Session Chair(s):
Jan Nuesink
Petra Boonman
(a) Three messages on the theme "Resilience through impact assessment and leadership"
(I) What were the top lessons from your session about leadership and resilience in impact assessment?
Speeddate debate
Session #35 , shorthand summary
May 8th 2023
8 Attendees:
Jack Krohn, Victoria State government, Australia;
Paul Eijssen, Royal HaskoningDHV, Netherlands;
Peter Nelson, self employed consultant, UK;
Joel Wong, Swinburne University, Malaysia;
Palash Sanyal , Worldbank, Bangladesh;
Jack Marsden, IAIA Heaquarters, USA ;
Petra Boonman, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands;
Jan Nuesink, self employed, forest owner, Netherlands.
Considerations on Statement 1 : Renewable energy
You should not make a priority for any type of investment, renewable energy included. So equality of projects, same assessment requirements. But we need to speed up processes – some fast tracking , because we need to change our energy sources urgently. Be aware though, because fast tracking could lead to "insider" bargaining and badly informed decision making. Therefor sharp scoping is needed. Only research what is needed.
Assessement is needed regarding mining of rare metals which are used in renewable energy.
Discussion about what is renewable. When one benefits anything could be clamed as renewable. There is a need for an integral vision. Take in mind the scale on which vision is based. Because the world views are changing for example on the way humans deal with agriculture.
World bank representative wants to start by checking the community. What is needed bottom up. Good gouvernance is essential. Practitioners of IA should educate boards and learn language of politicians. China is a real world example of cutting down IA for renewables. Public participation is costly.
Considerations on Statement 2 : AI (artificial intelligence)
Direct impact on the IA practice can be observed. Data handling and modeling is being supported or even executed with the help of AI. Tricky thing is decision making. One should NEVER leave human decision making to AI.
Practitioners should update their knowledge, do we know enough about the models and about AI to interpret the outcomes and impacts (do not accept the black box without scrutiny).
Fully depending on AI will never happen. Time profit from AI. Will help to scope projects. It’ll solve some time problems. Experts need to understand whats behind the models.
Considerations on Statement 3 – biodiversity crisis
Certain events in history need evolution and rebellion. Against activist action would plead the emergence of chaos in society.
Sometimes this chaos is needed f.e. in situations of dictatorship, but also in case of women's rights not that long ago (suffragette movement). Thank god there was rebellion at that time.
Whats the role of practitioners of IA in education and media? Educate ourselves to express ourselves to be heard and understood by politicians and decision makers.
Consideration on Statement 4 - Biannual IAIA conference?
What can you do for the environment to help offsetting conference travels? Spread, bring knowledge back. Contribute, plant trees, take a sailing boat?
If we do not have annual conferences our IAIA global community will die off!
Reinvent yourself from time to time. Benefit from COVID-19 and organize annual meeting hybrid with regional and/or thematic hubs. This gives access to more people to join from all continents.
Maybe align more to the TEDx experience: people will always want to connect. It is a human need.
There is a big social part of meeting at IAIA. It is only once a year. And finally the total emission per passenger flight
kilometer is not that much C02
(II) What key factors discussed in your session can help build resilience through impact assessment, and how can they be applied in decision making?
(III) What examples or insights from your session illustrated the role of leadership in fostering resilience by effectively utilizing impact assessments for shaping policies, strategies, and projects?
Recommendations for impact assessment practitioners:
Recommendations for policy makers and other stakeholders (please specify if possible):