IAIA18 is expected to welcome over 700 delegates from 70+ nations around the world. This is the largest conference in the diverse impact assessment field and is a unique chance to present your work and receive international feedback. IAIA18 is your opportunity to network with professionals and learn about current best practice principles, recent tools, and techniques for impact assessment.
A discounted student registration fee is available, as are several student and young professional programs.
Tips on how to take advantage of attending IAIA events
The SYP Section invites early career IA researchers, practitioners, and post-graduate students to a half-day workshop to present their work, listen to seasoned IA practitioners and academics speak about their career path, and participate in a speed-mentoring activity. Stay connected by attending other SYP social activities during the week.
Wednesday, 16 May | 08:00-11:30 | Price: $10 | Pre-registration is required.
The IAIA18 student fee waiver program allows up to 10 students a waived conference registration fee in exchange for providing in-kind services to IAIA. Eligible students must:
Be a current student member of IAIA, or apply for student membership.
A limited number of free training course registrations are available to student participants of IAIA18 once courses reach their minimum paid enrollments. If you are interested, please send the following to impact@iaia.org:
Your name
Applications for free course registrations will be accepted from 8-22 March 2019. Allocations of the free training course slots will be made by 15 April 2018, based on the order in which the requests were received and subject to instructor approval.
The Rita R. Hamm IA Excellence Scholarship honors the legacy that IAIA’s former CEO has left on the organization and the field of impact assessment. One scholarship will be offered in conjunction with IAIA18, allowing a young practitioner in the region of the host country to attend. Potential candidates are those who have never attended an IAIA annual conference in the past and submit an abstract to present a paper at IAIA18 by the 20 November abstract deadline. Full application instructions are posted at conferences.iaia.org/2018/rita-r-hamm-ia-excellence-scholarship.php. The application deadline is 18 December 2017.