A discounted student registration fee is available, as are several student and young professional programs. Find student registration information at https://conferences.iaia.org/2020/registration.php.
seasoned IA practitioners and academics speak about their career path, and participate in a speed-mentoring activity. Stay connected by attending other SYP social activities during the week.
Tuesday 26 May | 08:30-12:00 | Price: $15 | Pre-registration is required.
Up to 25 bursaries will be given to students and young professionals in the form of waived registration fees to attend IAIA20. The recipients are expected to cover all other costs associated with attending the conference.
Potential candidates are those who have never before attended an IAIA annual conference, are 30 years of age or younger, and are either currently a student enrolled in an impact assessment or related undergraduate or graduate program OR are currently employed in the field of IA and living/working in a country listed under the World Bank’s GNI categories of low-income economies, lower-middle-income economies, and upper-middle-income economies.
Full application instructions are posted at https://conferences.iaia.org/2020/young-professionals-bursary.php. The application deadline is 6 January 2020.
A limited number of free training course registrations are available to student participants of IAIA20 once courses reach their minimum paid enrollments. If you are interested, please send the following to kayla@iaia.org:
Your name
A 300-word statement of interest explaining how the chosen training course could contribute to your research or student career.
Proof of full time student status (proof can be provided in the following forms: a copy of a recent transcript or a letter from an administrative professional indicating your full time student status)
First and second course choices
Applications for free course registrations will be accepted from 30 March - 15 April 2020. Allocations of the free training course slots will be made by 30 April 2020, based on the order in which the requests were received and subject to instructor approval.
The Rita R. Hamm IA Excellence Scholarship honors the legacy that IAIA’s former CEO has left on the organization and the field of impact assessment. One scholarship will be offered in conjunction with IAIA20, allowing a young practitioner in the region of the host country to attend. Potential candidates are those who have never attended an IAIA annual conference in the past and submit an abstract to present a paper at IAIA20 by the 31 October abstract deadline. Full application instructions are posted at https://conferences.iaia.org/2020/rita-r-hamm-ia-excellence-scholarship.php. The application deadline is 2 December 2019.