IAIA18 Submitted Paper & Presentation Abstracts
Following is a list of IAIA18 Annual Conference paper & presentation abstracts.
Abstracts: Paper & Presentation | Posters
A database with EA country legislation.
Abstract ID# 477
Presenting Author: Anne Hardon | Coauthor(s): Gerlinde Buit
Summary Statement: What does a professionals and layman want to find in an online database with EA legislation? Following a survey, the NCEA translated the outcomes in the restyling of their country profile database.
Acceptance Status: approved
An introduction to policy impacts assessment
Abstract ID# 14
Summary Statement: We propose a generic, but adaptable, framework for assessing policies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 318
Presenting Author: Edgar Buhanga
Summary Statement: Eco-toxicological study undertaken in the Dura Limestone Mining near a Ramsar Site to establish bio-accumulation of heavy metals by indicator species. Results showed lead beyond national standards.
Acceptance Status: approved
Gender & Impact Assessment theoretical challenges
Abstract ID# 15
Summary Statement: We caution against ‘one-size-fits-all’ gender approaches in SIA. We advocate for context specific and particularised gendered analysis of the impacts of projects, policies, and programmes
Acceptance Status: approved
The Social dynamic Habit of Goat on Land and th
Abstract ID# 63
Presenting Author: Michael Adedotun | Coauthor(s): Michael Adedotun
Summary Statement: The essentials of this paper is too identify,showcase the different Land usage and too gain insight about the goat behaviors on the land and the beneficial purposes of land in respect to the rivers
Acceptance Status: approved
'No Net Loss' for people and biodiversity
Abstract ID# 278
Presenting Author: Victoria Griffiths | Coauthor(s): Joseph Bull , Julia , E.J. Milner-Gulland
Summary Statement: Biodiversity offsets should not make people worse off, but understanding is lacking concerning how to achieve 'no net loss' with regard to people's provisioning and cultural values for biodiversity.
Acceptance Status: approved
A donor view on safeguards and risk management
Abstract ID# 430
Presenting Author: John Carstensen
Summary Statement: This presentation explores the key reasons for donors to embrace greater use of national systems for safeguarding and risk managent of development assistance funded programmes.
Acceptance Status: approved
A Mine’s Experience Maintaining a Social License
Abstract ID# 68
Presenting Author: Gordon Appleby
Summary Statement: Transitioning from construction to operations, a mine adjusted its resettlement program but kept its social license because management steadfastly believed that local support was crucial for success.
Acceptance Status: approved
A participatory approach to offset actions
Abstract ID# 488
Presenting Author: Paul Cannon | Coauthor(s): Suzanne Livingstone , Michael , Cheikh Sylla
Summary Statement: Case study: using a participatory approach to develop biodiversity offset actions with positive landscape-level outcomes for both biodiversity and people.
Acceptance Status: approved
A polyphonic concept of Environmental Justice
Abstract ID# 188
Presenting Author: Luis Lopez
Summary Statement: This paper seeks to incorporate the intercultural dimension from the Shipibo-Konibo perspective into the Environmental Justice discussion within the framework of IA and Sustainable Development Goals.
Acceptance Status: approved
A rapid tour of emerging technologies and IA
Abstract ID# 149
Presenting Author: Marla Orenstein
Summary Statement: Enjoy an amusing and informative tour of emerging technologies: what they are and how they may influence how impact assessment is practiced in the future.
Acceptance Status: approved
A Review Protocol for EIAs
Abstract ID# 405
Presenting Author: Carli Steenkamp
Summary Statement: This paper introduces a review protocol for the evaluation of the performance of EIAs for renewable energy project in a developing country context.
Acceptance Status: approved
A SEA reform in green development of cities
Abstract ID# 104
Presenting Author: WEI LI | Coauthor(s): Runhe Cheng
Summary Statement: an improved EIA system is composed of the red line for ecological conservation, the bottom line of environmental quality security and the upper line of natural resource utilization.
Acceptance Status: approved
A socially just energy transition in Berlin?
Abstract ID# 491
Presenting Author: Gloria Amoruso
Summary Statement: PhD research project on whether a socially just energy transition in a city of inequalities is feasible? – Local cases from the building sector in Berlin.
Acceptance Status: approved
Aashukan declaration: a guiding principle for SIA
Abstract ID# 109
Presenting Author: Philippe Hanna | Coauthor(s): Cássio Inglez de Souza
Summary Statement: As Anthropologists and consultants, we intend to discuss the strategic role played by IA with Indigenous Peoples and its potential to contribute for the enhancement of SIA practice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Accreditation scheme to improve IA quality in HK
Abstract ID# 346
Presenting Author: Clara U | Coauthor(s): Ka Man Lee
Summary Statement: This paper describes the accreditation scheme of IA in HK which aims to maintain the integrity and advance the knowledge of the environmental professionals in the region.
Acceptance Status: approved
Achieving No Net Loss for Migratory Birds
Abstract ID# 483
Presenting Author: Andrew Cauldwell | Coauthor(s): Susie Brownlie , Amalia
Summary Statement: An innovative offsetting framework was applied in Ghana to achieve no net loss for migratory shorebirds that incorporated a local community conservation programme to alleviate on-going threats
Acceptance Status: approved
Acid Mine Drainage: Is it an ownerless environment
Abstract ID# 474
Presenting Author: Sophia Tlale
Summary Statement: The consequences of mining activities is evident in the form of acid mine drainage in the Witwatersrand. This environmental crime challenges the weight of the polluter pays principles.
Acceptance Status: approved
Adaptation Capacity Diagnosis & Development
Abstract ID# 435
Presenting Author: Nicholas Pyatt | Coauthor(s): Doogie Black
Summary Statement: CaDD is a metric for developing organisational capacity to adapt to climate change. CaDD can be used by impact assessors to identify and monitor changes in the risk and opportunity posed by organisat
Acceptance Status: approved
Adaptation in Drylands of Pakistan
Abstract ID# 13
Presenting Author: Sahibzada Irfanullah Khan
Summary Statement: Case of dryland restoration from Pakistan where communities led the work in sand dunes to produce fuel, fodder and wood through innovative practices with the engagement of local administration.
Acceptance Status: approved
Adaptation potential of SADC’s dryland forests
Abstract ID# 234
Presenting Author: Nicholas King
Summary Statement: Proactive adaptation policies are urgently needed for SADC’s large dryland areas. New approaches for the key dryland forests sector, incorporating community-based management, are described
Acceptance Status: approved
Adapting Coastal Communities to Climate Change
Abstract ID# 471
Presenting Author: Ranita Koroma
Summary Statement: Presentation of the findings from a climate change vulnerability assessment and the preparation of a guide to adaption planning for coastal communities in Sierra Leone.
Acceptance Status: approved
Adaptive Dredging and Sea Turtle Conservation
Abstract ID# 584
Presenting Author: Victor Patiri | Coauthor(s): Gustave Lopez , Vicente Teixeira , Leonardo Santarossa , João Teixeira & Carolina Brandl
Summary Statement: Case study of the development of an adaptive dredging plan to Port of Açu, Brazil in the area of environmental sensitivity due to the presence of nesting sea turtles.
Acceptance Status: approved
Adaptive management and sanctioning in Chile
Abstract ID# 449
Presenting Author: Gino Araya | Coauthor(s): Cristian Parez
Summary Statement: Adaptive environmental assessment is a tool that should be incorporated as a measure to improve the environmental performance of investment companies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Addressing Data Paucity to Improve Avoidance
Abstract ID# 121
Presenting Author: Neil Cousins
Summary Statement: Data paucity hampers effective avoidance and leads to impacts on marine biodiversity. These issues will be explored and some solutions provided, including predictive approaches and community lscience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Adjusting the UN ESS framework to the policy level
Abstract ID# 122
Presenting Author: Maria Partidario | Coauthor(s): Yunae Yi
Summary Statement: To present and discuss a model to extend the UN ESS framework to the policy/strategy level following a rationale appropriate to complex, non-linear, systems and situations.
Acceptance Status: approved
Advantage of HSEIA with Natural and Social Capital
Abstract ID# 401
Presenting Author: JONGOOK LEE | Coauthor(s): Dong Kun Lee
Summary Statement: The benefits of integrated HSEIA are identified, and possibly enriched part of HSEIA with applying the concept of nature and societal capital is discussed based on a sample HSEIA documents template.
Acceptance Status: approved
Africa’s EA Barometer
Abstract ID# 323
Presenting Author: Peter Tarr
Summary Statement: Sharing of experience with Africa's EA Barometer
Acceptance Status: approved
Agriculture on mine tailings dumps: Possible?
Abstract ID# 434
Presenting Author: Tshiamo Legoale | Coauthor(s): Ndabenhle Sosibo
Summary Statement: The possibility of having multi-purpose mining land is explored and experiments on phytomining prove it possible
Acceptance Status: approved
Amending approved biodiversity mitigation measures
Abstract ID# 186
Presenting Author: Claudia Valencia
Summary Statement: A case study shows how new measures following the mitigation hierarchy had to be devised to protect a reclassified locally endemic species during project operations.
Acceptance Status: approved
An independent Panel for a biodiversity offset
Abstract ID# 457
Presenting Author: Paul Cannon | Coauthor(s): Suzanne Livingstone , Glen Armstrong
Summary Statement: A review of the role, function and utility of an independent Advisory Panel to support the design and implementation of a biodiversity offset programme for the Mako Gold Project, Senegal.
Acceptance Status: approved
Analysis in Environmental Geo-informatics with UAV
Abstract ID# 377
Presenting Author: Yongyan ZHU
Summary Statement: The Usability Analysis of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies in Environmental Geo-informatics with UAV
Acceptance Status: approved
Analysis of ecological healthy area
Abstract ID# 110
Presenting Author: Jieun Ryu | Coauthor(s): Seong Woo Jeon , Kyung-Il , Jinhoo Hwang
Summary Statement: This study not only considered the health and diversity of the ecosystem but also optimized the evaluation results through the mechanical learning method.
Acceptance Status: approved
Analysis of the Temporal Evolution of the Sediment
Abstract ID# 476
Presenting Author: Maria da Glória Braz
Summary Statement: In this paper, the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) has been used to estimate of the temporal evolution of the sediment production in an urban watershed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Analyzing the Dutch syndrome in mineral rich count
Abstract ID# 610
Presenting Author: Mbianyor BAKIA | Coauthor(s): Dr. Aimee BELLA-CORBIN
Summary Statement: Why do mineral rich post conflict fragile countries continue to find themselves in a spiral of endless poverty:
Acceptance Status: approved
Applying SEA Decree in San Pédro Côte d’Ivoire
Abstract ID# 263
Presenting Author: Gisèle Doua | Coauthor(s): Dominique Mbra
Summary Statement: This presentation describes capacity-building efforts to apply the Decree on Strategic Environmental Assessments with the case of San Pédro, Côte d’Ivoire.
Acceptance Status: approved
Approach and Experiences of Social Impact and Risk
Abstract ID# 396
Presenting Author: Xiaochen Zhang | Coauthor(s): Guoqing Shi
Summary Statement: This study mainly takes typical environmental pollution projects as the research object, analyzes the stakeholders of environmental pollution construction projects and their desire..
Acceptance Status: approved
Are Large Big Hydros a Big Mistake?
Abstract ID# 309
Presenting Author: Miles Scott-Brown
Summary Statement: Many of the world’s future proposed hydroelectric schemes are in developing countries. Is this a big mistake or an essential part of our renewable energy future?
Acceptance Status: approved
Are the youth silent in environmental procedures?
Abstract ID# 170
Presenting Author: Sanna-Riikka Saarela
Summary Statement: This paper discusses youth participation in environmental planning and decision-making processes, such as EIA, land use planning and environmental permit procedures.
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessing Flood risk in the Greater PortHarcourt
Abstract ID# 599
Presenting Author: Nimi Dan-Jumbo
Summary Statement: Greater Portharcourt City have been rapidly urbanising which could have profound effect on flooding. The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of land-use and climate change on flooding
Acceptance Status: approved
Assessing impacts in the Myanmar palm oil industry
Abstract ID# 520
Presenting Author: Tulika Bansal
Summary Statement: This presentation describes the process and findings of a sector-wide impact assessment of the palm oil sector in Myanmar and whether such an approach can be applied in other geographies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 130
Presenting Author: Yen-Chun Liu | Coauthor(s): Chih-Kai Yang
Summary Statement: EPA Taiwan is now proceeding to draw up the social impact assessment criterion, which mainly assesses the migration, rights and interests of a majority of local residents or the traditional lifestyle
Acceptance Status: approved
Association of rainfall with dengue in Brazil
Abstract ID# 227
Presenting Author: Simone Miraglia | Coauthor(s): Marcelo Guimarães , Karina , Ana Flávia Gabriel
Summary Statement: We conclude that it is necessary to provide prevention campaigns before the rainy season which due to climate changes have becoming less predictable in order to prevent future dengue outbreaks.
Acceptance Status: approved
Australian perspectives on sustainability in IA
Abstract ID# 79
Presenting Author: Jenny Pope
Summary Statement: The IA reform process in Canada is an opportunity to embed a sustainability approach to impact assessment. We contribute a perspective from Australian experiences with sustainability assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Balancing Tensions to Achieve Better Outcomes
Abstract ID# 640
Presenting Author: Cassandra J. Hemphill, Ph.D.
Summary Statement: Incorporating cultural rationality as well as technical rationality results in robust, sustainable decisions. Dialogic deliberation and other strategies help EM practitioners balance tensions.
Acceptance Status: approved
Barriers to mitigating the indirect impacts of O&G
Abstract ID# 222
Presenting Author: Twyla Holland | Coauthor(s): Pippa Howard
Summary Statement: An integrated assessment of ecosystem services in northern Mozambique, and barriers to the effective mitigation of indirect project impacts in a rapidly changing landscape with multiple players.
Acceptance Status: approved
Best Practices for Minimizing Resettlement Impacts
Abstract ID# 205
Presenting Author: Lewis Tumbama | Coauthor(s): Brenda Kapika
Summary Statement: This presentation describes innovative practices used in resettlement implementation to avoid construction delays, control cost overruns, and minimize impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Better envtl/social results for infrastructure
Abstract ID# 618
Presenting Author: Patrick Francis | Coauthor(s): Douglas Mason
Summary Statement: This presentation highlights practical and effective design, implementation and oversight measures to translate environmental and social assessments into improved results on construction projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Beyond Resettlement
Abstract ID# 432
Presenting Author: Ekaterina Romanova | Coauthor(s): Peter Lafere
Summary Statement: The paper reviews resettlement challenges and productive use of land in the ROW in the energy sector projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Bias, Quantitative Analysis, and Indigenous Values
Abstract ID# 517
Presenting Author: Bruce Muir
Summary Statement: Whether certain quantitative techniques fairly account for Indigenous values are examined. Results show that cultural values are often mischaracterized and impacts are inaccurately predicted.
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity data and mitigation hierarchy in MZ
Abstract ID# 480
Presenting Author: Hugo MR Costa | Coauthor(s): Eduardo Videira , Paulino Rainey , Naseeba Sidat , Hugo Rainey & Ray Victurine
Summary Statement: This case study undertaken in Mozambique gives valuable insights and lessons learned on how biodiversity data can inform an adequate mitigation hierarchy planning.
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity mitigation hierarchy and communities
Abstract ID# 623
Presenting Author: Lisa Gaylord
Summary Statement: QMMs biodiversity mitigation program in Madagascar is based on an integrated spatial approach by targeting land, ecosystems, natural resources management and community stewardship linking inter-connec
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity offsets in South Africa's EIA system:
Abstract ID# 212
Presenting Author: Jeffrey Manuel | Coauthor(s): Aimee Ginsburg
Summary Statement: Offset implementation in a policy vacuum created challenges, but also opportunities to tailor the concept to support implementation of the mitigation hierarchy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity Offsets: A Competent Authority view.
Abstract ID# 546
Presenting Author: Malcolm Moses | Coauthor(s): N/A N/A , N/A N/A , N/A N/A , N/A N/A & N/A N/A
Summary Statement: The trend for developments, subject to an EIA, requiring a biodiversity offset is on the rise. This is a government perspective on the effectiveness of offsets and solutions to improve the status quo.
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity Offsets: no clear destination?
Abstract ID# 139
Presenting Author: Susie Brownlie | Coauthor(s): Amrei von Hase
Summary Statement: Biodiversity offsets aim for ‘no net loss’ of biodiversity at least. But are imprecise objectives and poorly defined frames of reference perpetuating biodiversity loss now and for the future?
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity sanctions under the new environmental
Abstract ID# 452
Presenting Author: Cristian Perez | Coauthor(s): Kay Bergamini
Summary Statement: The study made using data gathered by the researchers highlights the main infractions associated to biodiversity under the new environmental framework.
Acceptance Status: approved
Biodiversity-rich connection of two continents
Abstract ID# 116
Presenting Author: Defne ARISOY
Summary Statement: TANAP, a Mega Pipeline Project, connecting two continents without sacrificing Biodiversity and enhancing in-country ecological database with its baseline studies, action plan and offset strategy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Brazilian hydropower plants: good practices of CEA
Abstract ID# 45
Presenting Author: Amarilis Gallardo | Coauthor(s): João Carlos Silva , Guilherme , Davi Sozinho
Summary Statement: This work aims to analyze how the evaluation of cumulative impacts has been carried out in a Brazilian hydroelectric planning in comparison to the best practices of CEA for watershed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Breaking the glass ceiling - ISO 14001: 2015, alig
Abstract ID# 530
Presenting Author: Johan Nel
Summary Statement: ISO 14001: 2015 requires the demolition of the glass ceiling that divides business strategy and operational environmental management to ensure sustained and effective environmental performance.
Acceptance Status: approved
Bridging IA and mediation in environental conflict
Abstract ID# 555
Presenting Author: Lasse Peltonen | Coauthor(s): Michael Brown , Rauno
Summary Statement: In the face of conflict, IA needs to be performative, legitimate and socially robust. Its outcomes do not depend on data alone, they depend on legitimacy and institutional settings of the process.
Acceptance Status: approved
Building an Online Platform to Support IA Practice
Abstract ID# 370
Presenting Author: Samuel Hayes | Coauthor(s): Thomas Fischer , Julia
Summary Statement: This presentation demonstrates a beta version of an online platform to support IA practitioners and related professionals with the consideration of health – both in HIA and environmental assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Can Community, Government and Company Interests Al
Abstract ID# 489
Presenting Author: Beatrice Kinyanjui | Coauthor(s): Jeanne Ellis
Summary Statement: A case study of how Kenya’s government, communities and companies in the oil sector are trying to work together for responsible development, including challenges, lessons learned and recommendations.
Acceptance Status: approved
Can Traditional Knowledge Inform IA?
Abstract ID# 129
Presenting Author: TÅ«manako Fa'aui | Coauthor(s): Kepa Morgan , Daniel
Summary Statement: This paper identifies how indigenous approaches can contribute to IA, presenting a framework to facilitate the integration of IK and ‘Western’ knowledge - realizing opportunities for complementarity.
Acceptance Status: approved
Can we get to meaningful participation in ESIA?
Abstract ID# 302
Presenting Author: Susan Joyce
Summary Statement: This will be part of a interactive panel and is intended to lay out case examples and to provoke questions about the challenges to meaningful participation within existing ESIA frameworks.
Acceptance Status: approved
Canada’s renewed approach to impact assessment
Abstract ID# 542
Presenting Author: Christine Loth-Bown
Summary Statement: The presentation discusses the review of Canada’s environmental assessment process and the proposed path forward, including engagement of Indigenous peoples.
Acceptance Status: approved
Canadian EA Reform: Integrating GBA+
Abstract ID# 245
Presenting Author: Heidi Walker
Summary Statement: This paper examines what a requirement for Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) might mean for EA practice and reviews potential opportunities and challenges for its application.
Acceptance Status: approved
Canadian reforms for IA jurisdictional cooperation
Abstract ID# 77
Presenting Author: A. John Sinclair
Summary Statement: This paper considers the reforms proposed in the new Canadian Federal IA Bill for ‘co-operative assessment’ and whether the reforms adopted ensure processes harmonize upward to the highest standard.
Acceptance Status: approved
Capacity building as a precursor to HRIA
Abstract ID# 256
Presenting Author: Josua Loots
Summary Statement: Takeaways from human rights capacity building in preparation for human rights impact assessment in the mining sector.
Acceptance Status: approved
Capacity Building for enhanced EIA Competence
Abstract ID# 562
Presenting Author: Rob Evans | Coauthor(s): Josh Fothergill , Jo
Summary Statement: This paper will provide a multiple perspective view on how competence and expertise are developed in the IA community. Drawing on UK & MFI actions to consider how EIA competence & capacity is built.
Acceptance Status: approved
Capacity of Local Governments to Manage Post-EIA
Abstract ID# 605
Presenting Author: Taako Edema George | Coauthor(s): Kiemo Karatu , Andama Edward
Summary Statement: The capacity of local governments to manage post-EIA is critical for the effectiveness of impact assessment in a decentralized governance system.
Acceptance Status: approved
Case study using Community Based Approach
Abstract ID# 220
Presenting Author: Irit Tamir
Summary Statement: Empowering communities to achieve remedy using community based HRIAs in a land conflict in Brazil.
Acceptance Status: approved
CDAP: Identifying Community Priorities for Skills
Abstract ID# 492
Presenting Author: Arundhati Inamdar Willetts | Coauthor(s): Keziah Kateregga
Summary Statement: Skills development is central to enhancing the livelihoods of project communities. Here we describe an informal consultative approach to identify essential skills needs within project communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Challenges of offset implementation in Guinea
Abstract ID# 423
Presenting Author: Genevieve Campbell | Coauthor(s): Suzanne Livingstone , Malcolm Fontaine , Jamison Suter , Rene Fontaine & Johny Rabenantoandro
Summary Statement: Mineral licenses and high biodiversity areas overlap extensively in Guinea, however no national mechanisms exist to facilitate offsetting. We present our lessons learned for offsetting in West Africa.
Acceptance Status: approved
Changes and Achievement in the Policies and Practi
Abstract ID# 418
Presenting Author: Guoqing Shi
Summary Statement: The paper reviewed these changes and achievements in Social analysis and social assessment and Michael Cernea’s contribution in knowledge transfer and capacity building.
Acceptance Status: approved
Changing role of SEA in a transitioning country
Abstract ID# 266
Presenting Author: Heikki Kalle | Coauthor(s): Charlotta Faith-Ell , Jos
Summary Statement: SEA can function as a tool promoting transition to an open society. E.g. in Estonia, where SEA has served as a change agent from top-down planning system into communicative planning.
Acceptance Status: approved
Checklist-style ESIA guidelines for hydropower in
Abstract ID# 123
Presenting Author: Bernt Rydgren | Coauthor(s): Jörg Hartmann , Helen
Summary Statement: The guidelines address good practice on key hydropower issues, support capacity-building through the use of checklists, and integrate socio-environmental guidance with similar techno-financial input.
Acceptance Status: approved
Chile: Minera Candelaria and its community
Abstract ID# 224
Presenting Author: Soledad Llamazales | Coauthor(s): Pablo Baranao
Summary Statement: There are many ways to resolve conflicts between projects and communities. An Environmental Impact Assessment process can be an opportunity to negotiate, avoiding legal actions to achieve justice.
Acceptance Status: approved
China's EIA policy reform on unconventional fuel
Abstract ID# 172
Presenting Author: Rui Liang | Coauthor(s): Peng Liang
Summary Statement: China EIA of unconventional fuel should speed up the reform, give full play to the role of planning EIA, and speed up the formulation of pollution control standards.
Acceptance Status: approved
China's experience of SEA on NESDP
Abstract ID# 428
Presenting Author: He Jia | Coauthor(s): Ma Weichun , Bao
Summary Statement: This paper sets out principles for features and contents of SEA on NESDP. Three pilot cases are put forward to reveal the critical factors and strategies to improve the practice of SEA on NESDP.
Acceptance Status: approved
China's SEA toward Green Development
Abstract ID# 447
Presenting Author: Bao Cunkuan | Coauthor(s): He Jia , Lu
Summary Statement: The presentation will put forward ideas to upgrade SEA toward green development by refine its concept and scoping, applying comprehensive and renewing the practical framework.
Acceptance Status: approved
Citizenship dimensions of energy justice
Abstract ID# 607
Presenting Author: Caroline Damgaard
Summary Statement: How can we link principles of energy justice with understandings of individual consumers, or citizens, and their place in the energy system and transition?
Acceptance Status: approved
Civil Society and Petroleum Governance in Tanzania
Abstract ID# 87
Presenting Author: Kendra Dupuy
Summary Statement: We investigate the ways in which civil society is influencing governance over petroleum resources in Tanzania.
Acceptance Status: approved
Climate Change Adaptation in German SEAs
Abstract ID# 91
Presenting Author: Sonja Schlipf | Coauthor(s): Wolfgang Dickhaut
Summary Statement: The relevance of the integration of the climate vulnerability assessment for urban development to the current planning procedure in Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen and Stuttgart (Germany) will be descibed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Climate Change Impacts on New Katembe, Mozambique
Abstract ID# 384
Presenting Author: Pedro Bettencourt | Coauthor(s): Ângela Canas , Cláudia Fulgêncio , César Jesus
Summary Statement: The paper presents recent studies of the impact of Climate Change in the Katembe territory in south Mozambique shoreline and the way their conclusions were integrated in planning for a new City.
Acceptance Status: approved
Common pool resources and vulnerability in MIDR
Abstract ID# 450
Presenting Author: Alidu Babatu Adam
Summary Statement: Presentation is drawn from findings of an on-going PhD research on mining, involuntary resettlement and livelihood restoration in Ghana.
Acceptance Status: approved
Community Perspectives on ESIA Challenges
Abstract ID# 612
Presenting Author: Mohammad Hamze | Coauthor(s): Vincent Darcy
Summary Statement: This paper offers lessons learned for practitioners to operationalize communities’ perspectives on the challenges of conducting meaningful stakeholder engagement in ESIA processes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Comparison of Public behavior in public sector
Abstract ID# 533
Presenting Author: Ali Albayrak | Coauthor(s): Ä°smail Raci Eraslan , Volkan Turan , Selman Eraslan
Summary Statement: Behavior of people during public participation for energy projects are differ than those environmental investment projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Constitutional Provision and Environmental Justice
Abstract ID# 337
Presenting Author: Aparajita Alam
Summary Statement: Discussion on implementation and enforcement of environmental law and policies and role of judiciary through the constitution, which may ensure environmental justice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Content Analysis of EIA in India
Abstract ID# 252
Presenting Author: Gayatri Chawda | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Shigeo
Summary Statement: Out of 281, 73%, 76%, 35%, 12%, 84%, 8%, 72%, have Environmental Status, Impact study, Alternative analysis, Risk analysis, Mitigation, Consultation, Monitoring, respectively as main chapters name.
Acceptance Status: approved
Continuous Public Involvement in EIA - CKR
Abstract ID# 134
Presenting Author: Yeun Ching, Queenie Ng | Coauthor(s): Wai Hung, Tony Cheung , Ping Ping, Alice
Summary Statement: The continuous public involvement of CKR is conducive to public support, preemptive to potential judicial review of the EIA approval and contributive to positive environmental outcomes of the project.
Acceptance Status: approved
Coral offset in Vanuatu
Abstract ID# 235
Presenting Author: Shingo Takeda | Coauthor(s): Takehiko Murayama , Shigeo
Summary Statement: New MAP was registered in Vanuatu to compensate the coral loss due to development project after series of environmental and social survey and stakeholder meetings.
Acceptance Status: approved
Cornubia - Transitioning society: Implementation
Abstract ID# 319
Presenting Author: Bjorn Hoffmann | Coauthor(s): Prashika Reddy , Humayrah
Summary Statement: The success and challenges of investing in both Contractors and surrounding communities during project implementation - Cornubia: A transitioning society
Acceptance Status: approved
Cornubia – Transitioning society – Planning
Abstract ID# 273
Presenting Author: Humayrah Bassa | Coauthor(s): Prashika Reddy , Bjorn
Summary Statement: The role and evolution of environmental planning in the creation of integrated human settlements.
Acceptance Status: approved
Could intensive agricultural projects present majo
Abstract ID# 608
Presenting Author: Aimee BELLA | Coauthor(s): Dr. Mbianypr BAKIA
Summary Statement: Could intensive agricultural projects present major ecological hurdles rather than contribute towards reducing food poverty in Africa?
Acceptance Status: approved
Counterbalancing loss with protection - not gain.
Abstract ID# 459
Presenting Author: Jeffrey Manuel | Coauthor(s): Aimee Ginsburg
Summary Statement: In the South African context, counterbalancing loss for protection, rather than NNL/NG, provides for a more consistent, measurable and transparent basis for measuring equitable outcomes from offsets.
Acceptance Status: approved
Criteria for defining natural wetlands
Abstract ID# 99
Presenting Author: Marius Venter | Coauthor(s): Surina Esterhuyse
Summary Statement: The key question that this study aims to address is how to define natural and man-made wetlands by looking at legal, ecological and philosophical criteria.
Acceptance Status: approved
Critical, natural and modified habitat in ESIA
Abstract ID# 440
Presenting Author: Mihai Coroi
Summary Statement: We will attempt to clarify issues with definitions and differences between modified and natural habitat, and will present a 2-stage Critical Habitat Assessment that fits better in the ESIA process.
Acceptance Status: approved
CSO engagement in SEA: lessons from Indonesia
Abstract ID# 274
Presenting Author: Astrid Puspitasari | Coauthor(s): Riza Harizajudin
Summary Statement: Civil society engagement in the SEA process is needed to encourage more participatory and better quality SEA outcomes. In this paper we share experiences with SEA for district planning in Indonesia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Custom bikes, houses and Nikes: What can EA learn
Abstract ID# 481
Presenting Author: Reece Alberts | Coauthor(s): Francois Retief , Claudine
Summary Statement: Can the application of design theory, thinking and design elements help simplify EA?
Acceptance Status: approved
Defining roles in Construction EMPs
Abstract ID# 557
Presenting Author: Jan-Albert Wessels | Coauthor(s): Nigel Rossouw , Robin Swanepoel
Summary Statement: This paper defines the roles and relationships between different environmental actors and their contribution to the implementation of construction EMPs in South Africa.
Acceptance Status: approved
Designing projects for sustainable outcomes
Abstract ID# 371
Presenting Author: Tasneem Steenkamp
Summary Statement: Transdisciplinary design principles enable practitioners to effectively carry out projects and develop sustainable solutions, through reflexive learning and co-creation of knowledge and solutions.
Acceptance Status: approved
Determinants of participation in public hearings
Abstract ID# 404
Presenting Author: Alberto Fonseca | Coauthor(s): LaÃs Castro , Ludmila
Summary Statement: Are project type, ownership and affected area associated with biophysical and socioeconomic concerns raised in public hearings? This study explores this question in the context of 49 Brazilian EIAs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Determinants of the Dispersion of Resettlement Dat
Abstract ID# 126
Presenting Author: Julian Kirchherr
Summary Statement: Resettlement, social impacts, hydropower, overruns, large dams, project management.
Acceptance Status: approved
Developing an IA Specialist certification
Abstract ID# 69
Presenting Author: Lachlan Wilkinson
Summary Statement: This presentation discusses experience in Australia and New Zealand in developing an Impact Assessment Specialist certification.
Acceptance Status: approved
Developing SA framework for the Thai context
Abstract ID# 96
Presenting Author: Chaunjit Chanchitpricha | Coauthor(s): Alan Bond
Summary Statement: A sustainability Assessment framework is developed for the Thai context and is applied as a pilot study to Thailand’s climate change master plan 2015-2050.
Acceptance Status: approved
Development of a climate fit tool-kit for EIA - an
Abstract ID# 523
Presenting Author: Alexandra Jiricka-Pürrer | Coauthor(s): Thomas B Fischer , Thomas Völler , Markus Leitner , Sonja Völler
Summary Statement: Results of the trans disciplinary actors based process are presented in this paper with particular focus on the resulting “climate fit tool-kitâ€.
Acceptance Status: approved
DHIS 2 as an HIA tool for low-resource settings
Abstract ID# 407
Presenting Author: Patrick Saunders-Hastings | Coauthor(s): Maureen Perrin , Petter Uggowitzer , Johan Sæbø , Steven Uggowitzer
Summary Statement: This paper examines the value of the District Health Information Software in gathering data to inform risk, vulnerability and impact assessments in low-resource, humanitarian or crisis settings.
Acceptance Status: approved
Diagnosing environmental damages from carcass
Abstract ID# 619
Presenting Author: Sang-il Hwang | Coauthor(s): Eun-Jee Cha , Yunjung
Summary Statement: We developed a tool (worksheet) to diagnose simply environmental damages in a community with carcass disposal site(s).
Acceptance Status: approved
Digital IA reporting: The next step
Abstract ID# 127
Presenting Author: Paul Eijssen
Summary Statement: IA reporting is moving towards a digital way of working. This session highlights where we are in our developments, how we anticipate this to evolve and how our customers think about digital IA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Digital innovation, a tool for aligning IA efforts
Abstract ID# 277
Presenting Author: Edna Liliana Rodriguez Macias | Coauthor(s): Andrea Moreno
Summary Statement: IA digital innovations act as a bridge between the amount of information produced and the ability to integrat it, helping institutions and researchers in the successful alignment of efforts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Disaster Risk of Property Dev't on Floodplains
Abstract ID# 280
Presenting Author: Prince Chinedu Mmom | Coauthor(s): Patrick Olorunloba Iluyemi
Summary Statement: Rapid Urbanization of Port Harcourt City, Nigeria has led to encroachment into natural flood basins thus, increasing their vulnerability to disasters
Acceptance Status: approved
Distilling the Nigerian government’s attitude to
Abstract ID# 270
Presenting Author: Fayokemi Olorundami
Summary Statement: Compensating for environmental injustice is very important in securing environmental justice. Is Nigeria committed to compensating for past wrongs?
Acceptance Status: approved
Division of communities in RE project processes
Abstract ID# 336
Presenting Author: Sanne Vammen Larsen | Coauthor(s): Helle Nielsen , Sara Bjørn Mortensen , Anne Merrild Hansen , Lucia Mortensen
Summary Statement: This paper focuses on how the distribution of local benefits and disadvantages connected to RE-projects impact local communities and the role of EIA in this context.
Acceptance Status: approved
Does IA meet Stakeholder Expectations: POSCO case
Abstract ID# 154
Presenting Author: Pradeep Mishra
Summary Statement: The paper tries to analyse critically on how the EIA and CBA exercises failed to bring out the complexities of the POSCO project in Odisha.
Acceptance Status: approved
Doing the Right Thing? Resettlement Challenges
Abstract ID# 486
Presenting Author: Arundhati Inamdar Willetts | Coauthor(s): Keziah Kateregga
Summary Statement: This paper discusses resettlement experiences from the development of renewable energy projects in East Africa, highlighting the need for flexibility in addressing social issues to overcome challenges
Acceptance Status: approved
Dramatized Learning = Impactful IA Training in FIs
Abstract ID# 577
Presenting Author: Paul Ormerod | Coauthor(s): John Dale , Rob
Summary Statement: What have social cognitive learning theory and dramatization got to do with engaging and effective online IA learning? Find out how this approach to learning is emerging in the FI sector.
Acceptance Status: approved
Due diligence: Social license IF positive impact
Abstract ID# 625
Presenting Author: Edna RodrÃguez | Coauthor(s): Andrea Moreno
Summary Statement: Due diligence as a tool for mitigating and compensating social and environmental impacts through risk management and the design and execution of social impact investment portfolios (participatory)
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecological flow rate in HEP projects in Turkey .
Abstract ID# 595
Presenting Author: Ali Albayrak | Coauthor(s): Ä°smail Raci Bayer , Dr. Volkan , Selman Eraslan
Summary Statement: Ecological flow rate for Hydro Electric Power plant projects have been increased tremendously in recent years in Turkey.
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecosystem Assessment of Upper Orashi, Nigeria
Abstract ID# 259
Presenting Author: Olusola Popoola | Coauthor(s): Oluwapelumi Oyeyemi
Summary Statement: Ecosytem depletion, ecosystem services, ecosystem valuation, environmental justice, wetlands
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecosystem Service Mapping by Integrated ES Modelli
Abstract ID# 105
Presenting Author: Kiichiro Hayashi | Coauthor(s): Wataru Kobayashi , Makoto
Summary Statement: Based on the assessment of the ES potential supply mapping, an integrated ES modelling approach was employed to view the results of ES potential mapping.
Acceptance Status: approved
Ecosystem services and oil/gas activities
Abstract ID# 571
Presenting Author: Meshach Ojile
Summary Statement: Study reports on how oil and gas pipelines and industrial activities have caused a blockage in area and attempt by local population to claim some compensation for ecosystem resource losses.
Acceptance Status: approved
ECOWAS gender assessments in energy projects
Abstract ID# 614
Presenting Author: Gabriela Factor | Coauthor(s): Monica Maduekwe
Summary Statement: ECOWAS adopted a Directive on Gender Assessments in Energy Projects to ensure that vulnerable and marginalized persons are included and benefits result from energy infrastructure development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Educational experience, understanding stakeholders
Abstract ID# 594
Presenting Author: FRANCISCO SUAREZ | Coauthor(s): Carlos Ruggerio
Summary Statement: Participants will learn more about the stakeholder expectations. In addition, this presentation could be the example for professor for giving a strategic to teach about Impact Assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Effect characterization: a 12-country review
Abstract ID# 150
Presenting Author: Marla Orenstein | Coauthor(s): Erica Westwood , Susan
Summary Statement: How consistently and how well is effect characterization undertaken for socio-economic outcomes in IA? We present results of a systematic review of 58 EIAs from 12 countries across six global regions
Acceptance Status: approved
Effective implementation: where can we improve?
Abstract ID# 120
Presenting Author: Bryony Walmsley
Summary Statement: How can we more effectively present the ‘business case’ to developers for improved environmental and social management on their projects?
Acceptance Status: approved
Effects of Land Acquisition on Human Rights
Abstract ID# 239
Presenting Author: Emmanuel Kasimbazi | Coauthor(s): Emmanuel Kasimbazi
Summary Statement: The paper explores the effects of land acquisition on human rights. It explores how land acquisition and compensation affect human rights and the role of RAP in ensuring the rights.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA as a promoter of green infrastructure design
Abstract ID# 182
Presenting Author: Mariana Santos
Summary Statement: Brazil presents a range of disconnected plans designed under the environmental and the urban perspectives. How can EIA promote this integration and lead to the design of urban green infrastructures?
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA Stakeholder Engagement: Experience in Nigeria
Abstract ID# 597
Presenting Author: Atanda Olaogun | Coauthor(s): Ibrahim Salau , Adewole
Summary Statement: Lack of structured approach for stakeholder engagement in the existing policy framework guiding EIA process has been identified as a major challenge to an effective stakeholder engagement in Nigeria.
Acceptance Status: approved
EIA/PLanning for Floods and Droughts in Freetown
Abstract ID# 424
Presenting Author: Peter Nelson
Summary Statement: This paper presents plans for dealing with flooding, drought, mudslides and other natural and man-made disasters in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Acceptance Status: approved
Emerging Social and Environmental Risks of Oil: Ca
Abstract ID# 352
Presenting Author: Kennedy Mkutu
Summary Statement: This work uses the case of Turkana Kenya to examines some of the emerging social and environmental risks of oil and how they might be averted.
Acceptance Status: approved
Empowering communities to engage in extractives
Abstract ID# 217
Presenting Author: Irit Tamir
Summary Statement: This presentation will highlight a community based HRIA tool and its linkages to FPIC.
Acceptance Status: approved
Empowering Ecosystem and Cultural Justice
Abstract ID# 326
Presenting Author: Te Kipa Kepa Brian Morgan
Summary Statement: How barriers are challenged and what is being achieved - linking monitored ecosystem trends to decisions is empowering because it brings transparency and accountability to decision making processes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Empowering stakeholders in EIA
Abstract ID# 66
Presenting Author: Nuno Matos | Coauthor(s): Tomás Ramos
Summary Statement: Changing the role of stakeholders in EIA, analyzing the possibility of making them an effective part of the process and not just an advisory part of it.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enabling approaches for promoting offsets in India
Abstract ID# 250
Presenting Author: ASHA RAJVANSHI
Summary Statement: The paper attempts to share the experience of emerging ‘offset like’ approaches in regulating developments in all major sectors of economy and particularly transportation, mining and energy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enabling new global E&S safeguards via training
Abstract ID# 243
Presenting Author: Rob Evans | Coauthor(s): Jo Murphy
Summary Statement: A though provoking paper on the work needed to advance a global community from existing standards to a 21st century approach to E&S safeguards.
Acceptance Status: approved
Energy Justice in Transition
Abstract ID# 386
Presenting Author: Zinnure Osman Zengin
Summary Statement: Focus around energy transition should not be only fighting against climate change or increasing energy security but rather presenting and developing green industrial policies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Energy Justice through a solar lens
Abstract ID# 230
Presenting Author: Iain Todd
Summary Statement: The understanding of energy justice can be furthered by studying the potential and impact of solar energy, across the globe. The implications argue for optimism.
Acceptance Status: approved
Engagement plan for HPPs: a case study from Brazil
Abstract ID# 513
Presenting Author: Elisângela Almeida | Coauthor(s): Mariana Pinheiro , Carolina Espécie , Federica Natasha Sodré , Mariana Espécie
Summary Statement: This paper outlines the Brazilian Energy Research Office (EPE) experience in stakeholder’s engagement during a HPP environmental licensing process.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enhancing IA professionalism in South Africa
Abstract ID# 547
Presenting Author: Snowy Makhudu | Coauthor(s): Richard Hill
Summary Statement: The history, purpose and structure of the Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa (EAPASA) are outlined. Once EAPASA is appointed, practitioners have 24 months to register.
Acceptance Status: approved
Enhancing the scoping practice for SEA in Vietnam
Abstract ID# 372
Presenting Author: Chi Cong Vu
Summary Statement: The paper discusses and evaluates the impacts of various SEA system functions on the limited performance of scoping for SEA in Vietnam to propose plausible initiatives for enhancement.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Access Policies vs. Oil&Gas Industry
Abstract ID# 253
Presenting Author: Wenwan Dong | Coauthor(s): Juan Wang , Zhihong
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental and Social Safeguards in UN Programm
Abstract ID# 460
Presenting Author: Sheila Mwanundu | Coauthor(s): Holly Mergler
Summary Statement: Moving towards a common approach to safeguards in the UN - A comparative analysis of UN agencies respective environmental and social standards to reach a collective framework of minimum requirements
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental and Social Safeguards Lesson; Zambia
Abstract ID# 574
Presenting Author: Christopher Kaniki | Coauthor(s): Stella Sakala Kayope
Summary Statement: Safeguards are a real sustainable tool!
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Assessment of the Guyana-Brazil land
Abstract ID# 202
Presenting Author: Miguel Coutinho | Coauthor(s): Mark Bynoe , Sara Monter , Carlos Borrego , Ernesto Monter
Summary Statement: This paper describes the tiering approach developed to identify environmental and social issues and impacts of undertaking the land transport project linking northern Brazil with a port in Guyana.
Acceptance Status: approved
environmental impact assessment in remote areas ne
Abstract ID# 11
Presenting Author: baranitharan balakrishnan
Summary Statement: Water is an important natural resource. Today every aspect of economic endeavor impinges on the availability of water, be it agriculture, industry power generation, expanding trade and commerce and g
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental justice between countries: infractio
Abstract ID# 303
Presenting Author: Kay Bergamini | Coauthor(s): Gino Araya
Summary Statement: Exportation generates environmental impacts away from consuming countries, thus causing problems in terms of international environmental justice. Infractions to environmental licenses, are analyzed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental justice driven by social change
Abstract ID# 191
Presenting Author: Ntswaki Ditlhale | Coauthor(s): Kirsten Mahood
Summary Statement: Wise Ways Water Care is an initiative with a unique approach in mitigating socio-ecological challenges to improve ecosystem functions while supporting sustainable livelihoods of poor communities
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental justice for societies in transition
Abstract ID# 325
Presenting Author: Salvador Munuzuri
Summary Statement: Law enforcement in Mexico has been in construction since 1992, but there are still so much to do, mainly in specialized jurisdiction and in suitable regulation
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Justice in IA: Law and Policy
Abstract ID# 586
Presenting Author: Maria Da Cunha | Coauthor(s): Cheryl Wasserman
Summary Statement: This paper explores the evolution of the concept and application of environmental justice. Implications for impact assessment include consideration of alternatives, mitigation approaches, and due proc
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Justice in India
Abstract ID# 151
Presenting Author: Ariane Dilay | Coauthor(s): Kirit Patel , Alan
Summary Statement: This research explored the limitations in IA process and practice that trigger the involvement of environmental courts in India and how decisions of these bodies affect the wellbeing of communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Justice in India: A Gender Analysis
Abstract ID# 279
Presenting Author: Bryce Gallant
Summary Statement: Exploring how rural women founded the local social movement to ensure public participation and political awareness while seeking to protect the environment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Justice in the Niger Delta Region: T
Abstract ID# 51
Presenting Author: John Alonge | Coauthor(s): Chizoba Chinweze
Summary Statement: Oil exploration in Niger Delta has left trails of impact which the government of the day is determined to clean-up especially in Ogoniland, and right the wrong of the past.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Justice Lies in Eyes of Beholder
Abstract ID# 175
Presenting Author: Aradhna Mathur | Coauthor(s): Juan D. Quintero
Summary Statement: This presentation questions if environmental justice is possible and who decides that development is taking place in a just manner using examples globally from different sectors.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental justice through effective EIA system
Abstract ID# 82
Presenting Author: Ka Man Lee | Coauthor(s): Clara U
Summary Statement: This paper review the extent of public involvement in the EIA system in Hong Kong, highlights the key challenges of the legal EIA framework and suggests ways to remove conflicts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Licensing as an important instrument
Abstract ID# 603
Presenting Author: Antônio Borges | Coauthor(s): Katia Souza
Summary Statement: This paper aims to highlight the importance of environmental management in the improvement of transmission lines and in the preservation of biodiversity.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental management for suburban areas
Abstract ID# 265
Presenting Author: Young-Jae Yi
Summary Statement: This study developed a methodology for identifying potential areas of disorderly development in suburban areas, especially focusing on residential and industrial area mix.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Restorative Justice Canterbury Cases
Abstract ID# 90
Presenting Author: Bryan Jenkins
Summary Statement: Environmental restorative justice was an alternative to enforcement when operators took responsibility for infringements, and when infringements involved government agencies with common ratepayers.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Risk Management in a Dynamic Environ
Abstract ID# 241
Presenting Author: Bharat Gordhan | Coauthor(s): Johan Hayes
Summary Statement: How does one manage environmental risks within a dynamic environment, post-environmental authorisation and without the EIA tool? Perhaps the environmental jargon could be useful to the Engineer.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Solutions to the NIMBY Facilities
Abstract ID# 131
Presenting Author: Juan Kang | Coauthor(s): Qiang Sun , Yunfang Liang , Yuhuan Zhang , Mingyi Liang
Summary Statement: This study analyzed the environmental justice dilemma of the layout of the NIMBY facilities, and put forward corresponding solutions.
Acceptance Status: approved
Environmental Sustainability vs Economic Growth
Abstract ID# 50
Presenting Author: Oluwabunmi Adejumo
Summary Statement: Global trends on development revealed that, the clamour for sustainability has become a point of order. This has spurred my research interest in this regard
Acceptance Status: approved
ES use in Climate Adaptation in Northern Sweden
Abstract ID# 196
Presenting Author: Jenny Boltemo Edholm
Summary Statement: Presence of knowledge and assessments of Ecosystem Services in local planning, decision-making and climate adaptation in the Northern of Sweden.
Acceptance Status: approved
ESA in Climate Adaptation
Abstract ID# 195
Presenting Author: Jenny Boltemo Edholm
Summary Statement: Ecosystem service assessments in climate adaptation, implemented adaptation, methods used and benefits from the methods used.
Acceptance Status: approved
ESIA Process and the Application of Local Content
Abstract ID# 466
Presenting Author: Juliet Leche
Summary Statement: It is essential for Local Content to be an integral part of the ESIA process by identifying risks and opportunities early enough in the process. Many African nations are yet to have policies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 369
Presenting Author: Catherine Warburton
Summary Statement: Key elements of SA EIA requirements will be analysed through the Gautrain EIA as a case study. Process related flaws and deficiencies & alternative approaches will be discussed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Examining the solar developments in East Africa
Abstract ID# 485
Presenting Author: Padmasai Lakshmi Bhamidipati | Coauthor(s): Holle Linnea Wlokas , James
Summary Statement: This paper attempts to investigate the utility-scale solar developments in East Africa, focusing on social inclusion, through a framework of niche transition and political economy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Examples from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda & RSA
Abstract ID# 448
Presenting Author: Melissa Strydom | Coauthor(s): to be confirmed to be confirmed , to be confirmed , to be confirmed
Summary Statement: Discussing the ESIA frameworks applicable in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda & RSA, the legal regimes and case studies examining the achievement of environmental justice objectives
Acceptance Status: approved
Exploring loss-gain scenarios for a robust policy
Abstract ID# 200
Presenting Author: Amrei von Hase | Coauthor(s): Erin Parham
Summary Statement: The introduction of robust NNL or NG-type goals can benefit from good preparatory work, including gap analyses, risk assessment and exploratory loss-gain analysis to inform robust policy formulation
Acceptance Status: approved
Exploring the concept of effectiveness in SEA deci
Abstract ID# 573
Presenting Author: Charlotta Faith-Ell
Summary Statement: The aim of the paper is to contribute to the understanding of the concept of effectiveness in SEA in decision-making.
Acceptance Status: approved
Federal Jurisdiction over Climate in IA in Canada
Abstract ID# 479
Presenting Author: Anna Johnston
Summary Statement: What is the federal government’s power to assess climate implications and seek to achieve climate mitigation in accordance with the Paris Agreement in project, regional and strategic IA in Canada?
Acceptance Status: approved
Fifteen years of EIA quality in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract ID# 225
Presenting Author: Morgan Hauptfleisch | Coauthor(s): Albertina Fillipus
Summary Statement: The paper reviewed the quality of 55 EIAs in sub-Saharan Africa over a 15 year period and identifies trends per sector, country and over time.
Acceptance Status: approved
Financial mechanism for the maintenance of protect
Abstract ID# 289
Presenting Author: Antônio Borges | Coauthor(s): Katia Souza
Summary Statement: This article demonstrates the allocation of environmental compensation resources of licensed projects contributed to the management of protectede areas in the different Brazilian biomes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Finding Agency for Climate Justice
Abstract ID# 446
Presenting Author: Erin Seekamp | Coauthor(s): Matthew Jurjonas
Summary Statement: An adaptive capacity assessment informed by coastal resilience and rural sociological literatures engaged marginalized rural coastal communities of eastern North Carolina (US).
Acceptance Status: approved
Flood risk management and cultural heritage
Abstract ID# 174
Presenting Author: Dietske Bedeaux | Coauthor(s): Anna Augustyn , Tamara
Summary Statement: With cases studies we will show the challenge of flood risks and the need for assessing the impact on tangible and intangible heritage.
Acceptance Status: approved
Flood risk management and cultural heritage
Abstract ID# 176
Presenting Author: Dietske Bedeaux | Coauthor(s): Anna Augustyn , Tamara
Summary Statement: With cases studies we will show the challenge of flood risks and the need for assessing the impact on tangible and intangible heritage.
Acceptance Status: approved
Follow Up and Monitoring in Canada: The Next Gener
Abstract ID# 101
Presenting Author: Bill Ross
Summary Statement: This paper will consider evolving federal IA reforms in Canada by comparing plans with two sets of principles: those espoused by Canada and those traditional principles of follow up.
Acceptance Status: approved
Forest smart mining: sharing best practice
Abstract ID# 509
Presenting Author: Anna Lyons | Coauthor(s): Pippa Howard
Summary Statement: Sharing the results of a recent World Bank study identifying good and bad practices of large scale mining in forest landscapes in relation to environmental justice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 391
Presenting Author: Tamryn Heydenrych
Summary Statement: An option for addressing land distribution in South Africa – A case study for developing formal low-cost housing on a historic landfill
Acceptance Status: approved
From 'stones and bones' to songlines and dreamings
Abstract ID# 333
Presenting Author: Jane Munday
Summary Statement: Can ‘cultural blindness’ be overcome by studies that describes the intangible, value the spiritual and explain context when considering impacts on the social and cultural fabric of communities?
Acceptance Status: approved
From assessment to practice:tools for transition
Abstract ID# 622
Presenting Author: Olga Skotareva
Summary Statement: Let's talk about management and contractual mechanisms that are instrumental to successful implementation of environmental and social measures during construction.
Acceptance Status: approved
From ESMP to reality - lessons learnt
Abstract ID# 635
Presenting Author: Deborah Weldon
Summary Statement: Lessons learnt from practical on-site experience implementing ESMPs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Full project cycle SIA: optimising social outcomes
Abstract ID# 268
Presenting Author: Timothy Hart
Summary Statement: This paper describes work in progress to develop and implement an integrated full project cycle SIA approach to optimising the outcomes of social projects and investments in mining communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 429
Acceptance Status: approved
Gender and land tenure
Abstract ID# 376
Presenting Author: Gwendolyn Wellmann
Summary Statement: This paper examines the intersection between gender and land tenure, providing insights on the disadvantages women face when the land on which they live are acquired for development projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Gender, engagement and the culture argument
Abstract ID# 392
Presenting Author: Gabriela Factor | Coauthor(s): Nora Gotzmann
Summary Statement: The ‘respect for local culture’ argument frequently functions to exclude women. We challenge this argument from both international human rights law and and impact assessment practice perspectives.
Acceptance Status: approved
Geospatially Enabled Project Management
Abstract ID# 620
Presenting Author: Douglas Park
Summary Statement: Geospatially Enabled Project Management is a new approach that allows for enhanced and better informed decision making on large construction projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
German grid development – effects on SEA/EIA
Abstract ID# 132
Presenting Author: Gesa Geißler | Coauthor(s): Anke Rehhausen
Summary Statement: We present the characteristics of the German transmission grid planning and permitting scheme and derive hypotheses on its effects on EIA and SEA with a special focus on tiering.
Acceptance Status: approved
GHGs Management along Agricultural Value Chain
Abstract ID# 646
Presenting Author: Ibrahim Salau | Coauthor(s): Abbas Agbaje , Atanda Olaogun
Summary Statement: Nigerian Department of Climate Change, farm-level GHGs inventory, GHG inventory portal, nationally determined contributions; Paris Agreement
Acceptance Status: approved
Global Trends in EIA Professional Recognition Sche
Abstract ID# 242
Presenting Author: Josh Fothergill | Coauthor(s): Ross Marshall
Summary Statement: What individual EIA recognition schemes exist globally? What trends exist in such schemes? How can we share experience and improve standards? Come along hear about the research & join the discussion!
Acceptance Status: approved
God practice handbook: EFlows for hydropower proj
Abstract ID# 649
Presenting Author: Cate Brown
Summary Statement: The WBG Good Practice Handbook proposes a systematic approach to EFlows for hydropower in order to inform project design and ensure compliance with Safeguard Policy / Performance Standard requirements.
Acceptance Status: approved
Good practice guidance for marine oil and gas
Abstract ID# 442
Presenting Author: Twyla Holland | Coauthor(s): Pippa Howard
Summary Statement: An introduction to FFI’s ‘Good Practice Guidance for Oil and Gas operations in marine environments’, designed to assist O&G operations to mitigate impacts to marine biodiversity and ecosystem services
Acceptance Status: approved
Governance by IA in the Brazilian Hydropower
Abstract ID# 31
Presenting Author: Guilherme Gaudereto | Coauthor(s): Amarilis Gallardo
Summary Statement: This work aims to analyze the contribution of 3 types of IA instruments – EIA, SEA and Integrated Environmental Assessment – to promote the environmental governance of the Brazilian hydropower sector.
Acceptance Status: approved
Governance innovations around marine offset
Abstract ID# 358
Presenting Author: Céline Jacob | Coauthor(s): Adeline Bas , Pierre
Summary Statement: Governance issues around marine offset can draw upon insights from Marine Spatial Planning initiatives and precedents from organizational innovations used in wetland mitigation systems.
Acceptance Status: approved
Green Finance Practice in China
Abstract ID# 88
Presenting Author: Qiang Sun | Coauthor(s): Juan Kang , Yuhuan , Mingyi Liang
Summary Statement: This study analyzed the role and existing problems of green finance in driving China's social and economic transformation, and put forward corresponding solutions.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 117
Presenting Author: Justine Namara | Coauthor(s): Edgar Buhanga
Summary Statement: Biodiversity offsets is important for compensating for residual impacts. However developers don't know how to implement it. The guidelines will give guidance to developers on how best it can be done.
Acceptance Status: approved
Guiding principles for sustainable infrastructure
Abstract ID# 427
Presenting Author: Kate Newman | Coauthor(s): Bruce Dunn , Karma
Summary Statement: Infrastructure investment is accelerating. The presentation will discuss new “guiding principles†to improve infrastructure sustainability and resilience through better planning and design.
Acceptance Status: approved
Health Assessment for Urban River Based on PSR Fra
Abstract ID# 617
Presenting Author: Yanwei Zhao | Coauthor(s): Lianqiu Zhou , BiQiong Dong , Bailing Su , Yanwei Zhao
Summary Statement: This study construct the urban river health assessment system oriented by society service and natural ecological functions to assess the health status of Shiwuli River.
Acceptance Status: approved
Health Impact Assessment of Air Pollution
Abstract ID# 162
Presenting Author: Nilza Coradi | Coauthor(s): Karina casmamie , Simone
Summary Statement: Air pollution and health: results suggest association of MP10 to cardiovascular mortality and respiratory diseases in the city of São Paulo, with a significant increase in relative risk.
Acceptance Status: approved
Heritage Dissonance and Impact Assessment
Abstract ID# 362
Presenting Author: Patrick Patiwael
Summary Statement: This paper discusses how heritage dissonance on different geographical levels can influence the impacts assessed within a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA).
Acceptance Status: approved
HIA of the Vehicles Air Pollution Control Program
Abstract ID# 314
Presenting Author: Simone Miraglia | Coauthor(s): Karina Abe
Summary Statement: Brazilian Automotive Vehicles Air Pollution Control Program has been a important program in the maintenance and reduction of pollutants concentration and health improvement.
Acceptance Status: approved
How Can We Improve Professional Judgment?
Abstract ID# 630
Presenting Author: Glenn Brown
Summary Statement: Professional judgment in IA often requires more than technical knowledge. Tools that assist problem analysis, reasoning and decision making can improve professional judgment.
Acceptance Status: approved
How does IA influence development proposals
Abstract ID# 251
Presenting Author: Claire Gronow
Summary Statement: IA produces variable and often minor improvements in the environmental protection outcomes of development proposals. Explanations are offered based on research into the process and practice of IA.
Acceptance Status: approved
How does SEA lead to Radical Reform?
Abstract ID# 233
Presenting Author: David Annandale
Summary Statement: How does SEA result in radical shifts in policy reform?
Acceptance Status: approved
How to bridge the gap between Environmental Impact
Abstract ID# 103
Presenting Author: Federica Appendino
Summary Statement: This paper discusses the consideration of cultural heritage in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by presenting a specific case study: Saint-Vincent-de-Paul eco-neighborhood in Paris.
Acceptance Status: approved
How to improve public involvement?
Abstract ID# 48
Presenting Author: Tetsuya Kamijo
Summary Statement: A simple alternatives analysis method with a wide range of alternatives may produce an active discussion of alternatives, and may result in improvement of public involvement.
Acceptance Status: approved
How to improve the quality of EIA reports?
Abstract ID# 49
Presenting Author: Tetsuya Kamijo
Summary Statement: A wide range of alternatives analysis and two-time public involvement could improve the quality of EIA reports for development cooperation projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
How to Integrate Human Rights into the ESHIA proce
Abstract ID# 340
Presenting Author: David Snashall
Summary Statement: Integrating Human Rights and ESHIA is a challenge due to differing purposes, legal basis and viewpoints. This paper proposes a process to integrate ESHIA and HRIA drawing on a range of case studies
Acceptance Status: approved
How to make SEA more effective in oil&gas sector
Abstract ID# 133
Presenting Author: Ineke Steinhauer
Summary Statement: Best practise in SEA for the oil and gas sector, with focus on good examples where SEA implementation has been succesful
Acceptance Status: approved
Hydropower - Meeting the sustainability challenge
Abstract ID# 164
Presenting Author: David Blaha
Summary Statement: International best practice for improving the environmental sustainability of hydropower projects
Acceptance Status: approved
IA as a management tool for World Heritage
Abstract ID# 108
Presenting Author: Eugene Jo | Coauthor(s): Remco van Merm
Summary Statement: Heritage Impact Assessments should recognize both universal and local values to grasp both positive and negative impacts of change on World Heritage properties.
Acceptance Status: approved
IA By the Community in Transition
Abstract ID# 379
Presenting Author: Behzad Raissiyan
Summary Statement: A local community have been trained and coached to use IA for their tourism initiative, to test how effectively IA can be used by the community itself where there is no resources to hire a consultant.
Acceptance Status: approved
IA Community Participation Smokescreen
Abstract ID# 643
Presenting Author: David Ngwenyama
Summary Statement: IA provides the only space for community participation in project decision making. However, control of the process by the developer makes this space a mere smoke screen.
Acceptance Status: approved
IA Standardization and the mitigation hierarchy
Abstract ID# 510
Presenting Author: Alberto Fonseca | Coauthor(s): German Rivera , Ludmila , Karine Cunha
Summary Statement: How the lack of standardization may affect the use of the mitigation hierarchy in EIAs? This study explores this question in the context of 49 Brazilian EIAs.
Acceptance Status: approved
IA, small hydro and environmental justice in India
Abstract ID# 185
Presenting Author: Alan P. Diduck | Coauthor(s): Richard M. Johnson , Esther Gardner , A. John Sinclair , James S. Gardner & Kirit Patel
Summary Statement: We examine the environmental justice implications of small hydro development in the Indian Himalaya, including equity in distribution of risk and opportunities for participation in impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approved
IAIA's online Foundation Course
Abstract ID# 93
Presenting Author: John Boyle
Summary Statement: IAIA’s online Foundation Course in the “basics†of IA was piloted in 2017. The presentation will discuss lessons learned from the pilot before the course is made widely available.
Acceptance Status: approved
IBA Timing is everything
Abstract ID# 95
Presenting Author: Réal Courcelles | Coauthor(s): Marc Dunn
Summary Statement: Signing a IBA prior to an EIA a first step in a long-term relationship.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact assessment for natural World Heritage Sites
Abstract ID# 137
Presenting Author: Remco van Merm | Coauthor(s): Eugene Jo
Summary Statement: This presentation sets out IUCN’s 8 principles for environmental assessments of development proposals that may impact on natural World Heritage Sites, to enable adequately informed decision-making.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact Assessment of Land Degradation and Desert
Abstract ID# 67
Presenting Author: Usman Muhammad
Summary Statement: The research adopted two theories, Deep Ecology and Weak Anthropocentric. Findings demonstrate that soil in Northern Nigeria has low nutrients now compared to 30 years back.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impact of adoption of DTMA on productivity & pover
Abstract ID# 22
Presenting Author: Oluwakemi Obayelu | Coauthor(s): Oluwatomi Fakolujo , Bola
Summary Statement: DTMA adoption program had a positive treatment effect on maize yield and poverty reduction of households
Acceptance Status: approved
Impacts of Social Assets on Project Implementation
Abstract ID# 511
Presenting Author: Kelli Roemer
Summary Statement: Four U.S. community case studies explore the role of social, human, and cultural capital in successful complex project implementation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Impacts of Transborder projects: A case of EACOP
Abstract ID# 579
Presenting Author: Tom Ogwang | Coauthor(s): Frank. Vanclay , Arjan van den Assem
Summary Statement: We propose that the potential socio-economic and environmental impacts of the EACOP project be avoided, minimised, or mitigated. There should be an inclusive, open decision-making and conflict resolut
Acceptance Status: approved
Implementing biodiversity offsets in Gamsberg
Abstract ID# 551
Presenting Author: Rachel Asante-Owusu , steve
Summary Statement: The session will highlight lessons learnt in implementing biodiversity offsets towards a No Net Loss outcome in the Northern Cape region of South Africa
Acceptance Status: approved
Improved Governance of Biodiversity Projects
Abstract ID# 493
Presenting Author: Andrew Cauldwell | Coauthor(s): Jessica Hughes
Summary Statement: An improved approach is presented for practical application to screen issues and more reliably achieve the desired outcomes in the implementation of biodiversity assessments.
Acceptance Status: approved
Improving EIAs on Linear Projects
Abstract ID# 316
Presenting Author: Roberto Roca
Summary Statement: PS6-IFC Critical Habitat identification and application of the Mitigation Hierarchy to Transmission Lines
Acceptance Status: approved
Improving project-based CEA in Canada for biodiver
Abstract ID# 294
Presenting Author: Luis Sanchez | Coauthor(s): Ana Paula Dibo , Bram
Summary Statement: A survey with Canadian EA practitioners was conducted to gauge their perspectives about specific options or drivers of changes for improving the practice of project-based CEA for biodiversity.
Acceptance Status: approved
Including Indigenous Knowledge in EIA in Australia
Abstract ID# 317
Presenting Author: Denise True
Summary Statement: Improving Australia’s protection of indigenous heritage, by the inclusion of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in environmental impact assessment from lessons of the Canadian experience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Inclusive Approach to Involuntary Resettlement :A
Abstract ID# 214
Presenting Author: Charles Ankisiba | Coauthor(s): Abdulai Darimani , Demba
Summary Statement: This paper critiques the state’s approach to compensation assessment in Ghana, and compares it to the participatory practices adopted by multinational mining companies to achieve better results.
Acceptance Status: approved
Inclusivity in IA: Engaging Andean Communities
Abstract ID# 301
Presenting Author: Heather McTavish | Coauthor(s): Gretchen Ferguson
Summary Statement: Examines how IA frameworks can be more inclusive of marginalized perspectives and discusses lessons learned from engaging Indigenous communities in the Peruvian Andes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Indigenous knowledge - A poetic narrative
Abstract ID# 25
Presenting Author: Babalwa Fatyi
Summary Statement: I will be poetically, talking about information and knowledge management, through the opportunity of honouring our indigenous knowledge and incorporating it into the sustainability agenda.
Acceptance Status: approved
Indigenous people and environmental justice:kribi
Abstract ID# 516
Presenting Author: Mesmin TCHINDJANG
Summary Statement: The topic I intend to present come from field work realised within Kribi region between 2008-2017
Acceptance Status: approved
Indigenous views: poverty and impact assessment
Abstract ID# 178
Presenting Author: Angeles Mendoza
Summary Statement: The description of how indigenous participants in Aashukan defined poverty from the perspective of their people is used to promote an exchange of ideas on how impact assessment can be improved
Acceptance Status: approved
Information flows in EIA Reviews
Abstract ID# 537
Presenting Author: Caroline Rocha | Coauthor(s): Alberto Fonseca , Tomás Ramos
Summary Statement: How information flows affect EIA Reviews? We address this question by mapping and comparatively analysing information flows in the context of two environmental agencies in Brazil and Portugal.
Acceptance Status: approved
Information Management on the EIA Approval Process
Abstract ID# 168
Presenting Author: Peng Pan | Coauthor(s): Xiaohong Zhao , Peng
Summary Statement: This paper introduces the related improvement work and main progress on the EIA information management and puts forward the suggestions for further EIA work in China.
Acceptance Status: approved
Infrastructure public procurement in Sweden
Abstract ID# 531
Presenting Author: Anna Longueville
Summary Statement: Decision-making in infrastructure public procurement projects in Sweden.
Acceptance Status: approved
Innovating for energy justice in the EU
Abstract ID# 458
Presenting Author: Michael LaBelle
Summary Statement: Energy justice is intertwined with a county’s legal, regulatory and social capacity to foster innovative technologies. Energy justice is intertwined with technological choices.
Acceptance Status: approved
Innovative responses to biodiversity offsets in Du
Abstract ID# 444
Presenting Author: Joanne Douwes | Coauthor(s): Sabelo Nkosi , Greg Dlamini , Kate Ralfe , Zama Dlamini & Doug Macfarlane
Summary Statement: A pilot project in Durban to advance the science around biodiversity offsets and translate this into practical implementation and policy development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Institutional Learning vs. Resistance: 2 US EJ Cas
Abstract ID# 310
Presenting Author: Michael R. Edelstein
Summary Statement: Two cases illustrate shortcomings in U.S. Environmental Justice assessment and suggest improvements: one, a nuclear permitting case, revealed institutional learning; the second, a contaminated site cleanup, did not.
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrated Environmental Assessment for offshore p
Abstract ID# 244
Presenting Author: Eliane Silva Ferreira Almeida Almeida | Coauthor(s): Fabricio Penido
Summary Statement: The integrated environmental assessment methodology proposed in this work was elaborated based on the analysis of the environmental impacts arising from the Environmental Impact Assesment of Pre-salt
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrated spatial and environmental development
Abstract ID# 83
Presenting Author: Dick van Straaten
Summary Statement: The integration of spatial and environmental decision-making processes concerning spatial development is very efficient to cope with future transition challenges.
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrating Climate Change into EA: Lessons from
Abstract ID# 62
Presenting Author: Meinhard Doelle
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrating Human Rights into IA: MENA & SSA
Abstract ID# 57
Presenting Author: Kendyl Salcito
Summary Statement: Human Rights intersect with environmental, social and health conditions in complex, iterative ways. Case studies demonstrate the importance of non-linear analysis of corporate human impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Integrating water into urban planning through IA
Abstract ID# 637
Presenting Author: Javier Clausen | Coauthor(s): David Rizo
Summary Statement: Through urban plans SEA, (ground)water is integrated as a VC and key buffer for climate change; addressing technical, institutional shortcomings of water/land management in large Mexican cities
Acceptance Status: approved
Integration of Climate Change Adaptation to EIA in
Abstract ID# 330
Presenting Author: Youngsoo LEE
Summary Statement: Climate Change Adaptation, Integration, EIA, Korea
Acceptance Status: approved
Introducing the Hits of the 1980s
Abstract ID# 344
Presenting Author: Jos Arts | Coauthor(s): Francois Retief
Summary Statement: This paper discusses critical lessons from the formative years of IA. What were the main debates, trends, concepts, cases, professionals, publications? What are lessons for today's IA?
Acceptance Status: approved
Introducing the panel process to Gamsberg operatio
Abstract ID# 539
Presenting Author: Rachel Asante-Owusu | Coauthor(s): Steve Edwards
Summary Statement: Demonstrating how lessons learnt from previous IUCN panel processes are being used to form a panel of experts to help ensure No Net Loss of the unique environment of the Gamsberg operation
Acceptance Status: approved
Justice for the Piikani People; Science, Tradition
Abstract ID# 17
Presenting Author: Paul McLauchlin | Coauthor(s): Troy Knowlton
Summary Statement: The study, presents how Piikani Nation has changed, how they will continue to change and how, if possible, some of those impacts can be mitigated for the future of Piikani members.
Acceptance Status: approved
Key Factors to Gain Support from Indigenous People
Abstract ID# 408
Presenting Author: Alicia De la Cruz-Novey | Coauthor(s): Rodrigo Ronquillo
Summary Statement: A successful story about an 866km Linear project in Guatemala that used several techniques to enhance Fairness and Competence procedures that are associated with successful engagement processes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Land & facility ownership in the US Wind Industry
Abstract ID# 522
Presenting Author: Jeffrey Jacquet | Coauthor(s): Joshua Fergen
Summary Statement: This mixed methods research examines how the ownership structure of wind farms affects host communities and how landownership characteristics affects the spatial distribution of wind farm development
Acceptance Status: approved
Land acquisition, land tenure and gender
Abstract ID# 422
Presenting Author: Gwendolyn Wellmann
Summary Statement: This paper examines the intersection between gender and land tenure, providing insights on the disadvantages women face when the land on which they live are acquired for development projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Land administration systems and vunerability
Abstract ID# 587
Presenting Author: Maria da Cunha | Coauthor(s): Eden Dava
Summary Statement: The paper will draw form examples in Africa and Latin America to illustrate how LAR experts can use policy to assess LAR risks and potential impacts, and recommend policy and regulatory solutions to a
Acceptance Status: approved
Landscape analysis of hydropower alternatives
Abstract ID# 648
Presenting Author: Colin Apse | Coauthor(s): Andrew Cauldwell , Matthew McGrath
Summary Statement: An innovative analysis of hydropower options was based on power output, financial, biodiversity and social criteria to determine if alternatives to the Sounda Gorge Dam exist in the Republic of Congo.
Acceptance Status: approved
Landscape level assessment, Central Namib Desert
Abstract ID# 514
Presenting Author: Anna Lyons | Coauthor(s): Pippa Howard
Summary Statement: Sharing an approach to landscape level assessment of biodiversity vulnerability and land use in the Central Namib.
Acceptance Status: approved
Leadership skills in EIA project management
Abstract ID# 236
Presenting Author: Ross Marshall
Summary Statement: Leadership skills are a necessary component of EIA project management, not only to organise other environmental disciplines but also to communicate with other project managers and the client.
Acceptance Status: approved
Leaving a positive biodiversity legacy in sport
Abstract ID# 395
Presenting Author: Giulia Carbone | Coauthor(s): Susie Brownlie
Summary Statement: This presentation will highlight the opportunities for planning from the outset positive legacy for biodiversity conservation related to the development of new sport venues.
Acceptance Status: approved
Legislating Deliberative Public Involvement in IA
Abstract ID# 183
Presenting Author: Alan P. Diduck | Coauthor(s): A. John Sinclair
Summary Statement: This paper considers suggestions for legislating deliberative public involvement in impact assessment, and in particular in relation to proposed reforms to the Canadian Environment Assessment Act.
Acceptance Status: approved
Lessons - Challenges of Indigenous Peoples Policy
Abstract ID# 173
Presenting Author: Chukwudi Okafor
Summary Statement: Operationalizing indigenous peoples’ policy in Africa and defining the group to be considered as Indigenous remain key challenges in creating development opportunities for Indigenous Peoples
Acceptance Status: approved
Lessons from 10+ years of the Rio Tinto QMM
Abstract ID# 631
Presenting Author: Lisa Gaylord
Summary Statement: The purpose of this presentation is to share lessons learned from the RTQMM Biodiversity Committee, describe the proposed way forward for a similar independent advisory effort, and also to share and c
Acceptance Status: approved
Lessons learned from a forced relocation project a
Abstract ID# 654
Presenting Author: Thilmeeza Hussain
Summary Statement: The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami made residents of Kandholhudhoo refugees in their own country. This paper details impacts of 4-years temporary housing and subsequent relocation to a nearby uninhabited island.
Acceptance Status: approved
Lessons of NT2 resettlers livelihood improvement
Abstract ID# 157
Presenting Author: Fabien Nathan | Coauthor(s): Pierre Guédant
Summary Statement: The paper presents lessons of one of the most ambitious livelihood support program for resettlers in the world, compliant to the most demanding international standards.
Acceptance Status: approved
Limiting Ecological Impact of Sand Extraction
Abstract ID# 84
Presenting Author: Byron Kominek | Coauthor(s): Teresa Bernhard , Josh , Patrick Hall
Summary Statement: Limiting Ecological Impact of Sand Extraction in School Construction Projects in Malawi
Acceptance Status: approved
Linear infrastructure in Lesotho – getting it ri
Abstract ID# 540
Presenting Author: Jessica Hughes
Summary Statement: Achieving effective implementation of the mitigation hierarchy through optimisation of road and powerline alignments for an EIA in Lesotho
Acceptance Status: approved
Linking Protocols to Practice
Abstract ID# 651
Presenting Author: Eva Zabey | Coauthor(s): Matthew Watkins
Summary Statement: An open discussion about how the Social Capital Protocol and Natural Capital Protocol can be linked to ESHIAs to increase their respective values for risk assessments and opportunity appraisals.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mainstreaming internal and external IA review
Abstract ID# 118
Presenting Author: Oritsetimeyin Dada | Coauthor(s): Chinyere Ozumba , Chimdindu
Summary Statement: Mainstreaming internal and external assessment criteria for the review of IA reports in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria
Acceptance Status: approved
Mainstreaming mitigation: The Indian experience
Abstract ID# 138
Presenting Author: Vinod Mathur | Coauthor(s): Asha Rajvanshi
Summary Statement: The paper shares a range of mitigation options and highlights experience gained in implementation in road, rail and power sectors to achieve a win-win situation for both development and conservation
Acceptance Status: approved
Making Irrigation Biodiversity-friendly in Malawi
Abstract ID# 634
Presenting Author: George Ledec
Summary Statement: Malawi's Shire Valley Transformation Program features biodiversity-friendly irrigation development, including a fish barrier on the Main Canal to help protect Lake Malawi from invasive species.
Acceptance Status: approved
Making sense of it all: big data, better decisions
Abstract ID# 494
Presenting Author: Miles Scott-Brown | Coauthor(s): Tim Taylor
Summary Statement: Even bigger than our footprint in the Anthropocene is the amount of data associated with it. How can we use this knowledge to make better decisions towards a more sustainable future?
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 16
Presenting Author: Grigore Stratulat
Summary Statement: Social teams (RAP Consultant, Contractor, Engineer) and their interaction with local communities to obtain the SLO, how these parties interconnect, communicate and cohabit.
Acceptance Status: approved
Managing biodiversity risks from hydropower
Abstract ID# 165
Presenting Author: Jan-Willem van Bochove | Coauthor(s): Genevieve Campbell , John Pilgrim , Eugenie Regan
Summary Statement: In this talk we, we highlight frequent gaps in hydropower biodiversity risk management and recommend best practice approaches to address these issues.
Acceptance Status: approved
Managing ESG risks in hydropower in Africa
Abstract ID# 397
Presenting Author: Stephan van den Berg | Coauthor(s): Lindsey Bungartz , Alan Heather-Clark , Rodrigo Ferreira , Stuart Heather-Clark
Summary Statement: “De-risking†hydropower projects, located in pristine African environments and within declared protected areas, are explored from an environmental and social perspective to achieve bankability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Managing RAP Expectations and Timelines
Abstract ID# 506
Presenting Author: Andrew Hart
Summary Statement: How the disconnect between a mines unrelenting schedule and budget and a carefully managed and implemented resettlement process can undermine a resettlement process and social license.
Acceptance Status: approved
Managing Social Risks:- The Engagement process
Abstract ID# 44
Presenting Author: Robin Bolton
Summary Statement: The expectations and views of indigenous communities versus corporates regarding engagements pre, during and post projects will be explored
Acceptance Status: approved
Mapping infrastructure to protect wildlife
Abstract ID# 550
Presenting Author: Richard Edwards | Coauthor(s): Will Gibson
Summary Statement: USAID is developing innovative technical approaches to analyze planned MDB infrastructure project impacts on critical wildlife habitat, such as that of the Snow Leopard in Central Asia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mapping the determinants of social conflicts in oi
Abstract ID# 425
Presenting Author: Nunzia Linzalone | Coauthor(s): Elisa Bustaffa , Gianluigi De Gennaro , Cristina Mangia , Roberto Pini & Fabrizio Bianchi
Summary Statement: HIA can reduce the social conflicts in the oil extraction sites by addressing recommendations within the categories of environmental quality, communication and participation, policy arena.
Acceptance Status: approved
Marine biodiversity offsets for conservation
Abstract ID# 373
Presenting Author: Ameer Abdulla | Coauthor(s): Paul Marshall , Adam , Fathimath Shihany
Summary Statement: Biodiversity Offsetting is an emerging multidisciplinary tool to enhance corporate environmental responsibility in a multitude of different settings where human and marine biodiversity may conflict.
Acceptance Status: approved
Marine biodiversity offsets: prospects&challenges
Abstract ID# 156
Presenting Author: Jan-Willem van Bochove | Coauthor(s): Suzanne Livingstone
Summary Statement: This talk explores some of the opportunities and unique challenges for implementation of averted loss, restoration and policy-based offsets to address unavoidable impacts to marine biodiversity.
Acceptance Status: approved
Marine biodiversity offsetting in Australia
Abstract ID# 255
Presenting Author: Holly Niner | Coauthor(s): Ben Milligan , Peter , Craig Styan
Summary Statement: Biodiversity offsetting developed with a terrestrial focus. I discuss the challenges posed by the use of the approach in marine contexts and how this has influenced current practice in Australia.
Acceptance Status: approved
Measuring the intangible
Abstract ID# 402
Presenting Author: Jessica De Beer
Summary Statement: This presentation will explore two approaches to incorporating intangible aspects of the environment into the impact assessment and decision-making process, in order to ensure environmental justice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mercury bioavailability and exposure estimates
Abstract ID# 124
Presenting Author: Gregory Kaminski | Coauthor(s): Allison Denning , Katherine Hess
Summary Statement: Relative composition and bioavailability of different forms of mercury within food sources from hydro reservoirs is an important issue linked to refining exposure estimates within HHRA
Acceptance Status: approved
Mine Reclamation Processes in Norway and Canada
Abstract ID# 52
Presenting Author: Horatio Sam-Aggrey
Summary Statement: This paper compares the mine closure processes in Canada and Norway, with a view to identifying the impact of the governance structure on indigenous participation in the mine closure process.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mitigating energy facilities biodiversity impacts
Abstract ID# 375
Presenting Author: Giulia Carbone | Coauthor(s): Pippa Howard
Summary Statement: This presentation focuses on opportunities for increasing biodiversity values around energy production facilities and biodiversity related best management practices for energy infrastructures.
Acceptance Status: approved
Mitigation hierarchy in Peru: legal framework and
Abstract ID# 441
Presenting Author: Aldo Ramirez
Summary Statement: This presentation will analyze the legal situation, the advances that they have on the implementation of instruments for the mitigation of impacts and, the identification of the principal necessary ac
Acceptance Status: approved
MNOCs CD Wellbeing Efforts in Oil-Rich Niger Delta
Abstract ID# 269
Presenting Author: Edward Bristol-Alagbariya
Summary Statement: Multinational Oil Companies (MNOCs) in Niger Delta are embarking on Community Development programmes in their host communities, which require commitment of the MNOCs, Government and the Communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Modelling OffGrid Electricity Delivery in Nigeria
Abstract ID# 19
Presenting Author: Hafiz Bello | Coauthor(s): Rocio Diaz-Chavez
Summary Statement: Conceptualizing rural off grid systems as a common pool resource and a socio-technical system existing on multiple scales can bring about sustainable institutions managing the infrastructure.
Acceptance Status: approved
Multi-Criteria Analysis for Renewable Energy EIA
Abstract ID# 504
Presenting Author: Randall Krichbaum
Summary Statement: Multi-Criteria Analysis techniques are particularly useful for siting and assessing renewable energy projects. A case study using a weighted sum model to assess wind farms in Canada is presented.
Acceptance Status: approved
Multi-disciplinary HRIA teams
Abstract ID# 92
Presenting Author: Rebecca DeWinter-Schmitt
Summary Statement: This presentation provides insights on the importance of multi-disciplinary teams for HRIA practice and learning from other disciplines to broaden assessment teams’ skillsets and perspectives.
Acceptance Status: approved
Nacala Dam: retrospective look at the ESIA
Abstract ID# 632
Presenting Author: Magnus van Rooyen
Summary Statement: An evaluation of the practical accuracy of the impact assessment for the Nacala Dam rehabilitation project, in northern Mozambique.
Acceptance Status: approved
National SEA for Aquaculture Development in SA
Abstract ID# 463
Presenting Author: Lizande Kellerman | Coauthor(s): Luanita Snyman-Van der Walt , Karabo Lochner , Patrick Morant , Paul Lochner
Summary Statement: National Strategic Environmental Assessment for Freshwater and Marine Aquaculture in South Africa to create an enabling environment where responsible and sustainable aquaculture can be developed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Natural Capital Strengthens ESIA: Early Evidence
Abstract ID# 298
Presenting Author: Bilal Rahill | Coauthor(s): Elizabeth White
Summary Statement: Application of the Natural Capital Protocol in the agri-business sector demonstrates the potential for natural capital approaches to supplement impact assessment and risk management approaches.
Acceptance Status: approved
NBIA: Aligning local and international ESIA requi
Abstract ID# 645
Presenting Author: Brent Holme
Summary Statement: Streamlining the in-country Regulatory EIA requirements and international ESIA Lender standards to develop an acceptable comprehensive and efficient ESIA report.
Acceptance Status: approved
Net Ecosystem Services Analysis for Mitigation
Abstract ID# 544
Presenting Author: Greg Reub | Coauthor(s): Alicia De la Cruz Novey , Roberto
Summary Statement: This presentation will provide an overview of a methodology that is an equitable and quantified approach for providing biodiversity and ecosystem services mitigation and offsets.
Acceptance Status: approved
New directive. New world? Health and EIA
Abstract ID# 591
Presenting Author: Ben Cave | Coauthor(s): Josh Fothergill , Ryngan , Gillian Gibson
Summary Statement: The Directive that frames Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive now includes population and human health. Action is needed now to shape the way this topic is assessed.
Acceptance Status: approved
Next generation engagement: 5 key issues
Abstract ID# 152
Presenting Author: Sara Bice
Summary Statement: What five issues will drive the next generation of community engagement for major projects? Join our discussion of findings from the Next Generation Engagement project.
Acceptance Status: approved
Objectives-based ES conservation in Colombia
Abstract ID# 215
Presenting Author: Pippa Howard
Summary Statement: Oil&gas development offshore La Guajira, Colombia, requires attention to local community social and cultural preferences
Acceptance Status: approved
Offset options: critical components for success
Abstract ID# 559
Presenting Author: Ray Victurine | Coauthor(s): Hugo Rainey , Hugo ten-Kate , Fabien Quétier , Kerry ten-Kate
Summary Statement: Effective offset implementation is critical for net gain. Offsets can be undertaken by many different actors and delivered through myriad mechanisms. Critical components for success are presented.
Acceptance Status: approved
OH&S Conflicts from upcoming Construction Projects
Abstract ID# 456
Presenting Author: Saugat Roy | Coauthor(s): Graham Mcdonald
Summary Statement: IA and planning is blinkered from actual ground realities of hardships and risks from hazardous workplace conditions during construction phase of projects in emerging economies.
Acceptance Status: approved
Oil industry and SLO in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Abstract ID# 501
Presenting Author: Alberto Diantini | Coauthor(s): Eugenio Salvatore Pappalardo , Daniele Codato , Massimo De Marchi
Summary Statement: Critical analysis of SLO tool efficacy in the oil context of the Ecuadorian Amazon: examination of expectations from locals and oil enterprise in relation to community engagement and consultation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Old fleet impact on the air quality of Sao Paulo
Abstract ID# 286
Presenting Author: Luciana Leirião | Coauthor(s): Simone Miraglia
Summary Statement: We designed a scenario considering vehicles within actual emission standard patterns substituting non-conformity ones. We found that it would imply in an improvement of 31% in air quality indicators.
Acceptance Status: approved
Opportunities in subsidiarity: SIA in Australia
Abstract ID# 385
Presenting Author: Daniel Marsh
Summary Statement: Ichthys LNG showed how subsidiarity, materiality and risk can streamline ESIA to address lenders’ standards, national/state government statutes, and the rights or expectations of traditional peoples.
Acceptance Status: approved
Opportunity Mapping in post-crisis Sri Lanka
Abstract ID# 261
Presenting Author: Ananda Mallawatantri | Coauthor(s): Sandamali Pathirage
Summary Statement: This presentation details the development of an Integrated Strategic Environment Assessment process that was undertaken after the 33-year long conflict in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
Acceptance Status: approved
Optimizing planning in vulnerable coastal zones
Abstract ID# 512
Presenting Author: Erin Seekamp | Coauthor(s): Mitchell Eaton , Max Xiao , Sandra Fatorić , Xiao Xiao & Allie McCreary
Summary Statement: A climate adaptation planning tool for historic preservation in coastal zones at risk to flooding that includes measures of vulnerability, adaption costs, and the relative historic value of buildings.
Acceptance Status: approved
Participation reform in Australia extractives
Abstract ID# 388
Presenting Author: Daniel Marsh
Summary Statement: Evaluation showed petroleum industry consultation practices broadly ineffective and inefficient, and led to development of detailed practice statements and a series of EIA ‘reference case’ tools.
Acceptance Status: approved
Participation reforms in Australia’s petroleum i
Abstract ID# 381
Presenting Author: Daniel MARSH
Summary Statement: Evaluation showed petroleum industry consultation practices broadly ineffective and inefficient, and led to development of detailed practice statements and a series of EIA ‘reference case’ tools
Acceptance Status: approved
Participation: A Precursor to Satisfaction
Abstract ID# 507
Presenting Author: Kathryn Bills Walsh | Coauthor(s): Julia Haggerty
Summary Statement: This paper shares the perspectives of surface-owners who had a high level of self-reported satisfaction over the lifecycle of coalbed methane development due to their participation in planning efforts
Acceptance Status: approved
Participatory justice and networks of trust
Abstract ID# 472
Presenting Author: Andrew Lawrence
Summary Statement: Trust networks are also one often overlooked by socio-technical approaches to energy policy, and more specifically by South Africa’s REIPPPP program. Two contrasting examples show their importance in
Acceptance Status: approved
Participatory justice: the social 'sweet spot'
Abstract ID# 331
Presenting Author: Jane Munday
Summary Statement: Participatory justice is the ‘sweet spot’ where relationships are symmetrical, community and proponent perspectives have equal weight and the community has real influence.
Acceptance Status: approved
Partnership for enhancing SEA and ESIA practice
Abstract ID# 615
Presenting Author: Mwape Sichilongo | Coauthor(s): Maxwell Nkoya , Constantino , Agnes Musutu
Summary Statement: ZEMA is looking for innovative ways of enhancing its capacity and effectiveness through partnerships. The case of a three way partnership with NCEA and local Civil society will be presented.
Acceptance Status: approved
Perception and discourse analysis of EIA practice
Abstract ID# 628
Presenting Author: Marcelo Montaño | Coauthor(s): Fernanda Veronez
Summary Statement: The paper is based on discourse analysis and reveals the perception of EIA analysts regarding the practice of EIA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Planning biodiversity monitoring in Iraq
Abstract ID# 521
Presenting Author: Laura Kor | Coauthor(s): Mihai Coroi , Mia
Summary Statement: A long-term biodiversity monitoring plan was developed for a project in a sensitive biodiversity area, within a country affected by conflict. Innovative methods were designed to overcome challenges.
Acceptance Status: approved
Political economy of African extractive investment
Abstract ID# 327
Presenting Author: Rasmus Pedersen | Coauthor(s): Thabit Jacob
Summary Statement: This paper demonstrates how relations between the state, investors and communities in African extractives are currently changing, using Tanzania as a case. This also affects impact assessments.
Acceptance Status: approved
Post-crisis (I)SEAs, what's different?
Abstract ID# 357
Presenting Author: Karen Sudmeier | Coauthor(s): Samuel Yonkeu , Marisol
Summary Statement: Based on country experiences, this presentation explores the two-dimensional approach of ISEAs: post-crisis and long-term while addressing disaster risks.
Acceptance Status: approved
Poverty reduction and environmental policy governa
Abstract ID# 652
Presenting Author: Kathleen Diga | Coauthor(s): Sarah Bracking
Summary Statement: Environmental governance starts with cities taking stock of their climate change contribution. This paper provides insight into Durban’s monitoring of its evolving climate-related project portfolio in relation to poverty reduction.
Acceptance Status: approved
PP in strategic environmental assessment
Abstract ID# 524
Presenting Author: Theunis Meyer | Coauthor(s): Dirk Cilliers
Summary Statement: The development of EMFs requires public participation. The presentation reports on whether such processes complied with process criteria; achieved 'social goals'; and improved decision-making tools.
Acceptance Status: approved
Project-induced Labor Influx
Abstract ID# 226
Presenting Author: Daniel Owen
Summary Statement: Key mitigation and management strategies to manage and reduce impacts and risks associated with project-induced labor influx
Acceptance Status: approved
Promoting Community Resilience in Niger delta
Abstract ID# 438
Presenting Author: Ijeoma Vincent-Akpu | Coauthor(s): Gordian Obute , Benjamin
Summary Statement: This paper is on what coastal communities can do to prevent or minimize socio-economic dysfunction associated with environmental effects and enhance community resilience
Acceptance Status: approved
Property rights on agricultural productivity in
Abstract ID# 292
Presenting Author: Ijeoma Vincent-Akpu | Coauthor(s): Aduabobo Hart , Gordian
Summary Statement: This paper is on effects of property rights and land tenure on socio-economic of Niger delta, available tools for them; and the role of different stakeholders in ensuring agricultural sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approved
Protection and Management of Groundwater Quality
Abstract ID# 365
Presenting Author: Milika Mimi Chande | Coauthor(s): Alyoce Mayo , Joel
Summary Statement: A study to assess the Protection and Management of Groundwater quality for Urban Aquifers of Lusaka in Ngwerere Sub-Catchment of Zambia
Acceptance Status: approved
Protection of SWSAs using NEMA (107 of 1998)
Abstract ID# 420
Presenting Author: Abigail Bahindwa
Summary Statement: SANBI's BLU Project, together with partners, is piloting the listing of a subset of SWSAs under Section 24 (2A) of the National Environmental Management Act (No.107 of (1998).
Acceptance Status: approved
Psycho-Social Impacts on Hosts of Kakuma Refugees
Abstract ID# 653
Presenting Author: Varalakshmi Vemuru | Coauthor(s): Rahul Oka , Reiti Gengo , Lee T. Gettler , Mark Golitko
Summary Statement: This paper maps the Psycho-Social impacts of the high density Kakuma refugee camp in Turkana county, Kenya on host communities which is further exacerbated by underdevelopment and a fragile environment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public consultation at the environmental licensing
Abstract ID# 526
Presenting Author: Gisela Mello | Coauthor(s): Felipe Nabuco , Alysson
Summary Statement: This paper discuss the main issues of the public consultation at the environmental licensing process in Brazil based on information brought by the affected population of 5 transmission lines projects.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public Engagement in EIA for New Town in Hong Kong
Abstract ID# 349
Presenting Author: William Lung
Summary Statement: This paper will provide an account of how public engagement in the EIA process in Hong Kong contributed in shaping the Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area to achieve the planning vision.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public Opinions on Off Shore Wind Mill Project
Abstract ID# 231
Presenting Author: Sangyun Lee
Summary Statement: This study conducts a survey of 300 residents who live near the off shore wind mill project in Korea. Results suggest perceptional differences between residents supporting and opposing the project.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public Participation in EIA by ENGOs in China
Abstract ID# 106
Presenting Author: Jing WU | Coauthor(s): Jing WU , I-Shin
Summary Statement: The research is to study the political opportunity structure for ENGOs to participate in EIA and to investigate the orientation and development of PP under the centralized regime in China.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public Participation in Hong Kong's EIA: 20 years
Abstract ID# 443
Presenting Author: Cho Nam Ng
Summary Statement: This paper reports an overview of the public participation process in the EIA system in Hong Kong and discusses its effectiveness, deficiencies and major challenges for improving it.
Acceptance Status: approved
Public Participation in Integrated Env Mgmt (IEM)
Abstract ID# 335
Presenting Author: Vusi Skosana | Coauthor(s): None None
Summary Statement: My Presentation will go a long way in clearing these perceptions and will further demystify the misconceptions about Public Participation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Putting urban livelihood restoration into practice
Abstract ID# 598
Presenting Author: Patrick Francis | Coauthor(s): Sarah Drew , Pelekelo Chipango
Summary Statement: The proposed session will focus on success stories, challenges, and lessons learned from Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage Project urban livelihood restoration program.
Acceptance Status: approved
Quantifying the loss: Livelihood Framework applied
Abstract ID# 462
Presenting Author: Alexandra Maurtua Konstantinidi
Summary Statement: Lessons learnt of a Livelihood Framework approach to LRP planning. The quantification of the loss through livelihood capitals to identify adequate restoration and improvement activities
Acceptance Status: approved
Recent legislative developments in Latin America
Abstract ID# 563
Presenting Author: Katharina Rogalla von Bieberstein | Coauthor(s): Brooks Sharon , Lara
Summary Statement: Recent legislative developments to foster the application of the mitigation hierarchy in the EIA process will be presented with a focus on Latin America.
Acceptance Status: approved
Reconciling theory with practice in EIA reviews
Abstract ID# 588
Presenting Author: Meshach Ojile
Summary Statement: The study takes a critical look at the Nigerian EIA system with respective to reviews of EIA Reports with a view to comparing with international best practice for EA effectiveness.
Acceptance Status: approved
Reducing psycho-social stress in resource towns
Abstract ID# 320
Presenting Author: Will Rifkin | Coauthor(s): Katherine Witt , Sharon
Summary Statement: Community, government, industry, and researchers agree that psycho-social stress is the greatest immediate health effect of resource development in Queensland’s rural gasfield communities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Reflections on IA training platforms for FIs
Abstract ID# 585
Presenting Author: Paul Ormerod | Coauthor(s): Rob Evans , John , Josh Fothergill
Summary Statement: Recently major players in FI community have aimed to enhance IA related training. The paper reviews examples of immersive dramatization in video & audio training interventions to enhance IA training.
Acceptance Status: approved
Reforming SEA in Canada: Lessons from Kenya
Abstract ID# 148
Presenting Author: Harry Spaling | Coauthor(s): A. John Sinclair
Summary Statement: This paper explores how regulatory frameworks, guidelines, and practice in Kenyan SEA may apprise SEA reform in Canada.
Acceptance Status: approved
Reframing compensation for nature and people
Abstract ID# 210
Presenting Author: Fabien Quétier | Coauthor(s): Juliette Chamagne , Anna Garcia , Hélène Dessard , Claude Garcia & Mathieu Souquet
Summary Statement: Drawing lessons from a diversity of compensatory approaches worldwide, we discuss how to frame and achieve positive outcomes for both nature and people.
Acceptance Status: approved
Regional Water Strategy for Canterbury
Abstract ID# 281
Presenting Author: Bryan Jenkins
Summary Statement: A regional water management strategy was developed in Canterbury to address the cumulative effects of water resource abstraction and land use intensification through irrigation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Rehabilitation Risk and Project Closure Efficiency
Abstract ID# 515
Presenting Author: Gwen Gosney
Summary Statement: Improved integration of environmental, engineering and project management deliverables is identified as a critical means of reducing rehabilitation risk and improving project closure efficiency.
Acceptance Status: approved
Remote Sensing and Social Risk Management
Abstract ID# 419
Presenting Author: gernot brodnig | Coauthor(s): gernot brodnig
Summary Statement: This paper explores the role of remote sensing to enhance social risk management by providing spatially explicit data in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
Acceptance Status: approved
Resilience Model for the Rio Doce Basin, Brazil
Abstract ID# 54
Presenting Author: Cary Ehrman | Coauthor(s): Eugenio Singer , Hugo Wenning , Ricardo de Oliveira Camargo , Richard Wenning
Summary Statement: The paper focuses on the development and application of the Resilience Model prepared to support the restoration of the Rio Doce Basin after the Fundão Dam failure.
Acceptance Status: approved
Restoring Livelihoods for Long-term Sustainability
Abstract ID# 102
Presenting Author: Anne DeVine
Summary Statement: The Livelihood Restoration Program focuses on restoring and improving the means of earning income of project affected persons in Lusaka, Zambia, through business development training and mentorship.
Acceptance Status: approved
Right to Water and Social License in mining Areas
Abstract ID# 611
Presenting Author: Angela Pinilla-Urzola | Coauthor(s): Mariana Rodriguez-Patarroyo
Summary Statement: Effective public participation in extractive industries and energy sector
Acceptance Status: approved
Rights-based approaches in company-led HRIAs
Abstract ID# 43
Presenting Author: Lloyd Lipsett
Summary Statement: This presentation seeks to provide practical reflections on the opportunities and obstacles for implementing rights-based approaches to engagement in company-led assessments.
Acceptance Status: approved
Rio Doce Panel: independent science-based perspect
Abstract ID# 287
Presenting Author: Luis Sanchez | Coauthor(s): Yolanda Kakabase , Keith Barbosa , LuÃza Alonso , Francisco Barbosa & Hubert Roeser
Summary Statement: An independent panel was established by IUCN to advise on the restoration of ecosystems and livelihoods affected by a mine dam failure in Brazil. Disaster Impacts and Panel’s role will be presented.
Acceptance Status: approved
Risk management based on FAO normative functions
Abstract ID# 111
Presenting Author: Mark Davis | Coauthor(s): Daniela Morra
Summary Statement: Environmental and social risks in food and agriculture projects are managed by guiding formulators through a semi-automated system that links risk management strategies to FAO's normative functions
Acceptance Status: approved
Role of Communities in Development and Assessment
Abstract ID# 155
Presenting Author: Tsz Ying Ip | Coauthor(s): Ka Man Lee , Clara U
Summary Statement: This paper discusses how communities should be engaged in development plans and impact assessment projects in order to tailor design, gain public support and achieve environmental justice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Role of ESIA in Peruvian big projects: 2008-2017
Abstract ID# 543
Presenting Author: Pedro Flores Tenorio
Summary Statement: An update about the ESIA in Peru for important public projects during the last 10 years. Identification of challenges and opportunities from the economic point of view.
Acceptance Status: approved
Santos Basin Pre-Salt Cumulative Impact Assessment
Abstract ID# 400
Presenting Author: Pedro Bettencourt | Coauthor(s): Tatiana Nader , Cláudia Fulgencio , Ângela Canas , Marcel Scarton & Carolina Poletto
Summary Statement: Referring to a large Cumulative Impact Assessment in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Brazilian States, the paper presents methodologies and arising social justice and sustainable development issues.
Acceptance Status: approved
SDGs and HIA in Africa: The HIA4SD project
Abstract ID# 566
Presenting Author: Mirko Winkler
Summary Statement: The HIA4SD Project analyses the conditions under which impact assessments are an effective regulatory mechanism to mitigate negative externalities from resource extraction and contribute to the SDGs.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA & IWRM for river catchment planning in Rwanda
Abstract ID# 142
Presenting Author: Anne Hardon | Coauthor(s): Roel Slootweg , Gwen van Boven
Summary Statement: River catchment planning in Rwanda is developed through learning-by-doing with external coaching. The approach integrates principles and procedures of SEA and Integrated Water Resources Management.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA and Land Use Planning for Wetlands in Kenya
Abstract ID# 413
Presenting Author: Peter Nelson
Summary Statement: This paper compares, contrasts and draws lessons from the findings from the SEA’s and Land Use Plans for two of Kenya’s five internationally important Delta Wetlands.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA as a tool of Water resource management in Iran
Abstract ID# 343
Presenting Author: Maryam Jafari Najafabadi | Coauthor(s): Mohammad Reza Elmi , Ahad , Hamid Sodaiezadeh
Summary Statement: Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the strategic environmental assessment system of water resources in Iran using SWOT matrix.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA for China to Rise to New Sustainability Challe
Abstract ID# 113
Presenting Author: Kin Che Lam
Summary Statement: This paper describes the new form of SEA required to equip China to rise to her own sustainability challenges and as a leader in OBOR regional development.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA for IWRM for the Lake Rukwa Basin in Tanzania
Abstract ID# 387
Presenting Author: Andrew Mariki | Coauthor(s): Andrew Mariki
Summary Statement: In this paper we share SEA experience in Tanzania, where SEA is still a very new practice. We look at how SEA can complement Integrated Water Resource Management planning for the Lake Rukwa Basin.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA for RES projects in Ukraine and Kazakhstan
Abstract ID# 600
Presenting Author: Marina Khotuleva | Coauthor(s): Olena Borysova
Summary Statement: EBRD applies SEA as a tool for investment risks assessment. In Ukraine and Kazakstan, SEA analysed alignment of sectoral policy goals and investment plans in RES sector, improving investor confidence
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA for the Ayeyarwaddy river delta in Myanmar
Abstract ID# 208
Presenting Author: arend kolhoff
Summary Statement: An SEA for the Ayeyarwaddi rriver delta in Myanmar was recently carried out and completely integrated in the planning process. Question answered: What is the added value of an integrated SEA?
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 119
Presenting Author: Rohaida Abed | Coauthor(s): Annick Walsdorff , Samukele Ngema
Summary Statement: The identification of suitable strategic corridors for the development of an onshore gas pipeline network has the potential to unlock further growth possibilities for the gas industry in South Africa
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA Framework in Kenya
Abstract ID# 473
Presenting Author: Frida Mutui
Summary Statement: The Constitutional provision for integrating environmental considerations into developmental decisions provides a legal standing within which an SEA exercise can be required and executed.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA in Russian Federation
Abstract ID# 578
Presenting Author: Marina Khotuleva | Coauthor(s): Andrey Artov , Elena Khmeleva , Yulia Dolinina , Ekaterina Khmeleva
Summary Statement: SEA development in Russia is hampered by the lack of legal provisions and political will. The pilot projects were implemented on the regional and municipal levels for demonstration of the SEA benefits
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA Large Scale Engagement: 2 Million People
Abstract ID# 455
Presenting Author: Paige Diana Kelly | Coauthor(s): Alexandra Maurtua Konstantinidi
Summary Statement: Case study on large scale engagement; challenges and lessons learnt of the public participation process regarding a telecommunication project impacting 2 million people in Namibia.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA of the Artisanal Mining Sector in Sierra Leone
Abstract ID# 475
Presenting Author: Ranita Koroma
Summary Statement: This SEA, conducted in 2016, represents an in-depth study of legislative, environmental, economic and social issues relating to Artisanal Mining and Environmental Justice in Sierra Leone
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA Participation & Solid Waste Management - Kenya
Abstract ID# 112
Presenting Author: Harry Spaling | Coauthor(s): Patricia N. Dennis , A. John
Summary Statement: This paper explores how public participation in SEA is applied to two urban planning cases with solid waste management components in Kenya.
Acceptance Status: approved
SEA to Mitigate Wildlife Impacts from Wind Power
Abstract ID# 383
Presenting Author: Benjamin Skolnik | Coauthor(s): James Magor
Summary Statement: Strategic assessment of wildlife impacts from wind power development in Kenya will increase energy sector actors’ understanding and ability to avoid impacts or plan mitigation of potential impacts.
Acceptance Status: approved
Seychelles leading the way: Development of a SIA f
Abstract ID# 334
Presenting Author: Ilse Aucamp | Coauthor(s): San-Marie Aucamp , Diana
Summary Statement: The process of developing a SIA framework for the Seychelles is discussed. The framework was developed in a participatory manner. Lessons learned, opportunities and challenges are shared with the audi
Acceptance Status: approved
SIA and public procurement in Sweden
Abstract ID# 518
Presenting Author: Anna Longueville
Summary Statement: This paper explores current practise of social sustainable public procurement in Sweden and how practices can be further improved with lessons learned relative to the current SIA framework.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sida’s ITP on SEA – approach and experiences
Abstract ID# 508
Presenting Author: Anna Francis Olsson | Coauthor(s): Daniel Slunge
Summary Statement: We introduce the capacity development approach and experiences from the Sida financed International Training Programme on SEA, with examples from Kenya and Vietnam.
Acceptance Status: approved
Slavery and the environment: a need for a new IA?
Abstract ID# 497
Presenting Author: Elena Abrusci
Summary Statement: A discussion on the need to establish a newly tailored modern slavery impact assessment to address the critical multifaceted nature of modern slavery in conjunction with environmental injustice.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social & Economic Impact of the Coal Transition fo
Abstract ID# 272
Presenting Author: Julia Haggerty | Coauthor(s): Mark Haggerty , Kelli , Jackson Rose
Summary Statement: The coal transition will bring extensive change to coal-dependent communities: are they prepared?
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Acceptance of Resettlement in Fez, Morocco
Abstract ID# 568
Presenting Author: Vincent Roquet
Summary Statement: This paper discusses how social acceptance of a resettlement and livelihood restoration program is predicated on participatory processes
Acceptance Status: approved
Social impact & extreme events: An inclusive model
Abstract ID# 246
Presenting Author: Heidi Walker
Summary Statement: This presentation examines how assessing socially differentiated impacts of an extreme event can contribute to inclusive climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction strategies, and IA
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Impacts of Transport in Sustainable Cities
Abstract ID# 70
Presenting Author: Lara Mottee | Coauthor(s): Frank Vanclay , Jos Arts
Summary Statement: Managing the social impacts of transport requires their consideration in urban governance and planning. This paper argues for good practice EIA, SIA and follow-up in transport for sustainable cities.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Implications of Artisinal Small Scale Minin
Abstract ID# 213
Presenting Author: Charles Ankisiba | Coauthor(s): Demba Balde , Abdulai Mahama , Alidu Babatu Adam , Gloria Mahama & Maliam Acio
Summary Statement: The presentation is about the menace of illegal small scale mining activities and the social risks and impacts on communities where this is prevalent.
Acceptance Status: approved
Social Management in Water Infrastructure Projects
Abstract ID# 412
Presenting Author: Thato Shale
Summary Statement: TCTA managed projects social aspects through an effective stakeholder management and local communities ‘participation, in order to maximise projects benefits and minimise negative impacts
Acceptance Status: approved
Social response for CCS facilities in Japan
Abstract ID# 264
Presenting Author: Takehiko Murayama | Coauthor(s): Atsushi Nagaoka , Shigeo
Summary Statement: Carbon Capture and Storage facilities is as one of effective devices to mitigate the impacts of carbon dioxides. This paper would cover trend analysis of social response, attitudes of stakeholders.
Acceptance Status: approved
Socio-ecological approaches for sustainable landsc
Abstract ID# 216
Presenting Author: Pippa Howard
Summary Statement: options available to achieve objectives-based outcomes through the application of the MH at an ecosystem level
Acceptance Status: approved
South African National Biodiversity Offsets Policy
Abstract ID# 363
Presenting Author: Pamela Kershaw
Summary Statement: The first National Biodiversity Offsets Policy being developed in South Africa and in the African Continent.
Acceptance Status: approved
South American offset policies in practice
Abstract ID# 204
Presenting Author: Genevieve Campbell | Coauthor(s): Tami Putri , Isabel Regan , Emma Tatum-Hume , Eugenie Regan & Steve Edwards
Summary Statement: South American governments are leaders in developing biodiversity offsets policies that align with international best practice standards. However, their implementation remains a challenge.
Acceptance Status: approved
Spatially Varying Impact Significance Assessment
Abstract ID# 576
Presenting Author: Rusne Sileryte
Summary Statement: Spatially varying impact significance assessment is introduced as an innovation to support creating and assessing place-based eco-innovative spatial development strategies to reduce waste flows.
Acceptance Status: approved
Species Distribution and Resilience range
Abstract ID# 190
Presenting Author: HYE IN CHUNG
Summary Statement: Extracting species distribution and establishing the concept of resilience range using SDMs, based on new ensemble methodology.
Acceptance Status: approved
State institutions, communities and mining in Peru
Abstract ID# 271
Presenting Author: Melissa Roxana Quispe-Zúñiga | Coauthor(s): Daniel Callo-Concha , Christian , Klaus Greve
Summary Statement: Land-use conflicts related to mining activities in Peru is due to the absence of the state, remoteness, weak state institutions and vulnerability of economy/environment.
Acceptance Status: approved
Strategy and Tools for Effective Public Participat
Abstract ID# 613
Presenting Author: Patrick Wieland | Coauthor(s): Holger Treidel
Summary Statement: Senace promotes an effective public participation through tools and guidelines that promote the inclusion and accessibility of oft-excluded citizens in the process of environmental decision-making
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 12
Presenting Author: Chinyere Ozumba | Coauthor(s): Ebele Ilondu , Bertram
Summary Statement: This paper focuses on efforts to conserve plant species in the SPDC RA through surveying and identifying diseased species, early detection, treatment, and felling for safety purposes.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainability in operations and beyond in UNOPS
Abstract ID# 128
Presenting Author: Nives Costa
Summary Statement: UNOPS social and environmental management system has delivered clear improvements at the level of facilities and operations (and beyond), demonstrating a concrete support for the SDGs.
Acceptance Status: approved
Sustainable reconstruction in post-disaster Nepal
Abstract ID# 262
Presenting Author: Jwala Shrestha | Coauthor(s): Bhishma Bhusal , Purna
Summary Statement: This session describes Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessment project in earthquake-affected districts of Nepal. The objective was to fast-track sustainable and disaster-resilient development.
Acceptance Status: approved
Systematic Improvement of Health Mitigation in eni
Abstract ID# 209
Presenting Author: Yina Xiao | Coauthor(s): Filippo Uberti , Erasmo Mwatembo Msagha , Giada Namer , Raphael Mwatembo Msagha
Summary Statement: eni conducted an internal review to appraise HIA studies and mitigation plan strategy to identify possible gaps in the assessment phase and/or in the mitigation plan implementation.
Acceptance Status: approved
TANAP “Silk Road of Pipelines†serving Justice
Abstract ID# 115
Presenting Author: Fatih Erdem
Summary Statement: TANAP (Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project), “Silk Road of Pipelines†serving Environmental and Social Justice.
Acceptance Status: approved
tension,conflict, love and respect:source of all i
Abstract ID# 360
Presenting Author: ahmed sanda
Summary Statement: The paper will simply discuss the value we place on the environment from the perspective an individual's understanding, perception, experiences and education that may trigger conflict. .
Acceptance Status: approved
Tensions in Durban’s City-Port governance
Abstract ID# 159
Presenting Author: Obakeng Molelu | Coauthor(s): Bert Enserink
Summary Statement: Market forces have made the port-city-environment an arena that is becoming the scene of conflicts and coalitions as actors fight for their values, perspectives and interests to be considered.
Acceptance Status: approved
The Challenges of Promoting SEA in Bhutan
Abstract ID# 42
Presenting Author: Barry Dalal-Clayton
Summary Statement: The paper will outline how Bhutan is addressing the challenges of promoting SEA and present lessons from testing Bhutan’s new SEA Guidelines during an SEA of the Road Sector Master Plan
Acceptance Status: approved
The communities affected from mining industry
Abstract ID# 307
Presenting Author: Passanan Assavarak | Coauthor(s): Pakorn Lerdsateanchai
Summary Statement: The three communities affected from mining. Firstly, Klity Creek is facing lead poisoning, Mae Tow, famous for rice farming is contaminated and Wang Sapung, villagers’ human rights are violated.
Acceptance Status: approved
the Current Challenges of Cultural heritage in EIA
Abstract ID# 86
Presenting Author: Lobat Zebardast | Coauthor(s): Sahar Mokhtari
Summary Statement: This study focuses on the status and challenges related to the tangible and intangible cultural heritages considering the legal gaps of the environmental impact assessment process in Iran.
Acceptance Status: approved
The Dutch approach to Heritage Impact Assessment
Abstract ID# 399
Presenting Author: Patrick Patiwael
Summary Statement: This paper describes how the Heritage Impact Assessment framework has contributed to the sustainable development of the Defense Line of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Acceptance Status: approved
The EIA Uprising in Africa
Abstract ID# 342
Presenting Author: Nicola Liversage
Summary Statement: Case studies from Africa where a mindshift towards EIAs in infrastructure projects can revolutionise their value.
Acceptance Status: approved
the heat wave-related damage
Abstract ID# 98
Presenting Author: MINHEE JE | Coauthor(s): Minhee Je , Seunghyun , Hyomin Kim
Summary Statement: This study aims to analyze vulnerable regions of thermal environments in the present and future thereby analyzing and discussing the main occurrence factors by region of classified thermal environment
Acceptance Status: approved
The limitations of law and EIA, Praeksa community
Abstract ID# 300
Presenting Author: Passanan Assavarak
Summary Statement: The limitations of law and EIA Praeksa landfill caused the villagers faced with health problems, wasting time for lawsuit, risk of using both surface and groundwater as well as food insecurity.
Acceptance Status: approved
The local impacts of biodiversity offsets
Abstract ID# 167
Presenting Author: Julia P G Jones | Coauthor(s): Cecile Bidaud , Kate
Summary Statement: Using the case of the Abatovy mine, Madagascar, we explore the ways in which offsets can impact local populations and the reasons for a gap between international standards and implementation.
Acceptance Status: approved
The mitigation hierarchy before and beyond EIA
Abstract ID# 478
Presenting Author: Hugo Rainey | Coauthor(s): Hugo Costa , Amrei Quétier , Kerry ten Kate , Fabien Quétier & Ray Victurine
Summary Statement: EIA has a role in mitigating biodiversity impacts but outcomes are better if mitigation starts before design, if government leads landscape planning and if lenders assure long-term outcomes.
Acceptance Status: approved
The NCEAs systems approach: an update
Abstract ID# 410
Presenting Author: Gwen van Boven | Coauthor(s): Bobbi Schijf
Summary Statement: The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment has been working with a systems approach for SEA ESIA capacity development. We outline this approach and share experiences with its application.
Acceptance Status: approved
The need to recognize World Heritage in SEAs
Abstract ID# 451
Presenting Author: Eugene Jo | Coauthor(s): Remco van Merm
Summary Statement: Considering cultural resources in SEAs prove to be beneficial in attaining better sustainable development, by including social and cultural factors, as highlighted in the management of World Heritage.
Acceptance Status: approved
The NSW Coal Seam Gas Industry; Textbook case of l
Abstract ID# 341
Presenting Author: David Snashall
Summary Statement: The NSW CSG industry was destroyed when its social licence to operate was withdrawn. However, just across the border, the industry thrives in Queensland. How did this situation occur?
Acceptance Status: approved
The Politics of Post Disaster EIAs
Abstract ID# 311
Presenting Author: Charles Kelly
Summary Statement: The paper explores the politics of whether and to what end post disaster EIAs take place and how politics will be influenced by a on-going review of post disaster EIA tools.
Acceptance Status: approved
The problem with modern goals in traditional ESIA
Abstract ID# 503
Presenting Author: Mihai Coroi
Summary Statement: We will use examples to demonstrate incompatibilities between traditional ESIA and more recent goals such as no net loss or net gain of biodiversity.
Acceptance Status: approved
The Public Engagement in the EIAO System of HK
Abstract ID# 114
Presenting Author: WAI HUNG TONY CHEUNG
Summary Statement: To present and discuss the special features of the EIAO in HK, which is the 2-stage public consultation process for the public and ACE to actively participate in the EIA process.
Acceptance Status: approved
The renewed ESIA mapping tool of the NCEA
Abstract ID# 374
Presenting Author: Bobbi Schijf
Summary Statement: The NCEA presents its’ new ‘mean and lean’ version of ‘ESIA mapping’: a tool for SWOT analysis of ESIA country systems.
Acceptance Status: approved
The rise of the wind farms in Mexico
Abstract ID# 75
Presenting Author: Ariana Escalante
Summary Statement: The fast approval or renewable energy has brought some issues due to its rapid implementation without consulting the communities that will be affected
Acceptance Status: approved
The Scoping of HIA for community based tourism
Abstract ID# 354
Presenting Author: Phen Sukmag | Coauthor(s): Prawit Kunnikom
Summary Statement: Understanding and assessing the impact of community based tourism is vital to maintaining sustainability and long term success of CBT industry.
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 484
Presenting Author: Kelly Stroebel | Coauthor(s): Minnelise Levendal , Rirhandzu Mqokeli , Reinett Mogotshi , Babalwa Mqokeli & Francois Retief
Summary Statement: This paper aims to explore the value of the environmental assessment process to disadvantaged Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises and to convey their experience of being part of this process.
Acceptance Status: approved
Tools to support the mitigation hierarchy
Abstract ID# 193
Presenting Author: Ruth Fletcher | Coauthor(s): Annelisa Grigg , Sharon Martin , Eugenie Regan , Corinne Martin & Hannah Thomas
Summary Statement: Tools exist to support the mitigation hierarchy. These include a data portal, the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool, a data analysis product and exploratory work on marine NNL.
Acceptance Status: approved
Towards digital IA: requirements from a government
Abstract ID# 219
Presenting Author: Luis Martins Dias | Coauthor(s): Bart Barten , Hans
Summary Statement: This paper will discuss opportunities and challenges for governments with the ambition to apply digital and interactive IA. It is based on several presentations and discussions about digital IA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Towards the systematic use of quality review packs
Abstract ID# 626
Presenting Author: Marcelo Montano | Coauthor(s): Fernanda Veronez
Summary Statement: The paper describes a strategy to the systematic use of Lee and Colley Quality Review Package driven by the relative importance between its sub-categories, categories and areas of evaluation.
Acceptance Status: approved
Transition to Sufficiency and Urban Resilience
Abstract ID# 355
Presenting Author: Karen Shippey | Coauthor(s): Francini van Staden
Summary Statement: Drawing from harsh socio-ecological realities and crises, this paper frames the need for fundamental decision making shifts, from authorities to communities, towards sufficiency and urban resilience.
Acceptance Status: approved
Trekking for Thoboshana – Conserving the Maloti
Abstract ID# 406
Presenting Author: Palesa Monongoaha | Coauthor(s): James McCarfetty
Summary Statement: Trekking for Thoboshana – Efforts to conserve the endemic Maloti Minnow (Pseudobarbus quathlambae) in the Lesotho Highlands.
Acceptance Status: approved
Trends in private sector environmental enforcement
Abstract ID# 464
Presenting Author: Melissa Strydom | Coauthor(s): wandisile Mandlana , to be confirmed
Summary Statement: Environmental enforcement as a subset of environmental justice: the rise of NGO initiated criminal investigations and administrative action litigation across African jurisdictions
Acceptance Status: approved
Two Case Studies from USAID’s MDB Project Review
Abstract ID# 596
Presenting Author: Victor Bullen | Coauthor(s): Alexis Erwin , Leslie
Summary Statement: USAID’s independent field review mechanism of MDB projects will present two case studies, one on Zambia roads and another on Solomon Islands hydro, as they relate to environmental and social concerns.
Acceptance Status: approved
Uganda Biodiversity&Livelihoods Advisory Committee
Abstract ID# 240
Presenting Author: Ward Hagemeijer | Coauthor(s): Ray Victurine , Rob Brett , Sebastien Le Bel , Agrippinah Namara & Esteves, Ana Maria; Muhweezi, Alex
Summary Statement: The Albertine Graben independent Biodiversity & Livelihoods Advisory Committee (2013) advises Total, Tullow and CNOOC for both the upstream oil projects and the East African Crude Oil export Pipeline.
Acceptance Status: approved
Uncertainty or manupulation? Post-factual IA
Abstract ID# 378
Presenting Author: Thomas Fischer | Coauthor(s): Olivier Sykes , Sarah
Summary Statement: Is it uncertainty which is emerging as the biggest problem of IA in the era of the Anthropocene that we are now entering or is it rather the manipulation of IA processes through powerful interests?
Acceptance Status: approved
Understand Closure Prior to Open
Abstract ID# 64
Presenting Author: Punyawi Preeyarittipan | Coauthor(s): Haruthai Tippayachan , Thawatchai Wongunta
Summary Statement: Started early not only provided us the understanding but also faster ecosystem return as well as developed more local alternative livelihood.
Acceptance Status: approved
Use of Climate Models for Hydro Power Planning
Abstract ID# 415
Presenting Author: Luwita Kanema Changula | Coauthor(s): Andrew Jarvis
Summary Statement: Climate models can play an essential role in energy planning for renewables, as they tend to replicate present and past climate to some degree of accuracy
Acceptance Status: approved
Use of Habitat Equivalency Analysis in support of
Abstract ID# 223
Presenting Author: pieter booth | Coauthor(s): eugenio singer , romulo wenning , Fabiana Gomes , richard wenning
Summary Statement: The paper focuses on the use of HEA to support ecosystem restoration as part of a Resilience Model for Rio Dôce Basin after the Fundão Dam failure.
Acceptance Status: approved
Use of Natural Capital to Preserve Biodiversity
Abstract ID# 639
Presenting Author: Virginia King
Summary Statement: Integrating Natural Capital and associated ecosystem services into project planning can support preserving Biodiversity, in the midst of project execution. This presentation presents a methodology to support this goal.
Acceptance Status: approved
Using Community Goals to Deliver Offset Gains
Abstract ID# 361
Presenting Author: Samdanjigmed Tulganyam | Coauthor(s): David Hamilton , Onon Wilson , Stuart Anstee , David Wilson & Enkhtuvshin Shiilegdamba
Summary Statement: The Sustainable Cashmere Project does not seek to restrict land-use activities; rather it is encouraging changes in management practices to achieve goals that are usually considered to be incompatible
Acceptance Status: approved
Using Modeling to Manage Cultural Heritage Risk
Abstract ID# 552
Presenting Author: Christopher Polglase
Summary Statement: In this paper I will discuss cultural heritage risks, outline the challenges associated with defining heritage baseline conditions, and suggest approaches for modelling heritage and associated risks.
Acceptance Status: approved
Using the concept of risk for transdisciplinarity
Abstract ID# 72
Presenting Author: Greg Schreiner
Summary Statement: Complex social questions require integrated assessments which cross, sometimes multiple, scientific and knowledge disciplines. Here’s a case study of how we attempted this, using the concept of risk.
Acceptance Status: approved
Using visual language in managing environmental ri
Abstract ID# 567
Presenting Author: Danielle Sanderson
Summary Statement: Communicating sustainable development and environmental resilience to those outside this specialist realm requires branching out of purely scientific explanation and into that of graphics and media fo
Acceptance Status: approved
Value and pitfalls of integrated impact assessment
Abstract ID# 553
Presenting Author: Mirko Winkler
Summary Statement: Against the evidence presented in two cross-sectional survey that studied the effectiveness of the Addax Bioenergy project ESHIA, this paper discusses values and pitfalls of integrated IA.
Acceptance Status: approved
Voluntary Resettlement within the Mining Environme
Abstract ID# 197
Presenting Author: Elize Becker | Coauthor(s): Willie Human , Johan
Summary Statement: Resettlement models should be used to guide the formalisation of Sustainability and Enterprise Development programmes and the application thereof. The process allows for an applied science approach.
Acceptance Status: approved
Was going wrong, right for this greenfield port?
Abstract ID# 249
Presenting Author: Nikki O'Donnell
Summary Statement: A proposed greenfield coal port in the Great Barrier Reef WHA was beset with challenges from the outset, from an unclear strategic planning mandate to sensitive biodiversity features galore
Acceptance Status: approved
Abstract ID# 288
Presenting Author: ENID DRUMOND | Coauthor(s): Tiago Paiva , Arthur Colares , Lucas Teixeira , Luiza Viana & Raquel Vilela
Summary Statement: The construction systems used in Brazil undergo an adaptation to technologies. Industrialization in construction through prefabricated structures, ensures the sustainability of buildings and reduces w
Acceptance Status: approved
Weighted Matrices Procedures for Indigenous values
Abstract ID# 554
Presenting Author: Bruce Muir
Summary Statement: Modified procedures of the weighted impact interaction matrices technique are presented as a best practice for EIAs to integrate Indigenous cultural values and evaluate project alternatives.
Acceptance Status: approved
What do we see? Discovering landscapes
Abstract ID# 153
Presenting Author: Per Kristian Skulberg
Summary Statement: Is a development plan 'far away' from cultural heritage sites, or is an enterprise 'in the midst of' a unique cultural heritage landscape? Focus on the trouble of 'unrecognized' heritage.
Acceptance Status: approved
What if we could mine in protected areas/wetlands?
Abstract ID# 644
Presenting Author: David Ngwenyama
Summary Statement: Three mines are to be developed in Lochinvar NP reversing an earlier decision. These projects have had no full IA despite being in a high biodiversity and ecologically sensitive area.
Acceptance Status: approved
What's Past is Prologue
Abstract ID# 254
Presenting Author: gary krieger | Coauthor(s): Marci Balge
Summary Statement: Does a rights lens on health add meaning to an ESHIA r is it a redundant exercise?
Acceptance Status: approved
When a SEA normative fails: lessons from Brazil
Abstract ID# 548
Presenting Author: Cristiano Vilardo | Coauthor(s): José Eduardo Évora
Summary Statement: The 2012 Brazilian SEA regulation to oil and gas remains non-implemented. We analyze the mix of factors explaining that failure, both conjunctural and substantive. How can a consensus normative fail?
Acceptance Status: approved
When are aggregated & anticipated offsets effectiv
Abstract ID# 465
Presenting Author: Fabien Quétier | Coauthor(s): Mariana Sarmiento , Catherine Victurine , Hugo Rainey , Ray Victurine & Mathieu Souquet
Summary Statement: Drawing lessons from the development of habitat banking models in contrasting contexts, we discuss challenges and opportunities for more effective implementation of the mitigation hierarchy.
Acceptance Status: approved
Who Protects the Protectors?
Abstract ID# 367
Presenting Author: Pierre Gouws | Coauthor(s): Tom Streather
Summary Statement: Exploratory discussion of safeguarding security guards’ human and labour rights on internationally financed projects, often of insufficient focus during assessment, due diligence and monitoring.
Acceptance Status: approved
Who’s asking? Climate vulnerability in Gauteng
Abstract ID# 366
Presenting Author: Gerard van Weele | Coauthor(s): Karolina Euler-Van Hulst , Janet
Summary Statement: An outcomes-based approach to determining climate change vulnerabilities in the Gauteng City Region.
Acceptance Status: approved
Women and illegal mining in Africa: Lessons from o
Abstract ID# 541
Presenting Author: Willemien Du Plessis | Coauthor(s): Lisa Chamberlain
Summary Statement: This paper explore alternative instruments that could be used to formalise illegal mining for women in Africa.
Acceptance Status: approved