IAIA Special Symposium
Sustainable Mega-Infrastructure
and Impact Assessment
Hotel Riu Plaza Panama, Panama City, Panama
1-3 December 2015
We are in the midst of an infrastructure boom, unprecedented in human history, that is forever changing the face of our planet. Natural and social environments are facing extraordinary challenges due to population growth and the increasing human needs associated with economic growth. IAIA’s symposium will explore these challenges through the lens of mega-infrastructure projects. It will focus on “sustainable infrastructure”— what are the principles and criteria needed for effective project design, planning and implementation, and how impact assessment can be a critical process in making mega infrastructure projects more sustainable.
Using numerous case studies, the symposium will provide a knowledge-sharing platform for a diverse multi-sectoral group of professionals involved in many different types of mega-infrastructure projects. The symposium will aim to change the perception of, and dialogue around, sustainable mega infrastructure to embrace those opportunities that enhance economic, social, environmental and sustainability outcomes and a new way of doing business.
July 2015
Preliminary program available
August 2015
Online registration opens
November 2015
Final program available
1-3 December 2015
Symposium, including Panama Canal visit
4-5 December 2015
Post-symposium training courses (to be announced)
This symposium will be held in Spanish and English, with simultaneous translation provided for the plenary sessions and 2 of 3 technical session rooms. The other technical session room will be in Spanish only.
Roberto Roca, Chair
Jill Baker
Francisco Dallmeier
Ernesto Monter
Juan Quintero
Miles Scott-Brown
Graham Watkins
IAIA is the International Association for Impact Assessment, organized in 1980 to bring together researchers, practitioners, and users of various types of impact assessment from all parts of the world. IAIA involves people from many disciplines and professions. Our members include corporate planners and managers, public interest advocates, government planners and administrators, private consultants and policy analysts, university and college teachers and their students. IAIA has members from over 120 nations.
For 35 years IAIA has been holding annual conference events all over the world to promote best practices in impact assessment.