
Opening Plenary: CEA Science, Institutions, Practice and Integration

Moderator: Barry Sadler

Introduction: Sachihiko Harashina, President of IAIA


    State of Science of Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management (CEAM)

    Presenter(s): David Schindler

    • Key frameworks/concepts for assessing cumulative effects: what we know, what we need to know better (e.g., in response to current threats and risks) to gain a firmer grasp of sustainable use and development of managed systems.
    • Use and application of “best practicable ecological science” to address cumulative effects, e.g., in EIA, resource management policy and planning: what is done, what realistically could be done.
    • Potentials and challenges of taking an ecosystem-level approach: how robust is the science and the tools for analyzing cumulative effects of multiple actions on the functions and structure of ecosystems, how can/should it inform policy and management.
    • Ways forward/strategic directions for improving the science of CEAM: which priorities will give the best payoffs.

      Canadian and International EA Frameworks as They Apply to Cumulative Effects

      Presenter(s): Robert Connelly

      Key areas for consideration include:

      • Statutory requirements and procedures for taking account of cumulative effects: what must be done, what should be done (e.g., guidance, quality assurance).
      • Implementation and process application: how the EA process takes account of cumulative effects, how effective is the current approach (e.g., based on lessons of 5-year review, follow up work and management experience).
      • Potentials and challenges of instituting more strategic, regional or integrated processes to take account of cumulative effects: what examples we have to build on, what other measures are or might be entertained.
      • Ways forward/strategic directions.

      State of Practice of Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

      Presenter(s): Larry Canter, Bill Ross

      The historical, current, and anticipated future international practice of CEA will be addressed. The “context” of CEA will be explained relative to time, space, multiple actions, institutional requirements, and building upon experience. Challenges from scientific and policy issues and numerous uncertainties will be noted. CEA practice requires creativity; thus examples will be described relative to methods and appropriate focus on environmental sustainability. Finally, opportunities for mitigation and management will be summarized, with emphasis given to “collaboration” as a foundational element.

        World Bank Experience with Integrating Science, Institutions and Practice in Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management

        Presenter(s): Stephen Lintner

        Key focus will be on World Bank experience with integrating science, institutions and practice in cumulative effects assessment and management. This discussion will place integration in the context of the Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policies and their application and performance with regard to cumulative effects.