IAIA11 - Impact Assessment and Responsible Development for Infrastructure, Business and Industry

28 May - 4 June 2011

Conference Theme

What are the consequences to ecosystems, cultural heritage and human well-being -in the short and long run- of decisions taken by infrastructure developers, industry executives and managers, financial agents and business leaders?

Today we know much more about the environmental and social effects related to decisions taken in these sectors and their implications to humankind, especially the poorest and most defenseless people.

Impact assessment comprises a set of tools that strengthen the sense of responsibility in business and investments and in the design and execution of policies, plans, programs and projects. Responsible development means to assess in an integral way the impacts on the environment and on communities, human health, and well-being. Infrastructure and industrial projects as well as business undertakings (in the financial and retail sectors, for instance) should be developed under this responsible point of view, from the early conceptual stage of each project until the end of its utilitarian life.

Since we share a common world, we should be able to identify common objectives for responsible development, in which each sector of the economy becomes aware of the effects of its decisions. At IAIA11, ideas and experiences on this theme will be shared by experts from around the globe, with the end result being a better collective knowledge about how to ensure a better future.

Conference Topics

IAIA11 participants will be encouraged to highlight how the various instruments of impact assessment can assist infrastructure developers, industry, decision-makers, financial institutions, retail development, development cooperation providers, and the public. Areas of interest will include: