Following is a list of IAIA19 Annual Conference Sessions which have been submitted.
Lead Chair: Tulika Bansal
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This panel discussion connects the practice of impact assessment and right to access to remedy of affected stakeholders. The role of project-level grievance mechanisms will be discussed through practical case studies, as well as the role of the accountability mechanisms of international fianancial institutions and state-based mechanisms.
Lead Chair: Easter Galuvao | CoChair(s): Jope Davetanivalu , Gregory Barbara , Paul Roughan
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
This session is a facilitated conversation to advance impact assessment practice and build a community of practice in the large-ocean states of the Pacific.
Lead Chair: Ben Harris-Roxas
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
HIA, SIA and other forms of IA have been promoted as mechanisms to ensure potential differential health impacts and vulnerabilities associated with proposals are identified and acted upon. This session reports on the use, progress, and methodological of IA to address health equity.
Lead Chair: Kiichiro Hayashi | CoChair(s): Jong-Gwan Jung
Session Format: Pecha Kucha | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The advancement of remote sensing technology and information technology, spatial analysis with a variety of environmental, social and economic items received a big attention. This session will focus on IA examples which support the strategic decision including SEA and utilized the well-organized spatial scale analysis for achieving SD in Asia.
Lead Chair: Hugo Rainey | CoChair(s): Hugo Costa
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
We all know the story: a project aims to mitigate its impacts and ensure community benefits. But then a logging company appears, a minister’s pet road project is approved and settlers clear a priority area for wildlife. This workshop will identify recommendations to help countries avoiding complex cumulative impacts.
Lead Chair: Virginia (Ginny) King | CoChair(s): Rick Gillan
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
'Dot to Dot isn't just for Kids, Silly Wabbit': The Evolution of IA through Revolutionary Tools and Alternative Approaches.
Lead Chair: Martina Girvan | CoChair(s): Ed Cooper
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
A session for Impact Assessment practitioners, stakeholder specialists, designers and those interested in integrating the concept of Ecosystem Service Assessment into their Impact Assessments. Case studies will be presented with a discussion around the challenges and benefits of incorporating and standardising the approach.
Lead Chair: Ben Cave | CoChair(s): Thomas Fischer
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Capacity for assessing health is not evolving even though its importance is recognised. Is there tension between the imperatives of capacity-building for the health sector and for engagement across sectors? We invite presentations on capacity-building initiatives. The session will build towards a strategy for global capacity for health in IA.
Lead Chair: Jack Krohn | CoChair(s): Tanya Burdett , Megan Jones
Session Format: Theme Forum (Debate) | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
Which way forward for impact assessment? Listen to passionate champions for evolution and revolution, challenge them and make your own stand. Make your contribution to the pivotal debate for IAIA19! Choose your colours, fly your flag! Are you for Charles or for Che?
Lead Chair: Jiang Ling | CoChair(s): Clara U Kam Wa
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
This forum explores the reshaping of environmental impact assessment framework to address the environmental impacts of local and regional mega infrastructure, in order to safeguard the environment, integrate the need of community and develop sustainable development strategy. Case studies from the Mainland and other places will also be demonstrated.
Lead Chair: TBC
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This is a new session based on papers received and will be developed further in the following weeks
Lead Chair: Jacqui Hex
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Has the industry evolved and embraced the concept of engineers being part of the environmental team? How can having engineering expertise from the onset of the EIA enhance the benefits of the project? Can we move from the resource to waste mindset towards a waste to resource approach through collaborative cradle to grave thinking?
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Theme Forum (Panel Discussion) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Lead Chair: Alexandra Blood
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The case study presentations will focus on programs of engagement with local communities as part of the impact assessment process to assess impacts, promote awareness and participation,particularly those relying on marine and coastal resources for subsistence.
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Contribution of Sustainable impact Assessments in development and implementation of hydropower dams.
Lead Chair: Arne Dalfelt | CoChair(s): Peter Tarr
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Oil, Gas, and Renewable Fuels
There is an accelerating evolution in global thinking focusing on the negative impacts of oil and gas production. Particularly developing countries where more energy is urgently needed at the same time as climate change and environmental degradation is most critical. What can an IA practitioner do in this situation?
Lead Chair: Michael Hall
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Following a presentation on how environment, social and H&S information is used in a procurement and contract management for civil works, a discussion and workshop will be held on how the mitigation measures should be written in ESIA/ESMP to assist in understanding and implementing requirements, and in applying remedies when it goes wrong.
Lead Chair: Jeffrey Jacquet | CoChair(s): Will Rifkin
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Comprised of academics and practitioners, and structured around audience participation and insight, this workshop session focuses on identifying challenges and opportunities to building a robust workforce of social impact assessment practitioners. Participants will: 1. Identify challenges and opportunities to SIA workforce development; 2. Identify
Lead Chair: Paul Eijssen | CoChair(s): Martin Budd
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This session highlights the latest achievements and innovations in digital impact assessment reporting, reviewing and communication. Our paper-based session shares and discusses state-of-the-art IA projects and interactive tools to support informed decision making.
Lead Chair: Tulsi Bisht
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Data collection for social impact assessment has traditionally been paper based. This is often inefficient, with data gaps, lost data and lack of geo-referencing. This session explores new approaches using digital data collection and geographic information systems to streamline social impact assessment and improve the effectiveness of the process.
Lead Chair: Charles Kelly | CoChair(s): Angelo Jonas Imperiale
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Disasters and Conflict
The session will cover the use of impact assessment to reduce harm from disasters and other crises and responses to these events. Lessons from the assessment of response recovery reconstruction and development-disaster linkages are welcome.
Lead Chair: Chizoba Chinweze | CoChair(s): Abbas Suleiman
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Impact Assessment Law, Policies, and Practice
Disaster risk arising particularly from Desertification Land Degradation and Drought DLDD driven by factors such as climate variability natural resource depletion degradation and poor land-use planning impacts on the energy-food-water nexus and poses a problem for sustainable development. The associated economic loss is increasing in all regions especially in developing countries. The proposed session will address different aspects of the topic with a focus on managing disaster risk.
Lead Chair: Christine Loth-Bown
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
The session will focus on the importance of early planning to impact assessment. Panelists will present perspectives from Canada and other countries and discuss components of early planning including meaningful public engagement, partnership with Indigenous peoples, cooperation with jurisdictions, and inputs from RA and SA.
Lead Chair: Galina Williams
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Economic Impact Assessment (EcIA) is usually done at a state or country level. There are challenges and opportunities for IA practitioners to develop a range of EcIA tools that can be used at regional level. A range of international case studies that demonstrate the potential use of these tools is provided.
Lead Chair: Leandro Arruda | CoChair(s): Marcio Labruna , Lucio Bedê
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Resilience and sustainability
This session looks at strategies for dealing with social and environmental impacts of large mining projects in developing regions. We describe how these strategies are taking regional development, biodiversity conservation and strengthening of socio-cultural diversity in view of multi-stakeholder partnership for environmental governance.
Lead Chair: Ross Marshall | CoChair(s): Claire Gronow
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Viva la revolution! ESIA co-ordinators are the assigned leaders responsible for ensuring that IA is undertaken effectively and efficiently. Their role and influence are broader than just project management and EIS delivery. This session explores the role and how effective ESIA co-ordinators are at increasing the impact of IA
Lead Chair: Eugene Jo | CoChair(s): Chris Polglase
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
IAIA Section Topic: Cultural Heritage
The session will serve as the basis of formulating the scope and content of a new holistic guidance to recognize natural and cultural heritage in impact assessments, by aiming to produce a new guidance material on World Heritage and impact assessment.
Lead Chair: Emma Waterhouse | CoChair(s): Tara Halliday
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
When many ESIA regimes around the world are focused on increasingly sophisticated approaches, this session will look at the evolution of ESIA in developing economies of the Pacific and SE Asia, with participants gaining an understanding of the different responses to economic, social and environmental pressures and potential impacts.
Lead Chair: Roman Novozhilov
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This panel session will explore recent evolution and future directions for IA in BRICS countries. Experts will discuss the role of regulators, public and private sector, communities and other stakeholders in each country’s unique IA system, convergence of IA practices as well as gaps and challenges in IA implementation.
Lead Chair: Angelo Jonas Imperiale | CoChair(s): Frank Vanclay
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Can SIA enhance regional development and support community development plans to better inform development planning about local needs and desired social outcomes? Is evolution or revolution the answer? This session reflects on lessons learned, and on constrains to, and demands on, SIA to enhance its strategic value in regional development.
Lead Chair: TBC
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Climate Change
This is a new session created based on papers received and will be further developed in the following weeks.
Lead Chair: Guy Williams | CoChair(s): Lucie N’Guessan , Ginny King
Session Format: Fishbowl | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
Putting biodiversity offset theories to the test to develop more practical and sustainable solutions
Lead Chair: Aaron Goldschmidt
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IA guidance may be developed and implemented consistently, or not. National leadership can strengthen or weaken compliance. Collaboration can bridge policy gaps; heated conflict arises between regional and national entities with competing interests. Case studies requested for lessons-learned, or status and paths forward for those cases amid coll
Lead Chair: Angus Morrison-Saunders | CoChair(s): Jos ARTS
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
A revised set of IAIA best practice principles for EIA follow-up are currently in preparation by Angus Morrison-Saunders, Jos Arts, and Ross Marshall. This builds on the process that commenced at IAIA18. Come along to this workshop to contribute to their development and finalisation. All contributions are welcome.
Lead Chair: Morgan Haupthfleisch
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
IAIA Section Topic: Oil, Gas, and Renewable Fuels
A fun role play of a public meeting where fossil energy producers meet the new times with advocates for renewable energy in a public hearing. IA scenarios will be presented and discussed by different interest groups.
Lead Chair: Aaron Goldschmidt
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
As technology and social shifts propel emerging concepts, IA must evolve ahead of these actions. From cannabis permitting, cultivation, and transport to privatization of space transport, IA is evolving. Case studies requested to share evolving IA experience with emerging issues, including IA approaches unique to one or common to all.
Lead Chair: Nora Gotzmann | CoChair(s): Nick Bainton
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This session provides a space for dialogue on a forthcoming IAPA Special Issue on gender in impact assessment and management. Panellists present draft contributions on integrating, analysing and addressing gender in IA, followed by an interactive workshop session where participants and presenters discuss feedback and input for the Special Issue.
Lead Chair: Paul Eijssen
Session Format: Theme Forum (Panel Discussion) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
What does a shift to a digital way of working mean? We will explore what’s possible today in working digitally and with experts and the public, we will explain from various perspectives what ‘going digital’ means for our field of work, how it can add value in decision-making, and the barriers to successful implementation.
Lead Chair: Geetha Ramesh
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
This session aims to bring the practioners from around the globe to compare and contrast different health assessments they conduct in relation to projects and the specific regulatory requirements or needs that help identify prospective impact assessment of projects, programs and policies on human and community health.
Lead Chair: Jos Arts | CoChair(s): Francois Retief
Session Format: Debate | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
In this session we discuss critical lessons from when IA was perhaps going from revolution to evolution(?). Share with us what you consider to be key wisdom from IA publications in the 1990s. What were the main debates, trends, concepts, cases, professionals and publications? What are lessons for today’s IA?
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Contribution of IA to human wellbeing
This is a new session based on papers received and will be further developed in the following weeks.
Lead Chair: Richard Morgan | CoChair(s): Dyanna Jolly
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
With increasing pressure on the NZ environment, what can we learn from IA practice at project and strategic level to improve future practice and achieve sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
Lead Chair: Carlos Quintero
Session Format: Debate | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Test Session
Lead Chair: Joanna (Jo) Buldeski
Session Format: Fishbowl | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
There is a moral in every story. You'll learn from our panellists’ victories and mistakes, then you're invited to dive into the fishbowl with your toughest conundrums for the IA Agony Aunts! Our team of consultant, regulator, proponent, and donor will passionately discuss your problem, providing fresh perspectives! Bring us a challenge!
Lead Chair: Maria Partidario | CoChair(s): Rob Verheem
Session Format: Theme Forum (Panel Discussion) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
Acknowledging the relevance of Impact Assessment, in its various forms, in enabling the 2030 agenda, what are possible forms of action to make SDG more clear in IA practice, improving inclusiveness in IA, and the inter-connectivity of the multiple SDG, without losing effectiveness in IA
Lead Chair: Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Mine closure has to date been mainly treated as a technical, environmental or economic issues, with relatively little attention being paid to its social and cultural implications. We invite papers that explore these implications and the role that Impact Assessment can play in identifying, preparing for and managing them.
Lead Chair: Robin Mitchell
Session Format: Debate | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IA is widely promoted as a tool to safeguard biodiversity in development but meanwhile much of the world's biodiversity continues to slide towards extinction. Maybe we should think again and find better methods?. This session will debate whether IA is a good tool for safeguarding biodiversity or not and if not, how it needs to change.
Lead Chair: Ben Cave | CoChair(s): Alan Bond
Session Format: Theme Forum (Debate) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The focus is on IA quality and how it can be improved with a view to delivering substantive effectiveness. We welcome papers which consider innovations in the development and application of quality evaluation methods, and papers which demonstrate system quality. Any submission should be clear on whether evolution or revolution is needed.
Lead Chair: David Snashall
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Planning and managing project closure has become a major concern in the mining and oil and gas industries, with increasing scrutiny from Governments and communities, leading to higher corporate standards. Within this context impact assessment is emerging as key tool to assess closure options, identify and mitigate impacts
Lead Chair: Geoff Ralphs | CoChair(s): Helen Murphy
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
How is impact assessment working in practice in Australia? What is going well and what could be better? If you work in IA anywhere in Australia, come and help explore the priority evolutionary or revolutionary improvements for the system(s) that you work with and know best.
Lead Chair: Patrick Francis
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The true value of environmental and social management measures lies in their implementation. This session explores strategies to improve their performance in construction projects. Measures may include user-friendly plans, handheld and cloud-based tools to update and access field data in real time and contractual incentives for good performance.
Lead Chair: Gillian Gregory | CoChair(s): Rachel Olson
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Uncertainty remains in how to best account for and evaluate impacts to indigenous and rural rights in cumulative effects assessment. Given ongoing industrial development, and growing pressure to reduce inequalities and increase sustainability, alternative methods are needed. What challenges or opportunities can we identify from global case studies?
Lead Chair: Sheridan Coakes
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The session addresses the history of SIA in government decision making across Australia, through experiences of key pioneers in the Australian SIA space; recent revolutionaries that have assisted in further understanding SIA in government decision making; and practitioners working tirelessly at the ‘coal face’ in delivering best practice SIA outcom
Lead Chair: Laura Sonter | CoChair(s): Luis Sanchez
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The mitigation hierarchy is used to achieve no-net-loss of biodiversity; however, it is also now applied to ecosystem services – nature’s contributions to people. Our session explores the consequences of integrating ecosystem services into the mitigation hierarchy, and asks what is needed to improve outcomes for biodiversity and human wellbeing.
Lead Chair: Rebecca Lawrence | CoChair(s): Jenny Wik , Anders-Erling Fjällås , Christina Allard
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This session explores different ways of doing impact assessment, where impacted indigenous communities, and their rights and knowledges, take center stage. We invite papers that explore alternatives to proponent driven impact assessments, including community based impact assessments, but also media and corporate campaigns, and political protests.
Lead Chair: Jill Blakley
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Regional-scale impact assessment is proliferating worldwide to address, often in a strategic manner, the cumulative impacts of rapid and intensive multi-sectoral development. This session showcases international initiatives, including their partnership models, strategic elements, approach to cumulative impact assessment, connections to policy, etc.
Lead Chair: Arne Dalfelt | CoChair(s): Peter Tarr
Session Format: Theme Forum (Paper Session) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The global oil & gas industry is directly and indirectly causing global climate change, ocean pollution and environmental degradation, The industry needs to refocus production towards renewable energy with fossil fuel resources reserved for those sectors that cannot do without. The impact assesor is in a unique position to assist in this change.
Lead Chair: Carolyn Cameron
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
This interactive panel session will present emergent ‘big-picture’ lessons gleaned from a decade of SEA practice in Australia and illustrate these with short targeted case studies before opening to the floor to explore targeted questions.
Lead Chair: Garry Middle
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This conference asks is the future IA evolution or revolution? Whilst many aspects of IA are evolving, is this enough to save our planet, its species and its people? A “thought starting†discussion paper has been prepared and you are invited to submit a paper that addresses the conference theme question, & the discussion paper. What your response?
Lead Chair: Rob Verheem
Session Format: Theme Forum (Panel Discussion) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
This theme forum addresses the issue of independence in IA, as the often lack of such is explicitly mentioned in IAIA19’s theme. Examples of existing independency mechanisms are presented, and how these have contributed to IA quality. Followed by an audience discussion on how to promote effective IA independency mechanisms.
Lead Chair: Thomas Fischer | CoChair(s): Andrew Kelly
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
IAIA Section Topic: Special to IAIA
Lead Chair: Neil Cousins
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
Addressing marine biodiversity impacts is often considered to be a challenge. Issues relate to complexity, but also accepted processes and their interpretation. Good outcomes are also often constrained by accepted paradigms. This session will identify issues, demonstrate where solutions can be found, and importantly, set an agenda for improvement.
Lead Chair: John Sinclair | CoChair(s): Meinhard Doelle , Robert Gibson
Session Format: Theme Forum (Paper Session) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
This participatory session will offer a short overview of the key components of next generation IA law followed by comments from discussants and open dialogue on topics such as the applicability of the components in diverse jurisdictions, and enablers and barriers to implementation to encourage an open sharing of ideas.
Lead Chair: Jane Mogina
Session Format: Theme Forum (Paper Session) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Corporate Stewardship and Risk Management
This forum will provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities of developing world-class projects in sensitive environments and emerging nations, where biodiversity and cultural diversity shape the IA processes. In addition, lessons learned from various project experiences will be shared to encourage an open forum discussion of evolving IA concepts.
Lead Chair: Kepa Morgan | CoChair(s): Tumanako Ngawhika Faaui
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
The Indigenous Peoples Section organized Aashukan, designed to build bridges between communities and proponents through IA. Orokohanga seeks to build on Aashukan in this second pre-conference event. Panelists will share the collectively evaluated Māori case studies that exemplify the Aashukan Declaration principles.
Lead Chair: Jennifer Mudge | CoChair(s): Tara Lopatofsky
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
How does a centralized evaluation shift focus to better represent the needs and perspectives of beneficiaries? What responsibilities do evaluators have in strengthening data production and use in communities lacking this capacity? This session will explore those questions and more using an international education-focused nonprofit as an example.
Lead Chair: Roughan Paul | CoChair(s): Nick Taylor
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
Tina River Hydro in Solomon Islands points towards a much deeper integration of measures for positive local benefit than classic impact assessment would countenance. It is a flagship energy project working to secure customary land and share benefits with indigenous land owners and related community members.
Lead Chair: Lucie NGuessan | CoChair(s): tbd tbd
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Evaluating the effectiveness of the mitigation hierarchy from planning to on-the-ground delivery
Lead Chair: Eugene Jo | CoChair(s): Arlene Fleming
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Cultural Heritage
The session will collect good cases of impact assessments that have addressed the need for heritage conservation and sustainable development, by focusing on heritage values assessment and community engagement in its methodology. It will serve as the basis for establishing better guidance materials for addressing heritage within IAs.
Lead Chair: Mark Kunzer | CoChair(s): Peter Leonard
Session Format: Theme Forum (Panel Discussion) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The successful delivery of PPP projects requires effective management of environmental and social issues. This session will provide insight into what is needed to achieve this and what are the common pitfalls.
Lead Chair: Jane Munday | CoChair(s): Rachel Maas
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
What is needed to evolve the practice of social impact assessment so it meets the aspirations of our founder Charlie Wolf’s 1982 state-of-the art paper, IAIA Principles (Vanclay 2003) and Guidelines (Vanclay et al. 2015). Is impact assessment still a ‘technocracy’? Is evolution enough? Is it time for a new paradigm?
Lead Chair: Jeremy Simmonds | CoChair(s): Martine Maron
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
Compensatory actions, like biodiversity offsets, are required where projects have residual impacts. Yet, there is little clarity on how compensation contributes to broader conservation objectives. In this session, we aim to showcase how compensation can be harnessed to promote desirable outcomes for biodiversity and stakeholders.
Lead Chair: Thomas Measham
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
In this session we bring together a diverse panel of speakers to consider key questions on the definition of social licence the ongoing validity of the term and if not social licence then what? Each panellist will provide an opening statement of no more than five minutes then the Chair will open up the discussion for QandA.
Lead Chair: PAOLA GOMEZ-PRIEGO | CoChair(s): Luis Antonio Bojórquez-Tapia , Luis E Montañez-Cartaxo
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This session is aimed at bringing together scientists and practitioners interested in IA and collaborative governance in the Information Age. New information and communication technologies will increasingly enable the development of a knowledge-based society. There is a need for innovative approaches in IA to keep up with these developments.
Lead Chair: Weston Fisher | CoChair(s): Kin Che Lam , Shirley Lee , Arend Kolhoff , Ana Maria Quintero & Peter Croal
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
How are IAIA and IA practitioners responding to changes to climate policy and impact assessment political challenges related to the recommendations outlined in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change? We review actions taken by IAIA and identify other actions we might take as IA practitioners to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate impacts
Lead Chair: Kosi Latu | CoChair(s): Peter Leonard , Jean Williams
Session Format: Theme Forum (Panel Discussion) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
This theme forum opens Pacific Day with lead organisations reporting on progress and challenges developing and strengthening IA capacity appropriate to the needs of people and environments in the region.
Lead Chair: Gosewien van Eck
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
An SEA for a national or regional strategic vision is a useful instrument for highlighting the impact of different strategic policy choices. It also poses challenges. Especially in defining the scope and level of detail of the SEA and strategic vision. How can we develop an SEA with the right scope an appropriate level of detail?
Lead Chair: Timothy Hart
Session Format: Theme Forum (Panel Discussion) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This panel will explore non-orthodox ways to mobilise impact assessment with the purpose of securing socio-economic development outcomes. Discussion themes include: - Should IA be a sub-discipline of development management? - Is engagement too narrow? - including managers and development partners - IA as a full project cycle management tool
Lead Chair: Mervyn Mason
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Panel discussion and debate on the effectiveness of biodiversity offsets.
Lead Chair: Richard Boele | CoChair(s): Deanna Kemp , Richard Parsons
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This session asks ‘How early is too early for SIA?’ It will focus on infrastructure and resource project case studies to wrestle with the tension between waiting to commence SIA until there is 'sufficient information'; and commencing early enough to ensure that results can meaningfully influence project design and operation or closure.
Lead Chair: Guy Williams | CoChair(s): Jennifer Dupont , Kyle Armstrong , Tami Putri
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Data, data, everywhere, And some of the folks aware; Data, Data, everywhere, Nor any info to share.
Lead Chair: Jiri Dusik
Session Format: Theme Forum (Workshop) | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
We will discuss complex social and environmental implications of the global uptake of automated production and management systems comprised of 3D printing, industrial robotics, autonomous transport, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence. Key issues of concern are outlined in a scoping paper that will be posted here by 21 July 2018.
Lead Chair: Taeyun Kim
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
In the oceans, various human activities are being carried out, and many species are inhabited. This session focuses on the social and environment impacts of marine renewable energy. The session will present social and environmental impacts resulting from marine renewable energy development and discuss ways to resolve or reduce them.
Lead Chair: Katharine Gotto Walton | CoChair(s): Julia Haggerty
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This panel session focuses on extractive and major facility social closure planning with the panellists and participants seeking to: 1. Identify emerging trends in social closure planning; 2. Consolidate practical lessons about social issues in a closure process; 3. Consider potential significant implications for future social closure planning.
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Social Impact Assessment
This is a new session based on papers received and will be further developing in the following weeks.
Lead Chair: John Pilgrim | CoChair(s): Susanna Price
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Indigenous Peoples
The session addresses the social science employed in social impact assessment of the displacement of vulnerable and indigenous peoples by development projects with a view to avoiding their impoverishment, retaining their livelihoods and knowledge systems and optimizing their contribution to and participation in development.
Lead Chair: Takako Hashimoto
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
This session will provide our basic information and experience on sustainable commerce and society for achieving SDGs in Asia and discuss how we can globally promote sustainable commerce and society with social indicators.
Lead Chair: Lavinia Poruschi | CoChair(s): Simone Carr-Cornish , David Fleming
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
IAIA Section Topic: Energy power generation and transmission
This session highlights solutions for impact assessment of energy resources extraction and generation at a time when increasing uptake of renewables present a new mix of benefits and impacts to manage. Research assessing benefits and impacts of renewables, cumulative mining outcomes, and mining closure are welcome in this session.
Lead Chair: Ricardo Tomé | CoChair(s): Jack Krohn
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Energy power generation and transmission
Wind energy is vital for climate change mitigation. But it needs to be good for the environment on all levels. We target a participated discussion on the state of the art about avoiding, minimising, offsetting and further researching risks to birds from wind energy technologies. A participatory sesession.
Lead Chair: Nick Taylor | CoChair(s): Jope Danetanivalu
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
In the Pacific Islands, Impact Assessment is used to plan, assess and implement a wide range of development projects and strategic planning activities with the goal of more sustainable and resilient futures. This session reflects on processes to strengthen IA practice and build local capacity.
Lead Chair: Ben Harris-Roxas | CoChair(s): Janine Bedford
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
This panel session will discuss contemporary challenges in health impact assessment and strategies that enable us to move beyond traditional approaches. This includes collaborative approaches with communities multi stakeholder engagement reconciling ethical considerations and practical challenges.
Lead Chair: Jenny Pope | CoChair(s): Angus Morrison-Saunders , Megan Jones
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
IAIA Section Topic: Teaching, learning, research, and practice of IA
Teachers and trainers of impact assessment are invited to this workshop to share experiences of teaching techniques; to reflect on how these align with IAIA’s draft Best Practice Principles for Teaching Impact Assessment; to learn from others; and to contribute developing collective understanding of best practice teaching of impact assessment.
Lead Chair: Daniel Franks | CoChair(s): Rauno Sairinen , Susan Joyce
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The cumulative impacts of development in resource regions worldwide have placed pressure on regional environments, economies and communities. This session will interrogate the effectiveness of new and traditional impact assessment, management and policy approaches, highlighting examples from Queensland, Australia and around the globe.
Lead Chair: Morgan Haupthfleisch
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
IAIA Section Topic: Oil, Gas, and Renewable Fuels
Fossil energy production leads to serious climate change impacts and rapid environmental degradation. The industry is facing a rapidly evolving public and political demand for change. This workshop session will allow Ofd participants and others to discuss how their own countries tackle the dilemma, and the impact assessment practitioners role.
Lead Chair: John Sinclair | CoChair(s): Meinhard Doelle
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The session will include an overview of the new Canadian IA process and short panel presentations about key IA issues related to the law in order to encourage an open sharing of ideas regarding the reforms that have been put in place and any needed regulations, policy and guidance.
Lead Chair:
Session Format: | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
Lead Chair: Simon Catchpole | CoChair(s): Pablo Baranao
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
A project Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can usefully be viewed in the context of the development of that project, and not only as a means to an environmental approval. The session is intended to explore the relationship between an EIA and an Environmental Management System (EMS) for a project operation.
Lead Chair: Mirko Winkler | CoChair(s): Francesca Viliani
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
This workshop has per objective to discuss how the findings of a global survey on applied processes, methods, standards, values and aspirations in current HIA practice can be collated in the development of the updated IAIA HIA international best practice principles paper.
Lead Chair: Nessim Ahmad
Session Format: Debate | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
Safeguard systems in developing countries has improved significantly. However, concerns remain regarding their use for internationally financed projects. This session will ask eminent panelists from MDBs, countries and civil society to debate: ‘Can we use and rely on country safeguard systems for international financing’. ‘And if, not, what is need
Lead Chair: Garry Middle
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
The use of case studies in teaching IA offers a practical way to demonstrate best and worst IA practice, and providing insights into theory. This session has 2 parts. There will be an interactive session of good case studies in ‘short and sharp’ presentations. Second, a proposal to establish an IA case study teaching network will be discussed.
Lead Chair: Glenn Brown
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: No - Closed
A set of tools that support creating arguments, and sharing them in writing, are assembled in a package called ‘Organized Reasoning’. Hundreds of IA practitioners have received training. This workshop shares experiences from multiple organizations in implementing and maintaining new skills.
Lead Chair: Lara Mottee
Session Format: Panel Discussion | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Open
IAIA Section Topic: Infrastructure and transportation
Public transport-infrastructure engenders social and spatial change in urban cities endured long after the ESIA report is published. Follow-up processes to manage impacts continually fail to meet expectations and generate accountability. This session invites papers and discussion about ESIA Follow-up of urban transport-infrastructure projects.
Lead Chair: Emma Marsden | CoChair(s): Filipe Silva
Session Format: Paper Session | Accepts Submissions: Yes - Invitation Only
HIA initiatives in Asia: strengthening HIA within ADB’s safeguards, countries’ legislations; the HIA Network Asia-Pacific; the regional HIA framework for Special Economic Zones, and strengthening capacity on HIA for DFIs, countries and proponents working on or looking to strengthening HIA or Health in EIA elsewhere