Course #12.  Stakeholder Engagement and Public Participation in Impact Assessment:  Working to International Good Practice Standards, an International IAP2 Certificate Course





The course is based on the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) training course “Public Participation for Decision Makers” and adapted for public participation in impact assessment.
At the conclusion of this course, participants will have learned critical components and considerations for effective public participation, including:

  • Three principal foundations that underpin effective public participation and how to go about them in process design:  stakeholder and proponent values, clarifying the decision to be made, and the ultimate goal you want to achieve in terms of level of stakeholder impact on the decision.
  • Costs and benefits of public participation for the proponent, authorities, all stakeholders.
  • A full understanding of who stakeholders are, how to identify and reach them.
  • Applying the IAP2 Core Values for Public Participation to your entire process.
  • Techniques for sharing information, collecting and compiling information and bringing people together—when and why to use different techniques, and insights into a few select techniques.
  • How to be flexible and adapt the process as needed, highlighted by evaluation.
Uniquely, participants will be asked to submit ideas for case studies—examples regarded as “successful” and also “ineffective” or poor/bad practice. The course will draw out lessons learned from all case studies.
Level: Intermediate to advanced. This course is tailored to those who have experience in the field. It will be attractive to those who work on projects especially in emerging economies where project developers are bound by their investors to meet international good practice standards such as those of the Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation.
Prerequisites: An understanding of public participation and a willingness to adapt your approach and techniques to take them to the next level.
Language: English
Duration: 1 day (28 April)
Price: US$300
Min/Max: 10-25

Tanya Burdett, Director, Essential Planning Ltd / Burdett Associates Pty Ltd (UK)