka
Preferred Session: Developments and trends in HIA and health in EA in Asia and Pacific regions
Summary Statement: This presentation will discuss the HIA capacity development needs in SE Asia and the achievements to date of the HIA Thematic Working Group of the Ministerial Regional Forum on Environment and Health.
Acceptance Status: approved
HIA in NHS Infrastructure Investment Planning
Abstract ID# 125
Presenting Author: Liz Green
Preferred Session: Health and wellbeing in infrastructure planning: How does IA fit?
Summary Statement: This paper expands on the recently introduced 'NHS Wales Infrastructure Investment Guidance' and how HIA became a requirement, has been implemented and the lessons learned so far.
Acceptance Status: approved
HIA: when World Heritage regulation meets practice
Abstract ID# 555
Presenting Author: Maaike Goedkoop | Coauthor(s): Peter Strasser Strasser , Ana Pereira-Roders , Michael Kloos , Carola Neugebauer & Loes Veldpaus
Preferred Session: Cultural heritage: Disaster planning, mitigation and response
Summary Statement: The suggested paper reviews a range of Heritage Impact Assessment case studies mentioned in World Heritage Committee sessions, in order to assess the ultimate performance of HIA implementations.
Acceptance Status: approved
HIAs under international scrutiny – lessons for
Abstract ID# 512
Presenting Author: Peter Strasser | Coauthor(s): Maaike Goedkoop , Michael Kloos , Katri Lisitzin , Carola Neugebauer & Ana Pereira Roders
Preferred Session: Cultural heritage: Disaster planning, mitigation and response
Summary Statement: The suggested paper reviews the decisions of the Committee vis-Ã -vis HIAs and analyses the national legal situation in the corresponding World Heritage properties.
Acceptance Status: approved
Holistic Modeling to Design Basin-wide Offsets
Abstract ID# 468
Presenting Author: Mark Kunzer | Coauthor(s): Vaqar Zakaria
Preferred Session: Biodiversity offsets: The Asian experience
Summary Statement: Environmental flow assessment using holistic models was conducted for a hydropower project located in critical habitat. Flow and park protection scenarios were simulated to design the project and develop offsets.
Acceptance Status: approved
How Canada integrates climate change in EA
Abstract ID# 228
Presenting Author: Steve Chapman | Coauthor(s): Ron Hallman
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: Integrating climate change into environmental assessments conducted under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 and discussion of mitigation and adaptation approaches applied in Canada.
Acceptance Status: approved
Human rights based resettlement
Abstract ID# 354
Presenting Author: Lidewij van der Ploeg | Coauthor(s): Frank Vanclay
Preferred Session: Performance and innovation in resettlement and livelihoods restoration
Summary Statement: This paper describes how resettlement processes and outcomes can be improved taking into account human rights principles and standards, specifically the Criteria of the right to Adequate Housing.
Acceptance Status: approved
I=PAT vs SATOYAMA: paradigms of SD indicators
Abstract ID# 330
Presenting Author: Shun Sato
Preferred Session: Social sustainability assessment in societies with decreasing populations
Summary Statement: Many sustainable development indicators are based on I=PAT model (environmental Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology), though SATOYAMA model (human intervenes play good roles) is also needed.
Acceptance Status: approved
IA of bio-economic projects in Region Zealand, DK
Abstract ID# 76
Presenting Author: Rikke Lybæk | Coauthor(s): Tyge Kjær , Aske Palsberg
Preferred Session: Sustainability: Solid ground or a slippery piece?
Summary Statement: Creating new pathways for sustainable ready-to-implement bio-economic projects within Region Zealand, Denmark, based on available biomass resources and existing and proven technology concepts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact Analysis of Wind Power Plant in Thailand
Abstract ID# 253
Presenting Author: Chanokporn Smuthkalin | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Shigeo Nishikizawa
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Through interviews and questionnaire surveys, this paper discuss environmental and social impacts of wind farms with the highest level of severity is noise pollution followed by overshadow and visual.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact Assessment as a Design Tool - Session Leade
Abstract ID# 81
Presenting Author: Elsa João | Coauthor(s): Lex Brown
Preferred Session: Impact assessment (IA) as a design tool
Summary Statement: Paper discusses key conceptual points on use of IA as a design tool. Re-emphasising importance of considering IA as “environmental opportunity assessment†tool, including cumulative opportunities when considering multiple projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact Assessment as a Learning Process
Abstract ID# 296
Presenting Author: Ross Mitchell | Coauthor(s): Luis Sánchez
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: Learning both within the IA process and potential learning outcomes that may arise from IA are discussed, and illustrated by a learning-centric conceptual reclamation plan for oil sands development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact Assessment of ODA on Water Resource Project
Abstract ID# 383
Presenting Author: Jong Ho Lee
Preferred Session: ODA and the role of IA for sustainability
Summary Statement: Resident participation, governance and impact assessment based on the guideline of OECD DAC are necessary for ODA projects, which should be done not for donor countries, but for recipient ones
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact assessment of offshore oil activities in th
Abstract ID# 362
Presenting Author: Sanne Vammen Larsen | Coauthor(s): Anne Merrild Hansen
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: In Greenland, several impact assessments are carried before oil production. This paper presents a comparative study of the legislation for impact assessment in Greenland, Denmark, Norway, Alaska and Canada.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact of Awareness Raising on Waste Separation
Abstract ID# 201
Presenting Author: Noriaki Murase | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Yuriko Sato , Shigeo Nishikizawa
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: This research aims to measure impact of awareness raising of the project on residents’ behaviors for waste separation by Cluster Randomize Control Trial and to analyze changes of their behaviors.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact of climate variability on Aman Rice Yield o
Abstract ID# 375
Presenting Author: Toma Rani Saha | Coauthor(s): Dewan Abdul Quadir
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: The paper deals with the relationship of monthly temperature and rainfall with Aman rice yield. The result will help to develop the model for predicting Aman rice yield with climate variability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact of Indigenous Knowledge in Reducing Vulnera
Abstract ID# 365
Presenting Author: Md. Amin Uddin | Coauthor(s): Md Khalid Hossain
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: This study aims to assess the impacts of indigenous knowledge and diversified coping strategies in reducing vulnerabilities emanated from the natural disasters.
Acceptance Status: approved
impact of population growth on the reduction of re
Abstract ID# 99
Presenting Author: Akram Norouzi | Coauthor(s): Akram Norouzi , Dr Rahim Sarvar , Hooshang Hendi
Preferred Session: Social sustainability assessment in societies with decreasing populations
Summary Statement: The impact of population growth on the reduction of resiliency urban areas case study: Region 12 of Tehran metropolis Keywords: vulnerability, resilience, increase population, Sustainable Development
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact of resource development on Tl'azt'en Nation
Abstract ID# 477
Presenting Author: Laura Jokinen | Coauthor(s): Rachel Robers , Verne Tom , Janis Shandro , Kandace Kerr & Aleck Ostry
Preferred Session: The resilience of Indigenous People
Summary Statement: This presentation discusses community health risks, impacts and opportunities associated with resource development experienced by Tl'azt'en Nation, a First Nation community in Canada.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impacts of Existing Policies on Emission Trading
Abstract ID# 84
Presenting Author: Yuan Xu | Coauthor(s): Xiuru Zhou , Bing Zhang
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: Non-economic incentives, especially command-and-control policies, could seriously distort mitigation decisions and the effectiveness of emission trading.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impacts of the 2011 tsunami on tidalflat ecosystem
Abstract ID# 312
Presenting Author: Gen Kanaya | Coauthor(s): Masanori Taru , Osamu Miura , Takeshi Yuhara , Tomoo Unagami & Masaatsu Tanaka
Preferred Session: Environmental creation from disaster
Summary Statement: We reported the changes in tidal flat ecosystems including associated biota (e.g., macrozoobenthos and marsh plants) along the northeastern Pacific coast in Japan after the 2011 tsunami disaster.
Acceptance Status: approved
ImpactsH of Cultural Keystone Species Restoration
Abstract ID# 422
Presenting Author: Julia H Haggerty Haggerty | Coauthor(s): Elizabeth Rink
Preferred Session: The resilience of Indigenous People
Summary Statement: A CBPR project offers an opportunity to refine and field test the concept of community resilience and its applicability to evaluating restoration endeavors in indigenous communities
Acceptance Status: approved
Importance of assumption in South Pacific ESIAs
Abstract ID# 394
Presenting Author: Alistair Grinham | Coauthor(s): Simon Albert , Badin Gibbes , Paul Fisher
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: This study represents a first of its kind in understanding coastal water quality in the Solomon Islands, highlighting the need for local datasets and the dangers of assumption within this region.
Acceptance Status: approved
Improving IA through international collaboration
Abstract ID# 183
Presenting Author: Yohei Suzuki | Coauthor(s): Manabu Sakaguchi , Tomoko Kaku , Rebecca Green
Preferred Session: Collaboration and capacity building: The key to resilient IA practice?
Summary Statement: This presentation summarises a project to develop the implementing capacity of EIA in Sri Lanka and Lao PDR through the bilateral arrangement with Japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Improving Method of Alternatives Analysis
Abstract ID# 72
Presenting Author: Tetsuya Kamijo
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: The paper proposes alternatives analysis using principle component analysis, which may clarify reasons for selecting the most suitable option, and be a very simple and practical technique.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 213
Presenting Author: Bryony Walmsley | Coauthor(s): Benjamin Ofosu-Koranteng , Betty Hailu
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: Ongoing advocacy and training workshops in 13 African countries have raised stakeholder awareness and strengthened policies, laws and practice on health and gender in EIAs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Improving Uncertainty Communication in EA
Abstract ID# 352
Presenting Author: Jill Gunn | Coauthor(s): Claire Crowley , Jochen Jaeger , Bram Noble
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: This study investigates practices of uncertainty consideration, avoidance, and disclosure in the context of a Canadian EA case (Joslyn North oil sands mine) and makes recommendations for improvement.
Acceptance Status: approved
In Support of Big Data For Better EA
Abstract ID# 548
Presenting Author: Miles Scott-Brown | Coauthor(s): Tim Taylor , Kyla Jacobsen
Preferred Session: Environmental Information Platform for a resilient and sustainable society
Summary Statement: Making sense of big data can lead towards better decisions in environmental impact assessment
Acceptance Status: approved
Incorporating a resilience-based perspective on IA
Abstract ID# 515
Presenting Author: Daniella Ramirez-Sfeir
Preferred Session: Building resilience for long-term wellbeing
Summary Statement: This paper will aim to review some emergent experiences (Canada and OECD), reflecting on the entry points and challenges of those attempts, and to analyse the opportunities and gaps in the incorporation of this focus on a Global South country, like Chile, particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Acceptance Status: approved
Indigenous people, resettlement and well-being
Abstract ID# 223
Presenting Author: Angeles Mendoza Sammet
Preferred Session: Resilience, impact assessment, and coping with major project-induced change
Summary Statement: The relocation of indigenous people must consider their well-being and the ecosystem services they need to preserve their identity, culture and livelihood.
Acceptance Status: approved
Indirect Impact Assessment of a Road in Paraguay
Abstract ID# 82
Presenting Author: Alberto Villalba | Coauthor(s): Louis Reymondin
Preferred Session: Environmental Information Platform for a resilient and sustainable society
Summary Statement: Using satellite imagery to detect deviations from the usual vegetation patterns, this study analyzes the past, current and potential future deforestation resulting from a planned road improvement in Paraguay.
Acceptance Status: approved
Individual learning through strategic environmenta
Abstract ID# 216
Presenting Author: John Sinclair | Coauthor(s): Heidi Walker , Harry Spaling
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: This research examined two SEA cases to identify individual learning outcomes attributable to participation in SEA and to consider whether learning outcomes encouraged social action on sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Industrial risks associated to natural events
Abstract ID# 121
Presenting Author: Virginie Defromont | Coauthor(s): Emmanuel Deluegue , Dominique Lacroix , Nicolas Jacotot
Preferred Session: Power & transmission: resilience for energy shift in transmission systems
Summary Statement: Analysis method of the industrial risk associated to internal events and extreme natural events. Does a differentiated approach bring a difference between internal and natural risk control?
Acceptance Status: approved
Inspection Panel Lessons: Environmental Assessment
Abstract ID# 110
Presenting Author: Gonzalo Castro de la Mata | Coauthor(s): Dilek Barlas , Tamara Milsztajn
Preferred Session: IFI's accountability mechanisms: Resilience and sustainability (II)
Summary Statement: This presentation will discuss lessons from the last 22 years of the World Bank Inspection Panel’s cases related to Environmental Assessment in a range of regions and sectors.
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrating environment into development -Cambodia
Abstract ID# 318
Presenting Author: Shannon Siyao Wang | Coauthor(s): Iain Watson
Preferred Session: Defining and achieving good practice in scoping
Summary Statement: NESAP will be developed with the objective to promote a roadmap to mainstream environment and resilience thinking into all economic and social sectors in Cambodia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrating ES into strategic planning in Peru
Abstract ID# 526
Presenting Author: Holger Treidel | Coauthor(s): Fernando Leon Morales
Preferred Session: Ecosystem services: Why so little used in planning?
Summary Statement: In Peru the consideration of ecosystem services in strategic planning has been limited so far. We analyze the causes and propose possible ways ahead for an improved consideration of this vital concept
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrating IFC PS6 requirements into your ESHIA
Abstract ID# 359
Presenting Author: Jan-Willem van Bochove | Coauthor(s): John Pilgrim , Leon Bennun , Robin Mitchell , Jonathan Ekstrom
Preferred Session: Improving confidence in biodiversity baseline studies
Summary Statement: This talk presents a strategy for integrating biodiversity into an ESHIA following IFC Performance Standard 6. Key steps in this process are supported by real-world examples of successful application.
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrating Poverty and Social Analysis in SEA
Abstract ID# 111
Presenting Author: Ernesto Sánchez-Triana | Coauthor(s): Santiago Enriquez
Preferred Session: Poverty, inequality, and resilience
Summary Statement: Integrating Poverty and Social Analysis into policy Strategic Environmental Assessments to Enhance Sustainability: Policy Reforms in South Asia and Latin America
Acceptance Status: approved
Internal Sustainability Assessments in Philippines
Abstract ID# 327
Presenting Author: Hermann Lion | Coauthor(s): Jerome D. Donovan , Eryadi Masli , Rowan Bedggood
Preferred Session: Corporate sustainability assessments
Summary Statement: This paper explores the use of internal sustainability assessments from a corporate perspective, examining the practices of seven of the largest mining companies in the Philippines.
Acceptance Status: approved
International cooperation for REDD+ in Mozambique
Abstract ID# 464
Presenting Author: Pedro Bettencourt | Coauthor(s): Diogo Maia , Ana Dias
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: Importance of International cooperation for designing/implementation of Mozambique’s National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation and its impacts in rural communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Is it surprising that EA is not used in planning?
Abstract ID# 275
Presenting Author: Heikki Kalle | Coauthor(s): Charlotta Faith-Ell , Jos Arts
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: This paper discusses differences between discourses in planning and EA for understanding why linking them is cumbersome in order to find keys for improving the use of EA in planning.
Acceptance Status: approved
Is it too early or too late?
Abstract ID# 428
Presenting Author: Sunrita Sarkar
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: The presentation highlights tools/best practices that can be used to practice early stakeholder engagement in a strategic manner. Integrating stakeholder engagement in business process is key
Acceptance Status: approved
Issues and Constraints in the Implementation of th
Abstract ID# 520
Presenting Author: Melanie Dayao Manaog | Coauthor(s): Rolando Metin , Rommel Peneyra , Elvira Caparas
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: The study attempts to determine the issues and constraints in the implementation of the Water Quality Management Fund and provide the recommendations to address technical gaps.
Acceptance Status: approved
It doesn’t really matter...
Abstract ID# 336
Presenting Author: Thomas Borgert | Coauthor(s): Jerome D. Donovan , Eryadi Masli , Cheree Topple
Preferred Session: Corporate sustainability assessments
Summary Statement: Through the lens of a sustainability assessment framework, this paper will explore voluntary activities that multinational organisations are undertaking in Indonesia to address sustainable development
Acceptance Status: approved
JICA’s Capacity Development on EIA in Myanmar
Abstract ID# 143
Presenting Author: Sein Htoon Linn (no distinction of First and Last name) | Coauthor(s): Kanji Usui , JICA Secretariat for IAIA16
Preferred Session: JICA’s leadership in impact assessment capacity development
Summary Statement: JICA Project on EIA capacity development in Myanmar shows the project components on how EIA Capacity Development smoothly goes through in the initial stage of EIA introduction.
Acceptance Status: approved
JICA’s Environmental and Social Guidelines
Abstract ID# 141
Presenting Author: Yasuo Fujita | Coauthor(s): JICA Secretariat for IAIA16
Preferred Session: JICA’s leadership in impact assessment capacity development
Summary Statement: JICA presents the outline of its Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations, as an introduction to the forum titled “JICA’s Leadership in Impact Assessment Capacity Developmentâ€.
Acceptance Status: approved
JICA’s initiatives to strengthen EIA system
Abstract ID# 96
Presenting Author: Yukihiro SHIBUYA
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: JICA introduces some efforts to strengthen EIA system in Asian countries by providing capacity development opportunities and also illustrates activities for ESC in infrastructure development projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
JICA’s new Guidelines: its Practice and Problem
Abstract ID# 148
Presenting Author: Kosuke Ninomiya
Preferred Session: ODA and the role of IA for sustainability
Summary Statement: How two or more countries can cooperate for Sustainable Development through ODA's Environmental and Social Consideration Process?
Acceptance Status: approved
Land Development and Community Relocation in China
Abstract ID# 165
Presenting Author: Jing Song
Preferred Session: The resilience of Indigenous People
Summary Statement: The assessment of inequality and resilience for indigenous communities illustrates the social impacts of development projects, including social inclusiveness, fairness, and sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Land development suitability assessment of Pingtan
Abstract ID# 376
Presenting Author: Qingsheng Li | Coauthor(s): Yaojian Wu , Zhilan Lin , Fenggui Chen , Jing Fang
Preferred Session: Economic impact assessment and sustainable regional development
Summary Statement: It is feasible to choose ecological and economic indicators to evaluate development suitability of island based on GIS and AHP, and some suggestions can be proposed to improve planning.
Acceptance Status: approved
Land-use conflict and disasters in Brazil
Abstract ID# 136
Presenting Author: Andre Naime
Preferred Session: Power & transmission: resilience for energy shift in transmission systems
Summary Statement: This paper presents an evaluation of Brazil's environmental regulation for transmission pipelines, assessing current conflicts of land-use that can lead to disasters.
Acceptance Status: approved
Learning through adaptive management in follow-up
Abstract ID# 107
Presenting Author: Patricia Fitzpatrick | Coauthor(s): Alan P. Diduck
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: Adaptive management is an important design principle in follow-up & monitoring programs. This presentation explores the adaptive management-learning nexus using three recent Canadian energy projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Learning through EA? some European experiences
Abstract ID# 497
Presenting Author: Thomas Fischer
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: This paper will look at evidence and opinions of selected EA experts in Europe on whether and if so, to what extent EA is currently supporting a transition to sustainable practices and resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Learning-centered approaches to project EA and sus
Abstract ID# 177
Presenting Author: John Sinclair | Coauthor(s): Alan Diduck
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: Our purpose is to introduce the special session on “Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches†by sharing related findings from our research.
Acceptance Status: approved
Legal barriers against the stakeholder engagement
Abstract ID# 406
Presenting Author: Akiko Toi
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: This paper analyses the legal context of the on-going EIA process of the mega wind farm in the Soya area and identifies the legal barriers against the effective stakeholder engagement.
Acceptance Status: approved
Legal regulation role on Thailand IA effectiveness
Abstract ID# 260
Presenting Author: Chaunjit Chanchitpricha
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: Evolving IA legal regulation enforcement in Thailand is investigated along with the extent to which how it can contribute to quality and effectiveness of IA practice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Lessons from a stranded 380 kV powerline planning
Abstract ID# 211
Presenting Author: Johan De Vries
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: Large infrastructure initiatives face complex balancing of national interests and societal acceptance. This case presentation discusses a halted 380 kV planning process, exploring the role impact assessment could play.
Acceptance Status: approved
Link between public protest and assessment of soci
Abstract ID# 353
Presenting Author: Sanne Vammen Larsen | Coauthor(s): Anne Merrild Hansen , Ivar Lyhne , Sara Bjørn Aaen , Helle Nielsen
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: Three Danish EAs show inclusion of a variety of social impacts, but lacking assessment. It is discussed whether and how EA can handle social impacts, linked to public resistance.
Acceptance Status: approved
Local teams lead the way in Solomon Islands
Abstract ID# 194
Presenting Author: Charlie Wilson-Clark
Preferred Session: Collaboration and capacity building: The key to resilient IA practice?
Summary Statement: A consultation program for a Solomon Islands ESIA has demonstrated how collaboration with local experts and culturally appropriate approaches to engagement can provide the building blocks for productive relationships and local capacity building.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mainstream environment into Cambodian development
Abstract ID# 328
Presenting Author: Shannon Siyao Wang | Coauthor(s): Iain Watson
Preferred Session: Best practice in adopting a strategic approach to sustainable development
Summary Statement: NESAP will be developed with the objective to promote a roadmap to mainstream environment and resilience thinking into all economic and social sectors in Cambodia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Country Safeguard
Abstract ID# 119
Presenting Author: Pham Phuc
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: The support of ADB for biodiversity conservation through TA 7566 Strengthening and Use of Country Safeguards Systems-Mainstreaming Biodiversity Considerations into Viet Nam Environmental Safeguards
Acceptance Status: approved
Mainstreaming Climate Resilience Across Developmen
Abstract ID# 269
Presenting Author: Vidhisha Samarasekara
Preferred Session: Optimizing adaptation to increase resilience in a context of climate change
Summary Statement: This paper will feature a case study from Nepal that demonstrates how optimizing adaptation calls for coordinated approaches to mainstreaming climate resilience across stakeholder groups and development sectors.
Acceptance Status: approved
Making SEA deliver Environmental Sustainability
Abstract ID# 519
Presenting Author: Yaw Amoyaw-Osei
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: SEA application in Ghana is largely voluntary, with unmet sustainability expectations in developmental efforts. Appropriate governance arrangement could make SEA deliver environmental sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Managing Data on Large ESIAs
Abstract ID# 344
Presenting Author: Tyler Barras
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: How IM Systems are leveraged to benefit large multi-disciplinary ESIAs and how a data management strategy will allow for better decision making, improved collaboration all while saving time and costs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Managing Non-Technical Risk in E&P Projects
Abstract ID# 297
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: Proactive management of non-technical risk helps to protect value in E&P operations while also contributing to better management of the impact of oil and gas operations.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mapping health/social impacts of Syrian conflict
Abstract ID# 401
Presenting Author: Gabisel Barsallo Alvarado | Coauthor(s): Stephanie Sangalang , Gohar Ghazaryan , Anis Fellahi
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: We used GIS to map hotspots of internally displaced persons and polio during the Syrian conflict. Improved communication technologies are recommended to mitigate conflict-related health impacts like future polio outbreaks.
Acceptance Status: approved
Method for evaluating usage of Satoyama
Abstract ID# 551
Presenting Author: Yuriko Nojima
Preferred Session: Traditional Ecological Knowledge in IA
Summary Statement: The purpose of this study is understanding usage of Satoyama and developing quantitative evaluation procedure for introducing Satoyama banking.
Acceptance Status: approved
Methodologies for human rights impact assessment
Abstract ID# 66
Presenting Author: Nora Gotzmann | Coauthor(s): Tulika Bansal
Preferred Session: Business and human rights: Where to now?
Summary Statement: The presentation focuses on key discussion points in the area of human rights impact assessment methodology development in the field of business and human rights.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 371
Presenting Author: Bradd Libby
Preferred Session: Systems approaches to impact assessment for resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: We use System Dynamics to explain key features of the 2011 flooding event in Thailand. Even with optimal waterway management, flood risk minimizing policies are sometimes nonlinear and nonintuitive.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mining impact assessment in post-conflict Colombia
Abstract ID# 230
Presenting Author: Diana Arbeláez-Ruiz
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: This paper will discuss the challenges of impact assessment and informed decision-making on mineral resource governance in post-conflict transition scenarios, with reference to Colombia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mitigating Impacts from LNG and Pipeline Developme
Abstract ID# 545
Presenting Author: Karina Andrus
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: The selection of a site for LNG export in British Columbia has been influenced predominantly by non-engineering, non-technical criteria: environmental sensitivities, cumulative effects, land tenure and use, and the likelihood of gaining social license.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mizuho experience using CSBI tools
Abstract ID# 476
Presenting Author: Aditi Joshi | Coauthor(s): Lovely Grover
Preferred Session: Business-led approaches for promoting biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: Mizuho shares experience using CSBI tools to promote biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment
Acceptance Status: approved
Myanmar's evolving EIA framework
Abstract ID# 187
Presenting Author: Martin Cosier
Preferred Session: ASEAN EIA update and roundtable
Summary Statement: The evolution of Myanmar's EIA framework and it's significance to the country's ongoing democratization and political reform processes, with a focus public participation and capacity-building efforts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Nation-wide Risk Map for Bird Collision in Japan
Abstract ID# 404
Presenting Author: Wataru Kitamura
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: The generated risk map considering bird sensitivities can use effectively with another data relating to decide construction area for wind turbines, such as geological information or wind condition.
Acceptance Status: approved
Natural Disasters And Resilience: Flooding and Res
Abstract ID# 47
Presenting Author: Mohamed Hasan Isa
Preferred Session: Building resilience for long-term wellbeing
Summary Statement: Flooding, one of the natural disasters, is also a man-made disaster caused by ignorance of mankind to climate change globally. Designers now rethink and build resilience structure against flooding.
Acceptance Status: approved
Natural gold: valuing nature and place in Armenia
Abstract ID# 59
Presenting Author: Hannah Devine-Wright | Coauthor(s): Joanna Treweek
Preferred Session: Impact assessment of small things
Summary Statement: Valuing intangible assets - the cultural meaning of apricots and the importance of place in the context of an Armenian gold mine.
Acceptance Status: approved
Need and desirability in EIAs: Proxy for planning?
Abstract ID# 324
Presenting Author: Jurie Moolman | Coauthor(s): Johan Nel
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: Is the mandatory assessment of ‘need and desirability’ of any project proposal deemed to be a substitute for supporting strategic level environmental decision making and planning?
Acceptance Status: approved
New Socio-Political Ecology of Hong Kong
Abstract ID# 162
Presenting Author: Paddy Ng | Coauthor(s): Fu-keung, David IP , Jeremy Chu , Theresa Yeung
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: New approach and perspective is needed for engaging the digital-raised generation in policy consultation; as they request “horizontal†participation in public decision-making through a dynamic “open-ended social processâ€.
Acceptance Status: approved
NIGERIA’s 2012 Floods, Resilience & Sustainabili
Abstract ID# 302
Presenting Author: Edward Bristol-Alagbariya
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: Following Nigeria’s 2012 floods, this paper is a study on Rivers State, regarding how the State Government may boost resilience and sustainability during possible future flooding in the State
Acceptance Status: approved
Not applicable as this will be a panel discussion
Abstract ID# 305
Presenting Author: Yukiko Imanaka | Coauthor(s): JICA Secretariat for IAIA16
Preferred Session: The role of international cooperation in promoting project benefit-sharing.
Summary Statement: This contribution to the panel will share the experiences of JICA in pursuing benefit-sharing objectives for large-scale projects, and lessons learnt for the field of impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Offsetting and compensating B&ES losses in mining
Abstract ID# 170
Presenting Author: Luis Sánchez | Coauthor(s): Josianne Rosa , Gady Novachi
Preferred Session: Habitat and ecosystem restoration as an impact mitigation option
Summary Statement: Biodiversity offsets adopted in a mining project in Brazil are reviewed. Potential gains exceed losses, but ecosystem services are not fully compensated. Guidance to compensate impacts are proposed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Offsetting challenges
Abstract ID# 307
Presenting Author: Michel Berube
Preferred Session: Biodiversity offsets: The Asian experience
Summary Statement: Offsetting challenges for the environmental impact assessment practitioners. Qualitative and regional approach is better.
Acceptance Status: approved
Open pit mines: Health effects at zero kilometres
Abstract ID# 550
Presenting Author: Peter Barss
Preferred Session: HIA as a creation of deliberative society for sustainable development
Summary Statement: Major open mines dug in close proximity to already existing cities are rare. Human heath effects may be expected to increase alarmingly as proximity increases.
Acceptance Status: approved
Operations of the Advisory Committee
Abstract ID# 147
Presenting Author: Takehiko Murayama | Coauthor(s): JICA Secretariat for IAIA16
Preferred Session: JICA’s leadership in impact assessment capacity development
Summary Statement: At the forum titled “JICA’s Leadership in Impact Assessment Capacity Developmentâ€, a chairperson of the Advisory Committee reports its operations under the JICA’s Environmental and Social Guidelines.
Acceptance Status: approved
Optimized site selections for CCA & BMP measures
Abstract ID# 413
Presenting Author: Ji heon Lee | Coauthor(s): Hae jin Han , Byung Sik Kim , Sung Ryong Ha
Preferred Session: Optimizing adaptation to increase resilience in a context of climate change
Summary Statement: To establish better Strategic River Basin Planning for CCA & BMP measures, spatiotemporal distribution of BOD, T-N, and T-P loads were analyzed based on RCP scenarios and regional development plans.
Acceptance Status: approved
Organizational Culture for Engagement Records
Abstract ID# 326
Presenting Author: Zoe Mullard | Coauthor(s): Justine Townsend
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: Strong organizational culture for managing stakeholder engagement builds organizational resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Paper Ensuring offensive quality assurance in EIA
Abstract ID# 427
Presenting Author: Lone Kørnøv
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: How to create good quality IA – that makes a difference – through professional competence development and partnerships
Acceptance Status: approved
Participation in SEA: inputs to sustainability
Abstract ID# 510
Presenting Author: Maria do Rosário Partidário | Coauthor(s): Cynthia Danielle Siqueira
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: This presentation addresses contributes of public participation in strategic environmental assessment to as a mechanism that can provide inputs to sustainable development in decision making processes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Participative Site Selection for an LNG Precinct
Abstract ID# 332
Presenting Author: Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: Aboriginal traditional owners and Western scientists use participatory and cooperative impact assessment to select a site for an LNG project in Australia
Acceptance Status: approved
Partnerships for effective impact assessment
Abstract ID# 564
Presenting Author: Samir Whitaker | Coauthor(s): Keiko Suzue
Preferred Session: Tools and approaches for integrating biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: Effective partnerships are vital to understand, assess and avoid biodiversity impacts and to ensure optimal and long-term avoidance, to ensure that areas avoided are maintained in the long-term.
Acceptance Status: approved
Past, present and the future of Fukushima accident
Abstract ID# 274
Presenting Author: Hiroshi Suzuki | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama
Preferred Session: Nuclear disasters: Preparedness, emergency response, and rehabilitation
Summary Statement: Through experiences on post-accident reconstruction and a workshop of 2015 UN Conference, the authors discuss issues on governance among stakeholders as well as reconstruction process, and lessons.
Acceptance Status: approved
Perceptions about uncertainty disclosure in EA
Abstract ID# 479
Presenting Author: Wanda Leung | Coauthor(s): Bram Noble , Jochen Jaeger , Jill Gunn
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: Uncertainty disclosure in EA can be seen as risky. Perceptions about uncertainty differ between proponents and those affected. EAs that disclose uncertainty are not seen as lacking credibility.
Acceptance Status: approved
Planning biodiversity offsets in India
Abstract ID# 205
Presenting Author: Vinod Mathur | Coauthor(s): Asha Rajvanshi
Preferred Session: Biodiversity offsets: The Asian experience
Summary Statement: Biodiversity offsets can be both useful as well as controversial. There is a need to learn from experience gathered in other countries and to factor it in harmonizing conservation and development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 368
Presenting Author: Jinhao Wu | Coauthor(s): Jing Du , Nianbin Wang , Song Lun , Zhisong Wang
Preferred Session: Planning for disaster debris
Summary Statement: Marine debris is defined as a persistent solid waste discarded into the marine environment. Current study aims to assess the distribution of macrodebris and microplastics from beaches of Liaodong Bay.
Acceptance Status: approved
Population Decline in Japan and sustainability
Abstract ID# 204
Presenting Author: Xiang Li | Coauthor(s): Hidefumi Kurasaka
Preferred Session: Social sustainability assessment in societies with decreasing populations
Summary Statement: Population declines over next twenty-five years in the agricultural and the manufacturing industries are severe, emphasizing the importance of policy reforms to tackle labor issues.
Acceptance Status: approved
Population dose estimation of Fukushima disaster
Abstract ID# 309
Presenting Author: Mai Takagi | Coauthor(s): Ayano Takeuchi , Atsushi Tanaka , Shoji Nakayama
Preferred Session: Environmental creation from disaster
Summary Statement: General residents exposure models for both external and internal exposures to excessive dose caused by Fukushima disaster were developed and applied to estimate general residents’ exposure.
Acceptance Status: approved
Population dynamics after evacuation from disaster
Abstract ID# 398
Presenting Author: Kei Gomi
Preferred Session: Environmental creation from disaster
Summary Statement: Population scenarios after evalucation is simulated and presented considering domographic structure, willingness to return, and economic activities in the ares affected by Tsunami and radioactive cont
Acceptance Status: approved
Population relocation as an adaptation strategy
Abstract ID# 393
Presenting Author: Paivi Koskinen-Lewis
Preferred Session: Optimizing adaptation to increase resilience in a context of climate change
Summary Statement: This paper will demonstrate why there is a critical need for making assessments and action plans for managed population relocation as an effective adaptation strategy to climate change.
Acceptance Status: approved
Potential contribution of system dynamics to IA
Abstract ID# 452
Presenting Author: Jenny Pope | Coauthor(s): William Grace
Preferred Session: Systems approaches to impact assessment for resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: This paper responds to calls for systems thinking to be incorporated into impact assessment by exploring the potential contribution of quantitative systems analysis tools such as system dynamics.
Acceptance Status: approved
Poverty, inequality and resilience
Abstract ID# 437
Presenting Author: Riki Therivel
Preferred Session: Poverty, inequality, and resilience
Summary Statement: This paper explores links between poverty, inequality and resilience by reviewing how different groups overcame shocks (e.g. floods). It tests whether poverty and inequality have similar effects on resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
PPPs in Resettlement and Livelihood Improvement
Abstract ID# 288
Presenting Author: Mirko Palmesi | Coauthor(s): Magali Pollard , Asmahaney Saad , Marion Muyobo , Kristina Kasibayo & Moses Oteng
Preferred Session: Performance and innovation in resettlement and livelihoods restoration
Summary Statement: The presentation will look at the status of the public-private partnerships for the management of the private-led resettlements to ensure livelihood sustainability and community resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Practical Research of Biodiversity Offset in Japan
Abstract ID# 215
Presenting Author: Yosuke WATANABE | Coauthor(s): Seiji ARAI , Hironobu INUKAI , Akihiko MATSUOKA , Ayaka MATSUMIYA
Preferred Session: Quantifying biodiversity impacts and resilience potential
Summary Statement: Based on questionnaire for stakeholders and hypothetical case studies of biodiversity offset projects, possibilities and challenges of introducing biodiversity offset have practically been examined.
Acceptance Status: approved
Preparing for the Unknown: EA Prep in Eabametoong
Abstract ID# 91
Presenting Author: Cole Atlin | Coauthor(s): Peter Siebenmorgen , Bob Gibson
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: Proposed mineral developments in undeveloped areas of Northern Ontario will impact the Eabametoong First Nation. This paper outlines how they've begun to prepare for the EA process.
Acceptance Status: approved
Preparing Households for Resettlement
Abstract ID# 348
Presenting Author: Rebekah Ramsay
Preferred Session: Performance and innovation in resettlement and livelihoods restoration
Summary Statement: Focusing on the early project phase, I discuss an innovative case of early upfront company investment in land acquisition and resettlement
Acceptance Status: approved
Proactive Quality
Abstract ID# 496
Presenting Author: Josh fothergill | Coauthor(s): Jo Murphy
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: Quality in IA is no accident! The UK has spent the last decade building its EIA community of practice to proactively collaborate - listen as we share our story and what we learned.
Acceptance Status: approved
Procedure for construction of Hydrogen Station
Abstract ID# 436
Presenting Author: Takumi MIHARA | Coauthor(s): Shigeo NISHIKIZAWA , Takehiko MURAYAMA
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: This study focuses on the hydrogen station and analyzes the characteristics of site location and the procedure for the constructions.
Acceptance Status: approved
Project-Induced In-Migration: Extractives Sector
Abstract ID# 522
Presenting Author: Andrea Serra | Coauthor(s): Jo Buldeski , Jeanne Ellis
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: In-migration studies can be a useful tool for assessing the potential scale and impacts of project-induced influx. We will discuss the opportunities, lessons learned and limitations of these studies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Project-induced migration and impact assessment
Abstract ID# 357
Presenting Author: Amelia Bruce
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: There is a need for resource projects to better understand their contributions to regional-level population influx and deflux over the development lifespan, to more accurately predict their impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Proposal of EIA for private business in japan
Abstract ID# 356
Presenting Author: Yusuke Domon | Coauthor(s): Nobuhiko Andou , Shouta Ootani , Toshihiro Nakada , Tsuyoshi Kataoka
Preferred Session: Impact assessment of small things
Summary Statement: We study the way of self regulated environmental impact assessment for private business in japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Protecting ecosystem services for sustainable grow
Abstract ID# 237
Presenting Author: Asha Rajvanshi | Coauthor(s): Vinod B. Mathur
Preferred Session: Sustainability: Solid ground or a slippery piece?
Summary Statement: The paper presents examples of development models from India and highlights the need of reforms in regulatory/ regulatory instruments to capture ecosystem values.
Acceptance Status: approved
Psycho-Social and Environmental Justice Assessment
Abstract ID# 536
Presenting Author: Michael Edelstein
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: SIA and EJ assessments in American and Canadian practice are often perfunctory; deep analysis is resisted. Efforts to engage in substantive assessment of Psycho-Social Impact are discussed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Psychosocial Intervention Program of LGUs in Albay
Abstract ID# 192
Presenting Author: Sipronio Belardo
Preferred Session: Recovery from natural disasters and community resilience in aging society
Summary Statement: The LGUs need to improve their psychosocial intervention program on post recovery techniques to respond to the needs of communities in Albay who are most prone to be victims of disasters.
Acceptance Status: approved
Pubic participation in EIA
Abstract ID# 290
Presenting Author: Yayoi Isono
Preferred Session: International comparison of public participation indicators
Summary Statement: Reality of inadequate public participation is made clear through SEA cases in Japan and China. Appeal system and round-table or deliberation should be required as indicators of public participation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public acceptance of wind power developments in Ja
Abstract ID# 131
Presenting Author: Shigeo Nishikizawa | Coauthor(s): Tetsuya Hanada , Takehiko Murayama
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: The current situation of environmental conflicts, social/environmental impacts and community responses to wind power developments in Japan are mainly cralified.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public behaviour for public participation in Turke
Abstract ID# 358
Presenting Author: Ali Albayrak | Coauthor(s): Ass. Prof. Dr. Volkan TURAN
Preferred Session: How to respond to public concerns on resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: Turkey has a variety of cultural differences between the regions. Due to this reason, the behavior of the public shows different interests even for similar type of EIA projects in Turkey.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public involvement focusing on Alternatives
Abstract ID# 73
Presenting Author: Tetsuya Kamijo
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: The local people showed little interest in alternatives. The reasons could be the complicated analysis and a lack of environmental awareness of project proponents. The countermeasures were discussed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public participation indicator in EIA
Abstract ID# 114
Presenting Author: Noriko Okubo
Preferred Session: International comparison of public participation indicators
Summary Statement: This presentation discusses participatory instruments of some Asian countries in EIA, compares them with other regions, and identifies the important factors to promote an effective participation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Quality and evidence: an epidemiologist’s view
Abstract ID# 78
Presenting Author: Marla Orenstein
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: An estimated 95% of published research findings are false. This presentation describes some of the approaches and criteria used by epidemiologists to determine if published research findings are ‘any good’.
Acceptance Status: approved
Quantification of Non Technical Risk in Project
Abstract ID# 414
Presenting Author: Emmanuel Ekpenyong | Coauthor(s): Adebanji Adekoya
Preferred Session: Contribution of SEA and EIA to Resilient PPP
Summary Statement: Methodology for quantification of non technical risk in projects and how it can help improve project risk management.
Acceptance Status: approved
Quantifying biodiversity impacts
Abstract ID# 538
Presenting Author: Akira Tanaka
Preferred Session: Quantifying biodiversity impacts and resilience potential
Summary Statement: This forum focuses on methods used to quantify biodiversity impacts and mitigation activities including biodiversity offset/bank. We will discuss how these methods should be and why?
Acceptance Status: approved
Quantifying Biodiversity Impacts and Mitigation
Abstract ID# 440
Presenting Author: Pamela Gunther
Preferred Session: Quantifying biodiversity impacts and resilience potential
Summary Statement: US methods for quantifying ecological values for impacts and mitigation using wetland loss and replacement examples that could aid in developing methods elsewhere
Acceptance Status: approved
Quantitative Analysis of Chinese Provincial EIA
Abstract ID# 258
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: This paper is to study the characteristics of EIA reports on provincial level by analyzing the EIA documents of the whole year of 2014 from viewpoint of quantitative analysis perspective.
Acceptance Status: approved
Random walk simulator as an EIA tool
Abstract ID# 235
Presenting Author: Ji Young Kim | Coauthor(s): Tae Ho Ro
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Ecological Network Simulator using random walker was developed to estimate changing pattern of animal movements caused by artificial barriers imposed to the present state after project completion.
Acceptance Status: approved
Re-conceptualizing Existing Assessment Tools
Abstract ID# 264
Presenting Author: Ayotunde Dawodu | Coauthor(s): Bamidele Akinwolemiwa , Ali Cheshmehzangi , Arthur Williams
Preferred Session: State of the art resilience and sustainability-oriented impact assessment
Summary Statement: Through detailed analysis of some selected Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment Tools (NSATs), this work proposes a conceptual framework that would aid the development of a NSAT in the West-Africa.
Acceptance Status: pending
Reduce EIA-Induced Barriers Regarding RE Projects
Abstract ID# 199
Presenting Author: Kim D.G. Schumacher
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: A Comparative Analysis of Procedural Reform Efforts aimed at reducing EIA-induced Barriers that bear the potential to stifle Large-Scale Renewable Energy (RE) Project Development in Japan and the U.S.
Acceptance Status: approved
Regional Collaboration on EIA: A Model for ASEAN
Abstract ID# 200
Presenting Author: Christy Owen
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: Increased economic integration in ASEAN will lead to increased investment in infrastructure. This presentation will present a model for collaboration on EIA to aid in reducing the regional impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Regional Collaboration on EIA: A Model for ASEAN
Abstract ID# 276
Presenting Author: Christy Owen
Preferred Session: ASEAN EIA update and roundtable
Summary Statement: Increased economic integration in ASEAN will lead to increased investment in infrastructure. This presentation will present a model for collaboration on EIA to aid in reducing the regional impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Regional Overview of EIA in ASEAN
Abstract ID# 280
Presenting Author: Matthew Baird
Preferred Session: ASEAN EIA update and roundtable
Summary Statement: his will be an overview over the recent changes to EIA in ASEAN, with a particular focus on the changes to public participation in EIA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Reinventing the EIA mechanism for construction pro
Abstract ID# 245
Presenting Author: Sanjay Sharma | Coauthor(s): Sunil Gupta , Randeep Singh Saini
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: The EIAs have faced multiple deficiencies of legislative and operative character. The paper presents a dynamic cognitive focused on practice after review of environmental clearance conditions granted to 78 construction projects in an urban agglomeration in India to facilitate adaptation to climate change through EIAs
Acceptance Status: approved
Renewable energy policy in the Asia Pacific
Abstract ID# 335
Presenting Author: Kirsty Haymon
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: Investors in renewable energy projects are currently hindered by weak legislative frameworks. Drawing on recent project experience, key challenges and measures to compensate will be illustrated.
Acceptance Status: approved
Required actions for EIA regulation in Turkey
Abstract ID# 372
Presenting Author: Ali Albayrak | Coauthor(s): Ali Albayrak , Ass. Prof. Dr. Volkan Turan
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: The current EIA implementation in Turkey should be improved and some actions required for better implementation of EIA process such as use of guidelines ans improve the expertise for the sectors.
Acceptance Status: approved
Research on Environmental Comparison and Selection
Abstract ID# 166
Presenting Author: Zhilan Lin | Coauthor(s): Yaojian Wu , Qingsheng Li , Fenggui Chen , jing Fang
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Both environment and cost shall be taken into consideration in scheme comparison and selection, the result could be practical and feasible.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resettlement and Life-Stories in Mexico
Abstract ID# 514
Presenting Author: Carlos DomÃnguez
Preferred Session: Performance and innovation in resettlement and livelihoods restoration
Summary Statement: Oral history techniques can be used to gather testimonies and understand long-term impact of involuntary resettlement due to planned development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resettlement Induced by Dams in China:policy,plann
Abstract ID# 438
Presenting Author: Guoqing Shi | Coauthor(s): Jian ZHOU , Qingnian Yu
Preferred Session: Performance and innovation in resettlement and livelihoods restoration
Summary Statement: At last the paper summarized China’s experience of success in the past decades and also, drew the lessons from the failures.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resident's Recognition to Local Information Supply
Abstract ID# 301
Presenting Author: Hiroari SHIMIZU | Coauthor(s): Kohei SAKAI , Ayaka HONDA , Hidehiko KANEGAE
Preferred Session: Social sustainability assessment in societies with decreasing populations
Summary Statement: Survey will conduct measure resident’s recognition to regional information based on theory of planned behavior and SOP, and clarified the effect of resident’s living environment evaluation
Acceptance Status: approved
Residential Development and Butterfly Conservation
Abstract ID# 232
Presenting Author: RICHARD CHEUNG | Coauthor(s): OPHELIA CHU
Preferred Session: Sustainability: Solid ground or a slippery piece?
Summary Statement: The author attempts to answer a question entitled "Residential Development for Human and Conservation of Butterflies : Which is More Important ? " Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve is ten years old now.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience and Australia's underground rsources
Abstract ID# 525
Presenting Author: Sara Bice
Preferred Session: A plain language introduction to Resilience Thinking for IA
Summary Statement: This research project examines what ‘resilience’ means for Australian communities undergoing energy transitions away from coal and towards more renewable energy sources.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience and wellbeing: a SIA perspective
Abstract ID# 402
Presenting Author: Ilse Aucamp
Preferred Session: Building resilience for long-term wellbeing
Summary Statement: This paper explores what resilience and wellbeing entails in a social context, and how the practice of SIA should change to ensure that social development outcomes result from SIA processes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 407
Presenting Author: Presley NKERBU | Coauthor(s): Charlotte FONOCHO , Louise KWALAR , Francois Roger NGUENE
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience in IA reporting: drive for innovation
Abstract ID# 220
Presenting Author: Paul Eijssen | Coauthor(s): Jan Nuesink
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: Impact assessment reporting is still very much about old school text and paper formats. We explore the need for a step change and present opportunities and challenges for digital IA
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience in Lebanon: getting ready for O&G
Abstract ID# 314
Presenting Author: Assem Abou Ibrahim
Preferred Session: Oil pollution and gas leakages, social and natural resources resilience
Summary Statement: Lebanon is building on lessons learnt to improve its capacities for resilience particularly at the wake of the upcoming oil and gas activities in its offshore.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience in spatial planning and project design
Abstract ID# 174
Presenting Author: Jan Nuesink
Preferred Session: Building resilience for long-term wellbeing
Summary Statement: Discussing mainstreaming resilience thinking as inclusive and cross-cutting theme in planning and design. Focusing on social values of nature and green spaces in urban development, with case examples
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience of socio-ecological systems in Iran
Abstract ID# 86
Presenting Author: Lisa Pourlak
Preferred Session: The resilience of Indigenous People
Summary Statement: Resilience analysis and management is being practiced in a socio-ecological system in a wetland ecosystem in northern Iran by applying a systems approach and participatory techniques.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience of the SEA process: evidence from Sensi
Abstract ID# 500
Presenting Author: Vincent Onyango
Preferred Session: How SEA and EIA contribute to more resilient plans, programs, and projects
Summary Statement: Sensitivity Analysis was applied to explore the resilience of the England SEA process, comprising interactions underpinned by negative and positive feedback loops that regulate achieved environmental.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilient City: Opportunities for Cooperation
Abstract ID# 152
Presenting Author: Laura Melkunaite | Coauthor(s): Fanny Guay
Preferred Session: Impact assessment for smart cities (I)
Summary Statement: The purpose of this article is to analyse the relationship between urban planning and civil protection in conceptualizing resilient and smart cities development processes in Denmark.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 97
Presenting Author: Justine Namara | Coauthor(s): Edgar Buhanga
Preferred Session: Habitat and ecosystem restoration as an impact mitigation option
Summary Statement: Oil Companies have been making efforts to restore degraded areas in Uganda's National Parks due to their activities. In some areas it has worked but in other areas it has left the area more degraded.
Acceptance Status: approved
Review and Prospect on Marine Ecosystem Service
Abstract ID# 168
Presenting Author: Yaojian Wu | Coauthor(s): Yaojian Wu , Fenggui Chen , Zhilan Lin , Jing Fang & Qingsheng Li
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Systematic understanding of marine ecosystem service function and value is a bridge of natural ecological system and management decision.
Acceptance Status: approved
Review of recent energy SEAs against principles
Abstract ID# 420
Presenting Author: Paul Lochner
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: Review of recent SEAs in South Africa for energy planning against SEA principles for South Africa of 2007, to capture learning to inform future SEAs in support of the National Development Plan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Risk Assessment on Korean Agro-industrial Complex
Abstract ID# 389
Presenting Author: Sang-pyo Hong | Coauthor(s): Tae-keun Kim
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Environmental risk assessment was implemented to minimize the risk of highly pathogenous characteristics of biological products manufacturing at Korean agro-industrial complex.
Acceptance Status: approved
Risk Communication for Offshore Wind Project
Abstract ID# 423
Presenting Author: Ayano Takeuchi
Preferred Session: Traditional Ecological Knowledge in IA
Summary Statement: The purpose of the research is to clarify the status of risk communication for offshore wind projects in Japan, using a project's impact on salmons as an example.
Acceptance Status: approved
Road planning and impact on landscape in developme
Abstract ID# 169
Presenting Author: Matilde Anker
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: Are the EIA-method used for road planning in Norway satisfactory for sustainable development of landscape and cultural heritage? Is it time to adjust the method to fit for urban areas?
Acceptance Status: approved
Role of Cultural Arts in Post-Disaster Recovery
Abstract ID# 333
Presenting Author: Mike Spranger | Coauthor(s): Randy Cantrell , Katherine Allen
Preferred Session: Cultural heritage: Disaster planning, mitigation and response
Summary Statement: The paper discusses how a cultural arts approach in post-disaster community recovery can havepositive outcomes in economic revitalization, community sustainability, and citizen engagement.
Acceptance Status: approved
Role of NGO in HIA capacity building of Mongolia
Abstract ID# 123
Presenting Author: Oyunaa Lkhagvasuren | Coauthor(s): Ame-Lia Tamburrini , Craig Janes , Battugs Bayanbileg , Temuujin Gonchig & Saruulbat Sugar
Preferred Session: Developments and trends in HIA and health in EA in Asia and Pacific regions
Summary Statement: HIA in Mongolia is new subject and there are very few professionals who understand its importance, and have knowledge and skills to conduct it. NGO can play a crucial role in this process.
Acceptance Status: approved
Safeguard Implementation – South Asia Experience
Abstract ID# 161
Presenting Author: Rokeya Sabur
Preferred Session: Assessing environmental impacts with compliance gaps
Summary Statement: The presentation highlights a comparative assessment of environmental and social safeguard implementation performance between three South Asian countries accompanied with practical guidance on sustainability assessment criteria.
Acceptance Status: approved
Safeguard Implementation of Regional Development B
Abstract ID# 92
Presenting Author: Masami Tsuji | Coauthor(s): Ryo Fujikura
Preferred Session: ODA and the role of IA for sustainability
Summary Statement: Challenges on safeguard implementation were identified through a comparative study of projects that have become subject to compliance review of regional development banks that are AsDB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB.
Acceptance Status: approved
Scenario Planning for Sustainable Transport IA
Abstract ID# 71
Presenting Author: Robert Paterson | Coauthor(s): Thom Hilde
Preferred Session: Sustainable transport: Current situations and challenges
Summary Statement: Critical reflection on the use of scenario planning software to assess the sustainability of a proposed high capacity rail project and its potential linkage to NEPA impact assessment requirements.
Acceptance Status: approved
Screening to Assessment: Risk-based Approaches
Abstract ID# 408
Presenting Author: Hope Herron
Preferred Session: The link between resiliency and climate smart(er) impact assessment
Summary Statement: This presentation will explore moving from climate change risk screening and assessment using several case study examples.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 465
Presenting Author: Dee Fischer | Coauthor(s): Harold Annegarn
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: Review of the ‘business unusual’ approach based on a SEA methodology to improve on the efficiency of the site specific EIA authorisation process for renewable energy and large-scale linear projects
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA for Strategic Grid Planning in South Africa
Abstract ID# 409
Presenting Author: Marshall Mabin | Coauthor(s): Paul Lochner , Dee Fischer
Preferred Session: Power & transmission: resilience for energy shift in transmission systems
Summary Statement: The outputs of the study will be submitted to Ministers for gazetting in 2016 band thereafter form part of the new Environmental Impact Assessment regulations in South Africa
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA in in defence planning of operations
Abstract ID# 416
Presenting Author: Annica Waleij | Coauthor(s): Birgitta Liljedahl , Louise Simonsson
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: The Swedish Defence Research Agency was commissioned to develop a customized SEA approach with complementing tools to support the Swedish Armed Forces planning and decision making processes.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA integration in sustainable planning frameworks
Abstract ID# 351
Presenting Author: Umberto Baresi | Coauthor(s): Karen Vella , Neil Sipe
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: Comparing the Australian and Italian legislative frameworks, we explore stakeholders’ perspective to identify how SEA is actually perceived and utilized, and how this tool could be improved.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA of Power Development Plan Viet Nam
Abstract ID# 411
Presenting Author: Sumit Pokhrel | Coauthor(s): John Soussan , Huyen Nguyen Thi Thu
Preferred Session: Best practice in adopting a strategic approach to sustainable development
Summary Statement: Application of SEA resulted in better power development plan of Viet Nam incorporating measures for better energy security, lower investment costs, and improved environmental and social safeguard
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA Quality assurance: Contextual variation in
Abstract ID# 501
Presenting Author: Vincent Onyango
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: This paper applies comparative analysis to explore the role of contextual factors in determining quality assurance in nine SEA systems, representing developing, emerging, and developed countries.
Acceptance Status: approved
Selecting Feasible Offshore Wind Farm Sites in the
Abstract ID# 239
Presenting Author: Taeyun Kim | Coauthor(s): Choog-Gi Kim , Sun-Ju Jang
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: This study aims at developing a decision-making model of selecting the feasible sites for offshore wind farm in the Southwest sea, South Korea.
Acceptance Status: approved
ShaleGas in The Netherlands: SEA on national level
Abstract ID# 222
Presenting Author: Steef J.A. van Baalen | Coauthor(s): Ivo de Groot , Karin van der Wel
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs initiated SEA on national level, to gather a more generic insight into the impacts of shale gas developments. The results of the SEA will be presented by the author.
Acceptance Status: approved
Shared value - a silver bullet?
Abstract ID# 366
Presenting Author: Amelia Bruce | Coauthor(s): Christine Crispin
Preferred Session: What’s in it for us?
Summary Statement: Exploring early examples of shared value approaches to social impact measurement in Australia and whether they can deliver more transparent social and environmental management.
Acceptance Status: approved
Shifting parading upstream in outbreak control
Abstract ID# 431
Presenting Author: Francesca Viliani
Preferred Session: Resilience, impact assessment, and coping with major project-induced change
Summary Statement: Outbreak management should start upstream during project conceptualisation and impact assessment. This will lead to understanding of interlinkages among induced changes ad increase resilience for both project and the communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
SIA for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor region
Abstract ID# 257
Presenting Author: Ruilian Zhang | Coauthor(s): Guoqing Shi
Preferred Session: The role of EA in the “One Belt One Road†initiative (I)
Summary Statement: China-Pakistan economic corridor(CPEC) is playing the bridgehead role in the development of China’s “one belt, one road†(B&R)strategy. SIA for CPEC region is mainly to reduce the negative risks.
Acceptance Status: approved
SIA in the context of poverty and inequality
Abstract ID# 412
Presenting Author: Ilse Aucamp
Preferred Session: Poverty, inequality, and resilience
Summary Statement: Social impact assessment is analysed in the context of poverty and inequality and ways in which it can be used to contribute to the eradication of these factors are suggested.
Acceptance Status: approved
SIA: Evolving Perspectives and Emerging Approaches
Abstract ID# 291
Presenting Author: Ross Mitchell
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: This paper discusses how SIA has evolved over time, with new approaches that consider community capacity and resilience. A case study from Canada illustrates key challenges and outcomes for SIA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Simulation of the Water Temperature and Outflow Te
Abstract ID# 240
Presenting Author: Qi Changjun
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: Mike11 Reservoir module was applied to establish the two-dimensional vertical stratification temperature model for simulating the reservoir water temperature and discharge water temperature in the Ertan Reservoir.
Acceptance Status: approved
Skewed biodiversity baseline data: Indian EIA limi
Abstract ID# 378
Presenting Author: Manoj Borkar
Preferred Session: Improving confidence in biodiversity baseline studies
Summary Statement: Despite extant legislation and system of appraisal, contemporary EIA protocols in India undermine biodiversity impact concerns, due to skewed biological baseline studies misrepresenting and diluting the actual endowments.
Acceptance Status: approved
Slotermeer health dimensions. Developing community
Abstract ID# 472
Presenting Author: Lea den Broeder | Coauthor(s): Elise van Kempen , Age Niels Holstein , Frits van den Berg , Karin Kauw & Aafke Hofland
Preferred Session: HIA as a creation of deliberative society for sustainable development
Summary Statement: Community engagement in developing indicators of a healthy neighborhood yields a wholistic picture of neighborhoods and innovative indicators. The development process activates residents to become involved in local policy development. This provides a good basis for community based HIA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Smarten Transport IoT for Impact Assessment
Abstract ID# 252
Presenting Author: AC Chung | Coauthor(s): WM To
Preferred Session: Connecting transportation planning and IA: Theory and practice
Summary Statement: An innovative approach to estimate environmental impacts for transportation planning projects by smartening existing Internet of Things to capture and process real-time, big traffic data.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social considerations for environmental refugee re
Abstract ID# 532
Presenting Author: Shamrock Twaddle
Preferred Session: Indigenous cultural landscapes and impact assessment (II)
Summary Statement: As climate change increases the number of environmental refuges, it is important take culturally significant places and traditions into consideration when identifying potential sites for relocation to increase community resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Impact Asessment in Finland
Abstract ID# 485
Presenting Author: Rauno Sairinen
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: The presentation analyses the development of social impact assessment in Finland and make some conclusions about the current challenges.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social impact assessment challenges faced by Japan
Abstract ID# 251
Presenting Author: Noriko IRIE | Coauthor(s): Naoko KAWAHARA , Ana Maria ESTEVES
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: This paper analysed the challenges related to social impact assessments (SIAs) in the context of Japanese project evaluations, and their relevance in international discussions on SIAs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Impact Assessment in Higher Education: Less
Abstract ID# 117
Presenting Author: Kwadwo Adusei | Coauthor(s): Peter Hancock , Isaiah Awidi
Preferred Session: Impact assessment of small things
Summary Statement: The paper highlights the need for further exploration and integration of the concepts of enrolment’, ‘attrition’ and ‘retention’ into the SIA framework, particularly in the realm of higher education
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Impact Assessment of University Deregulatio
Abstract ID# 116
Presenting Author: Kwadwo Adusei | Coauthor(s): Isaiah Awidi , Peter Hancock
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: This paper presents findings of the social impact of the proposed university deregulation on prospective country university students in Western Australia
Acceptance Status: approved
Social impacts from geothermal development
Abstract ID# 277
Presenting Author: Yuki SHIBATA | Coauthor(s): Mihoko KANASUGI , Jouju UECHI
Preferred Session: Social impacts in EA: State of the art
Summary Statement: This paper presents a result of fieldwork study of stakeholder’s concerns about social impact of geothermal power development on traditional tourism businesses in small volcanic island in Japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Impacts of an Airport Expansion in Tanzania
Abstract ID# 189
Presenting Author: Nyandaro Mteki | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Shigeo Nishikizawa
Preferred Session: Urban resettlement and land readjustment.
Summary Statement: This study offers insights on the socio-economic impacts experienced by the affected community in Tanzania and the local context in addressing involuntary resettlement.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Learning in Public Participation
Abstract ID# 467
Presenting Author: Jenni Neste | Coauthor(s): Nicholas Simpson
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: The importance of social learning as an aspect of a good EIA has been consistently highlighted in the literature, still it is not visible in the EIA reports.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Licence:benefits in project delivery is key
Abstract ID# 542
Presenting Author: Michele Gilbert | Coauthor(s): Mary Lou Lauria , Stewart Wright
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: Facilitating access to project opportunities coupled with capacity building within communities is crucial to the success of project delivery. Non-technical risks need to be understood and planned for.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Licencing, Partnerships & Resilience
Abstract ID# 134
Presenting Author: Marc Dunn | Coauthor(s): Paul John Murdoch , Real Courcelles
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: Communities play an important role in obtaining a social licence, and so proponents need to put in place strong collaborative frameworks. This will have an important influence on community resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social License to Operate: How to measure it
Abstract ID# 126
Presenting Author: Paul John Murdoch | Coauthor(s): Réal Courcelles
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: A joint proponent-impacted community presentation shedding light into how social license to operate requires the active collaboration and resilience of communities and a means to jointly measure this.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Management-Good Practice and Regulation in
Abstract ID# 300
Presenting Author: Maria da Cunha
Preferred Session: The role of international cooperation in promoting project benefit-sharing.
Summary Statement: The presentation will describe how many LAC companies, governments and other actors are adapting social impact management principles to the local context through their own operations and regulations.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social risk of transport projects in Pakistan
Abstract ID# 284
Presenting Author: Wu Shang
Preferred Session: The role of EA in the “One Belt One Road†initiative (I)
Summary Statement: This article analyzes social risks of transport infrastructure project under the framework of "China-Pakistan economic corridor".
Acceptance Status: approved
Societal Resileince: Bouncing back and bouncing fo
Abstract ID# 156
Presenting Author: Meir Elran
Preferred Session: A plain language introduction to Resilience Thinking for IA
Summary Statement: A highly resileint society can not only bounce back following major disruptions, but might also bounce forward to a higher state of functionality, based on its collective learning capacities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Socio-economic vulnerability and floods in India
Abstract ID# 57
Presenting Author: Pulak Das
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: Present paper discusses about socio-economic vulnerability of a flood prone village in northeastern part of India. Constructs involved in the study are family size, gender ratio basic amenities etc.
Acceptance Status: approved
Socioeconomic vulnerability of fisher's livelihood
Abstract ID# 202
Presenting Author: Ijeoma Vincent-Akpu
Preferred Session: Fisheries resilience and sustainable aquaculture
Summary Statement: This paper examines the combination of unequal influences of biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics of a community on fisheries livelihood in the coastal area.
Acceptance Status: approved
Spot checking to assure environmental integration
Abstract ID# 299
Presenting Author: Anja-Christina Beier
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: In order to improve quality assurance and focus more on implementation, IAs are complemented with a spot check on how thematic issues such as environment, is being implemented in practice.
Acceptance Status: approved
St Helena Island Airport Project EMP
Abstract ID# 212
Presenting Author: Bryony Walmsley | Coauthor(s): Annina Van Neel
Preferred Session: How do leading practitioners embed sustainability into the ESIA process?
Summary Statement: Change management was essential on this huge, remote airport construction site on St Helena Island to ensure that the EMP remained relevant, practical, auditable and up to date.
Acceptance Status: approved
Stakeholder engagement in offshore wind siting
Abstract ID# 225
Presenting Author: Anita Holgersen | Coauthor(s): Morten Dillner
Preferred Session: Early stakeholder engagement during site selection and project design (II)
Summary Statement: Drawing on experience from different site selection processes for offshore wind projects, this paper discusses some of the factors which have been important for effective stakeholder engagement.
Acceptance Status: approved
Starting up a marine science sustainable partnersh
Abstract ID# 164
Presenting Author: Yves Henocque
Preferred Session: EIA and monitoring protocols for seabed minings in deep-sea environments
Summary Statement: Whatever the kind of deposits at stake, one place for scientists to take an active role is certainly in communicating the full value of deep-sea communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Stimulating learning processes with CDF
Abstract ID# 265
Presenting Author: Maria Partidario
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: The strategic-thinking approach for sustainability (ST4S), anchored in Critical Decision Factors, engage multiple perspectives and provide opportunities for knowledge brokerage, enabling constructive approaches to promote learning for sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Strategic and Participative Planning for Integrate
Abstract ID# 270
Presenting Author: Vidhisha Samarasekara
Preferred Session: Renewable energy landscapes: Livability threat or NIMBY? (I)
Summary Statement: Integrated hydropower and participative impact assessment and planning in Eastern Nepal to meet the needs of hydropower, and irrigation together with strategies to support the fragile environment and marginal communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 331
Presenting Author: PHILIP BARASA
Preferred Session: Contribution of SEA and EIA to Resilient PPP
Summary Statement: Strategic Environmental Assessment has contributed positively towards striking a balance between geothermal energy development and biodiversity conservation at Olkaria
Acceptance Status: approved
Strategic Environmental Assessment and AECEN
Abstract ID# 186
Presenting Author: Peter King
Preferred Session: Best practice in adopting a strategic approach to sustainable development
Summary Statement: Use of SEA as an upstream environmental planning tool in the Mekong region as a useful compliance strategy for AECEN.
Acceptance Status: approved
Strengthening EIA outcomes and follow-up in HK
Abstract ID# 163
Presenting Author: CHI CHUNG WONG
Preferred Session: Advancing EIA outcomes and processes through learning-centered approaches (I)
Summary Statement: This paper highlights an urge to learn from past experience and formulate regular proactive procedures to minimise potential environmental damage whilst enhancing the oversight role of the public.
Acceptance Status: approved
Strengthening Indigenous Coastal Management
Abstract ID# 74
Presenting Author: Michelle Marteleira | Coauthor(s): Stephanie E. Chang
Preferred Session: Indigenous cultural landscapes and impact assessment (II)
Summary Statement: Building resilience for Indigenous coastal management through the collaborative adaptation of a vulnerability reduction tool with Coast Salish communities in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Study of Gobiobotia Naktongensis
Abstract ID# 530
Presenting Author: Jin-Young Na | Coauthor(s): Sang-Chul Hwang , Ji-Yeon Yoo , Hyun Yang
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: In this study, restoration for Gobiobotia Naktongensis of Naeseong stream is confirmed discharged fry moved along the stream and adapted themselves to the natural environmental condition successfully.
Acceptance Status: approved
Study on carbon emmision in coal chemical industry
Abstract ID# 256
Presenting Author: Junli Liu | Coauthor(s): Jinghong Bian , Hongtao Bai , He Xu
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: Carbon emissions and the environmental impact caused by coal chemical industry is significant . It is necessary to explore carbon metabolism and environmental impact and propose a mitigation measures.
Acceptance Status: approved
Survey of Core Elements for Social Aspects of ESIA
Abstract ID# 459
Presenting Author: Paul Lawrence
Preferred Session: As good as it gets: Working toward quality in impact assessment (I)
Summary Statement: This paper surveys a sample of ESIAs for consistency and core elements as it relates to the socio-economic baseline, impact analysis and management plans.
Acceptance Status: approved
Survival of the fittest : adaptive strategies in S
Abstract ID# 209
Presenting Author: Johan De Vries | Coauthor(s): Jan Nuesink , Paul Eijssen , Jos Arts
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: Large infrastructure initiatives face complex decision making, balancing national interests and societal acceptance. This paper explores adaptive strategies to deliver successful outcomes and the role impact assessment could play.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainability Assessment in Hong Kong: who cares?
Abstract ID# 236
Presenting Author: Cho Nam Ng
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: This paper presents a preliminary review of the role of Sustainability Assessment System in Hong Kong, and discusses the key institutional, methodological and operational issues of the system.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainability assessment of Tokyo Olympic plans
Abstract ID# 528
Presenting Author: Yoichi Kumagai
Preferred Session: How do leading practitioners embed sustainability into the ESIA process?
Summary Statement: The study specifies and applies a sustainability assessment framework to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic plans, to see whether modest application of the framework provides useful insights for learning.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainability assessments in agro-industries
Abstract ID# 294
Presenting Author: Anna Augustyn | Coauthor(s): Noemie Ballon
Preferred Session: Corporate sustainability assessments
Summary Statement: This paper explores various sustainability assessment approaches applied in agro-industries. Backed with a systematic review, it identifies measuring social impacts as the key challenge.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainability in Sarawak: Exploring existing sust
Abstract ID# 338
Presenting Author: Anjum Amin-Chaudhry | Coauthor(s): Jerome D Donovan , Eryadi Masli , Cheree Topple
Preferred Session: Corporate sustainability assessments
Summary Statement: This paper explores the existing practices and future direction of sustainability in Sarawak, Malaysia. Specifically, this paper evaluates how existing regulations and private sector activity have been directed towards sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainable Adaptation for Coastal Communities
Abstract ID# 433
Presenting Author: Laurent Da Silva
Preferred Session: Optimizing adaptation to increase resilience in a context of climate change
Summary Statement: The presentation focuses on how coastal communities, facing climate change challenges, can make better adaptation choices by relying on analyses integrating environmental, economic and social impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainable Transport in "Smart Cities": Graz
Abstract ID# 367
Presenting Author: Ralf Aschemann
Preferred Session: Sustainable transport: Current situations and challenges
Summary Statement: Sustainable transport in the context of "smart cities" by taking the Austrian City of Graz as an example.
Acceptance Status: approved
System developing from GTCC to GTCCs
Abstract ID# 534
Presenting Author: Taizo Yamamoto | Coauthor(s): Tsunetaka Yasukagawa , Tomohiro Nomura , Koji Fukada , Shunmei Miki & Osamu Tajima
Preferred Session: Power & transmission: resilience for energy shift in transmission systems
Summary Statement: Advanced GTCC system (GTCCs) will deliver the flexibility of power plant planning and create the resilience for global society.
Acceptance Status: approved
System thinking - Extended Producer Responsibility
Abstract ID# 184
Presenting Author: Antonius Priyo Nugroho Sulami | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Shigeo Nishikizawa
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Study about the potential of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) implementation in Indonesia, considering current regulations, system, and the gap with the selected case studies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Tackling biodiversity monitoring of Fukushima
Abstract ID# 310
Presenting Author: Akira Yoshioka | Coauthor(s): Yoshio Mishima , Nao Kumada , Keita Fukasawa
Preferred Session: Environmental creation from disaster
Summary Statement: Exploring better protocols, biodiversity monitoring of the Fukushima evacuation zone has started from 2014 as a part of research project of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Taiwan energy SEA: past, present, and future
Abstract ID# 379
Presenting Author: Yenyu Wu | Coauthor(s): Hwongwen Ma
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Energy SEA in Taiwan has been conducted 8 years. We try to investigate the challenges, and the applicability of SEA process. Finally, we try to create suitable SEA process in Taiwan.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 541
Presenting Author: Eiji Ishida
Preferred Session: Sustainable transport: Current situations and challenges
Summary Statement: TBC
Acceptance Status: approved
The cultural impacts of the 2011 Rena disaster, NZ
Abstract ID# 138
Presenting Author: Tumanako Fa`aui | Coauthor(s): Kepa Morgan , Daniel Hikuroa
Preferred Session: Indigenous cultural landscapes and impact assessment (II)
Summary Statement: This paper presents the cultural impacts of the 2011 Rena disaster in New Zealand, as part of a holistic assessment using the Mauri Model decision making framework.
Acceptance Status: approved
The defining characteristics of independent EIA fo
Abstract ID# 329
Presenting Author: Jan-Albert Wessels | Coauthor(s): Angus Morrison-Saunders
Preferred Session: Innovative communication of project and impacts
Summary Statement: Independent EIA follow-up verifiers such as Environmental Supervisors; Environmental Checkers; Environmental and Ecological Clerks of Works, and Environmental Control Officers need unique characteristics to communicate sustainability commitments made during the planning phase of projects truthfully and effectively.
Acceptance Status: approved
The evaluating method of marine ecological damage
Abstract ID# 167
Presenting Author: Fenggui Chen | Coauthor(s): Fenggui Chen , Yaojian Wu , Zhilan Lin , Jing Fang & Qingsheng Li
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: The evaluation of marine ecological damages involves the multidisciplinary crossing and combination, which needs to be constantly improved and modified in theory and practice.
Acceptance Status: approved
The importance socio-cultural aspects in IA
Abstract ID# 122
Presenting Author: Philippe Hanna | Coauthor(s): Frank Vanclay , Jos Arts , Esther Jean Langdon
Preferred Session: The resilience of Indigenous People
Summary Statement: A lack of consideration of local culture can lead to situations where mitigation plans do not effectively address the impacts they were intended to mitigate and might even end up causing more impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
The inexact science of community investment plans
Abstract ID# 349
Presenting Author: Tom Streather
Preferred Session: ESIAs in the extractive sector (I)
Summary Statement: Community investment programming is not an exact science; however CIP can be used to successfully contribute to community development through adaptability and appropriate stakeholder engagement.
Acceptance Status: approved
The MOEJ’s initiatives to strengthen EIA in Asia
Abstract ID# 198
Presenting Author: TATSUYA Abe | Coauthor(s): KEIKO Omori , KEIZO Fikushima , HIROFUMI Aizawa , SHUICHI Sakata
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: MOEJ will hold an international conference on the day before IAIA16 for matching needs and good practices by way of further cooperation Asian countries and international organizations.
Acceptance Status: approved
The New Great Game and Resilience in the Caucasus
Abstract ID# 196
Presenting Author: David Jijelava | Coauthor(s): Frank Vanclay
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: This paper discusses how BP’s activities to gain SLO for its BTC oil pipeline project in the Trans-Caucasus region have affected the resilience of local communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
The Nexus of Resilience, Disaster Recovery and Imp
Abstract ID# 387
Presenting Author: Charles Kelly
Preferred Session: Resilience, impact assessment, and coping with major project-induced change
Summary Statement: The presentation will explore this nexus of resilience, disaster recovery and impact assessment to identify how impact assessment can aid in making individuals and societies more resilient.
Acceptance Status: approved
The political involvement of future generations
Abstract ID# 311
Presenting Author: Fumihiko Miyazaki
Preferred Session: Social sustainability assessment in societies with decreasing populations
Summary Statement: The purpose of this presentation is to discuss strategies in making political involvement of future generations effective, though the workshop analysis by our research group.
Acceptance Status: approved
The practical application of the World Resources I
Abstract ID# 374
Presenting Author: Mervyn Mason | Coauthor(s): Aisling Dower
Preferred Session: Ecosystem services: Why so little used in planning?
Summary Statement: A case study on the application of the WRI’s ESR for IA method, supplementary data-gathering and analysis approach, and assessment of project impacts and dependencies on priority ecosystem services.
Acceptance Status: approved
The relevance of river flows for decision on dams.
Abstract ID# 191
Presenting Author: Asha Rajvanshi | Coauthor(s): Vinod B. Mathur
Preferred Session: Ecosystem services: Why so little used in planning?
Summary Statement: The presentation focuses on how ecosystem services of a river became a critical factor for decision making with respect to construction of several dams on a river in India.
Acceptance Status: approved
The role of SEA in sustainability in Slovenia
Abstract ID# 214
Presenting Author: Vesna Kolar PlaninÅ¡iÄ
Preferred Session: The role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning
Summary Statement: SEA in Slovenia in the period of 10 years helps in achieving sustainable development goals for all development sectors and improve the programmes and plans esentially.
Acceptance Status: approved
The Science & the Policy of Climate Change for IA
Abstract ID# 363
Presenting Author: nicholas king
Preferred Session: The link between resiliency and climate smart(er) impact assessment
Summary Statement: How well do the CoP21 agreements match the scientific requirements to address climate change? What are the implications for IA? Essential principles of the new planning approaches required are represented.
Acceptance Status: approved
the SEA of the Belt and Road
Abstract ID# 285
Presenting Author: Rong Yao | Coauthor(s): He Xu , Huizhi Wang
Preferred Session: The role of EA in the “One Belt One Road†initiative (I)
Summary Statement: This SEA enhances “The Belt and Road†with its advices to effective use resources and environmental advantages. To improve environmental quality through investment guidance which given in paper.
Acceptance Status: approved
The state of environmental offsets in Australia ï¿
Abstract ID# 262
Presenting Author: Garry Middle
Preferred Session: Biodiversity offsets: The Asian experience
Summary Statement: The submissions to an inquiry into offsets in Australia are examined seeking evidence of the their effectiveness and whether their use is impacting on the application of the mitigation hierarchy.
Acceptance Status: approved
The Tipping Point
Abstract ID# 226
Presenting Author: Michelle Bolger
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: The tipping point is where the resilience ends and the landscape changes beyond recognition or repair. How do cumulative assessments judge when enough is enough?
Acceptance Status: approved
The USEPA’s Urban Resilience Evaluation Tool
Abstract ID# 419
Presenting Author: Julie Blue
Preferred Session: The link between resiliency and climate smart(er) impact assessment
Summary Statement: A tool to evaluate urban resilience to climate change across eight sectors: water, energy, transportation, public health, economy, land use, the natural environment, and telecommunications.
Acceptance Status: approved
Tool to Assess U.S. Climate Change Vulnerability
Abstract ID# 446
Presenting Author: Julie Blue
Preferred Session: Climate change and IA: Good practice cases (II)
Summary Statement: A robust Vulnerability Assessment Tool is able to make large amounts of relevant information, including well-researched climate information at defensible scales, easily accessible.
Acceptance Status: approved
Tools for Sustainable Hydropower Development
Abstract ID# 319
Presenting Author: Juan Quintero | Coauthor(s): Aradhna Mathur
Preferred Session: Building excellence in impact assessment
Summary Statement: This paper lays out and illustrates good practices to integrate environmental and social considerations in hydropower development including standards, tools and methodologies for early planning.
Acceptance Status: approved
Tools to guide IA: practical experiences
Abstract ID# 435
Presenting Author: Matt Jones
Preferred Session: Tools and approaches for integrating biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: The Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool is used by companies to help scope IA. These experiences will highlight how the tool can support effective and consistent implementation of good practice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Toward sound implementation of EIA in Asia
Abstract ID# 88
Presenting Author: Ikuko Matsumoto | Coauthor(s): Naoko Genjida , Daisuke Sano , Yasuo Takahashi , Masami Tuji & Akiko Urago
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: This paper is based on EIA system and implementation study in seven Asian countries, and identifies key challenges, support needs and good practices corresponding to the key challenges.
Acceptance Status: approved
Towards migration impact assessment in Flanders/Be
Abstract ID# 286
Presenting Author: Jan De Mulder
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: This papers offers a practitioner perspective to the use of expert knowledge (including impact assessment) in the Flemish regional policy approach regarding the integration of migrants as part of a European Union policy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Track & respond to cumulative effects:a systems
Abstract ID# 142
Presenting Author: Will Rifkin | Coauthor(s): Katherine Witt , Jo -Anne Everingham
Preferred Session: Systems approaches to impact assessment for resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: A systems approach to cumulative socioeconomic impact assessment and monitoring of energy resource development characterises changes in towns of rural Queensland, Australia. Catalytic and flow-on effects were identified as well as regional interactions and effective town-level adaptive strategies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Traditional Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction
Abstract ID# 87
Presenting Author: Prince Mmom | Coauthor(s): Otu Ekpenyong
Preferred Session: Building resilience for long-term wellbeing
Summary Statement: Traditional Knowledge Systems (TKSs) can contribute greatly to modern management of local ecosystems as well as in the reduction of environmental disaster risk in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.
Acceptance Status: approved
Transformation of resource-based cities in China
Abstract ID# 278
Presenting Author: Xun Zhu
Preferred Session: Economic impact assessment and sustainable regional development
Summary Statement: In this study, the impact of renewable energy supply on the resource-based cities and the function of renewable energy in the transformation of resource-based cities in China will be explained.
Acceptance Status: approved
Transforming IA in NZ for Enhanced Resilience
Abstract ID# 101
Presenting Author: KÄ“pa Morgan | Coauthor(s): Tumanako Fa`aui
Preferred Session: Systems approaches to impact assessment for resilience and sustainability
Summary Statement: NZ’s worst maritime environmental disaster has transformed sustainability assessment. The Mauri Model meets all Bellagio STAMP principles and is most relevant approach regardless of community.
Acceptance Status: approved
Understanding community attitudes toward coal seam
Abstract ID# 157
Presenting Author: Airong Zhang | Coauthor(s): Kieren Moffat , Justine Lacey , Michelle Rodriguez
Preferred Session: Social Licence to Operate and community resilience
Summary Statement: An empirical study reveals that strengthening governance is the fundamental mechanism for getting the public on board in order to address issues of energy security and climate change mitigation.
Acceptance Status: approved
University Parking Cost Analysis Using WTP
Abstract ID# 337
Presenting Author: Gyoungjun Ha | Coauthor(s): Juchul Jung , Dalbyul Lee , Hyungjun Park
Preferred Session: Connecting transportation planning and IA: Theory and practice
Summary Statement: This study aims to calculate parking costs through WTP, as a measure, which can induce the reduction of vehicle traffic volume following the increase of parking fees of university campuses.
Acceptance Status: approved
Urban transport planning methodological challenges
Abstract ID# 511
Presenting Author: Lena Levin | Coauthor(s): Karin Book , Ã…se Svensson , Malin Henriksson
Preferred Session: Sustainable transport: Current situations and challenges
Summary Statement: The paper discusses challenges from a case study in the urban neighbour-hood of a middle sized city in Sweden. The aim was to support planners and to increase end-users' power.
Acceptance Status: approved
USAID's EIA Capacity Building - Lessons 1995 -2015
Abstract ID# 255
Presenting Author: Weston Fisher | Coauthor(s): Mark Stoughton , Patrick Hall
Preferred Session: Collaboration and capacity building: The key to resilient IA practice?
Summary Statement: Lessons from USAID's EIA Capacity Building Program in small-scale development activities (1995-present)
Acceptance Status: approved
Use of biodiversity data to improve IA
Abstract ID# 224
Presenting Author: John Pilgrim
Preferred Session: Tools and approaches for integrating biodiversity in impact assessment
Summary Statement: The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of impact assessment can be improved through targeted use of existing biodiversity datasets to focus the process from the early stages.
Acceptance Status: approved
Valuing ecosystem services from RRA
Abstract ID# 518
Presenting Author: Katherine Sanchez-escalona | Coauthor(s): Lleva Emmanuel , Briones Nicomedes
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: Strengthening the current EIA practice by appending economic analysis to the study.
Acceptance Status: approved
Verification of clean air technologies in GTCC
Abstract ID# 533
Presenting Author: Taizo Yamamoto | Coauthor(s): Mitsuru Masatsugu , Osamu Okada
Preferred Session: Integrated policies toward sustainable resource management in Asia
Summary Statement: Clean air technologies for non-air-polluting in GTCC makes EIA simple and construction period short.
Acceptance Status: approved
Vision completed - The symbolic image of landscape
Abstract ID# 463
Presenting Author: Marius Fiskevold
Preferred Session: Landscapes in development context (I)
Summary Statement: Cultivating the landscape analysis as a symbolic construction, visual experience may be used to bridge the gap between the traditional world of the analyst and the everyday world of anyone.
Acceptance Status: approved
Vulnerability of Low Income People due to Disaster
Abstract ID# 498
Presenting Author: Papon Kumar Dev
Preferred Session: Disasters, conflict and impact assessment (III)
Summary Statement: The study explores the vulnerability of low income people in a coastal urban sub-district of Bangladesh named "Kalapara". It is an index based mapping approach using renowned models & GIS technology.
Acceptance Status: approved
Water Quality Simulation of Flood Control Dam
Abstract ID# 527
Presenting Author: Han-Jin Lee | Coauthor(s): Yong-Moon Jung , Sang-Chul Hwang , Hyun-Dong Hwang
Preferred Session: Asian SEA, EIA and ecosystem service assessment: Biodiversity and ecosystem services (I)
Summary Statement: This study was carried out to simulated the changes of water quality before and after the flood control dam construction using watershed model(HSPF)-reservoir water quality model(EFDC).
Acceptance Status: approved
What kind of EIA is needed for OBOR initiative?
Abstract ID# 396
Presenting Author: Kin-Che LAM
Preferred Session: The role of EA in the “One Belt One Road†initiative (I)
Summary Statement: Having regard to the interest and priority of different parties involved, the paper examines what kind of EIA is needed to assure sustainability and how the IA profession can contribute.
Acceptance Status: approved