IAIA22 Sessions
Note: Sessions identified as “Pre-recorded presentations only” will consist of pre-recorded presentations that will be uploaded to the Pathable platform for online viewing. All other sessions will be held live, in person, in Vancouver.
Indigenous-specific cumulative effects assessment methodologies
Session Proposal ID 148
Lead Chair: Alissa Cartwright
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G16 Cumulative affects assessment
How can Cumulative Effects Assessments (CEA) reflect Traditional Knowledge? What does a CEA methodology based on Indigenous ways of knowing look like? Our panel of experts will discuss cumulative effects projects they have completed with Indigenous communities in in western Canada.
Acceptance Status: approve
(How) can SIA guidelines really make a difference?
Session Proposal ID 39
Lead Chair: Richard Parsons | CoChair: Edwina Loxton
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
The work of SIA doesn’t stop with great guidelines. What happens when they are implemented? This session invites contributions that consider both practitioner and community perspectives. That is, how do SIA guidelines help or hinder practitioners, and how do SIA guidelines influence social outcomes for communities?
Acceptance Status: approve
A holistic approach to SIA: Meaningful implementation for modern challenges
Session Proposal ID 100
Lead Chair: Nina Barton | CoChair: Vilma Gayoso-Haro
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G14 Social impact assessment
This session explores topics relevant to current and evolving Social Impact Assessment (SIA), including best practices and principles in SIA around the world, challenges and opportunities with changing regulatory requirements, the evolution of public involvement, and adaptive management of socioeconomic effects in a real-world context.
Acceptance Status: approve
Achieving more meaningful public participation in impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 162
Lead Chair: Jeremy Freeman
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G12 Public participation
Public participation is a cornerstone of IA. In this session we will explore next generation advancements that encourage more meaningful participatory practices as recognized by the public, proponents, practitioners and academics.
Acceptance Status: approve
Advancing impact assessment: Opportunities, methods, and tools
Session Proposal ID 98
Lead Chair: Thomas Gunton
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
This session explores new approaches to advance impact assessment processes with respect to assessing impacts to Indigenous communities and protecting Indigenous interests, revising and improving economic impact assessment methods, better supporting public interest determinations, and addressing distributional inequities.
Acceptance Status: approve
AFF Section`s past, present, and future to reboot for enhanced application
Session Proposal ID 124
Lead Chair: Patrick Duffy
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G1 Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
This workshop will review progress on the application of ESIA to Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries with a view to expanding the initiative launched 17 years ago. Success stories, gaps, and shortcomings will be featured to remove barriers to a wider application of the ESIA model.
Acceptance Status: approve
Application of the Zone of Influence concept in impact assessments
Session Proposal ID 93
Lead Chair: Mike Setterington | CoChair: Kerman Bajina
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G17 Impact assessment,
Zone of Influence (ZOI) studies assess the indirect impacts of development on animal populations and local ecosystem functions. However, the mechanisms and spatiotemporal scales considered, and their influence on ZOI estimates, are ambiguous and rarely justified, which undermines confidence if these studies inform decision-making. Should ZOIs be a standard for Impact Assessments?
Acceptance Status: approve
Are we positive? Is IA prepared to implement positive effects requirements?
Session Proposal ID 120
Lead Chair: Mark Shrimpton | CoChair: Keith Storey
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
Canadian impact assessment legislation now includes a requirement that positive effects be assessed. These panel presentations and associated discussion will consider the implications of this change for the conceptualization, practice, and implementation of impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
Asian S3EA: Strategic, Spatial, and Sustainable EA
Session Proposal ID 23
Lead Chair: TBC TBC
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G13 Strategic impact assessment
The advancement of remote sensing technology and information technology, spatial analysis with a variety of environmental, social and economic items received a big attention. This session will focus on IA examples which support the strategic decision including SEA and utilized the well-organized spatial scale analysis for achieving SD in Asian regions.
Acceptance Status: approve
Best practice principles for the independence of impact assessment reviewers
Session Proposal ID 33
Lead Chair: Eddie Smyth
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
This session will discuss a first draft Best Practice Principles publication on the independence of impact assessment reviewers. The session builds on the results of a session at IAIA21 at which it was concluded that lack of independence in IA is a serious issue in IA practice worldwide.
Acceptance Status: approve
Beyond consent: Embedding Indigenous decision making in extractive projects
Session Proposal ID 102
Lead Chair: Andy Symington
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T5 Meaningful consultation: Advancing Indigenous governance and participation
Indigenous self-determination requires not only consent to a project but that communities define its parameters and participate in operational decision making. This panel discusses partnerships between Indigenous communities and extractive companies, co-management and operationalization, beyond FPIC, of true self-determination.
Acceptance Status: approve
Building confidence in EA through good evidence and practitioner integrity
Session Proposal ID 61
Lead Chair: George Hegmann
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
This Panel-based Session focuses on how building confidence in project environmental assessment can happen between consulting practitioners and other assessment participants. Here, confidence is of evidence (in provided information), of trust (in those who prepare that information), and of outcomes (from open inclusive engagement).
Acceptance Status: approve
Building confidence in IA results by using participatory approaches
Session Proposal ID 142
Lead Chair: Victoria Griffiths | CoChair: Mark Barnett
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T6 Supporting human and community well-being through effective participation
Putting local people at the centre of an evaluation by using participatory approaches will not only improve the quality of an impact assessment but will increase confidence in the its results. This session aims to explore how novel participatory approaches are used in practice, drawing on experiences, insight and hindsight.
Acceptance Status: approve
Compliance and enforcement of EsIA: Principles and best practices
Session Proposal ID 81
Lead Chair: Cheryl Wasserman
Session Format: Caravan | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
Following a brief introduction to the draft “Principles and Best Practices for EsIA Compliance and Enforcement: requirements, commitments and related permits†and 6 presentations on related topics, participants will join small Caravan style rotating groups for facilitated discussion of the relevant paper and related principles, concluding with report outs.
Acceptance Status: approve
Compliance and Enforcement of Impact Assessment Decisions
Session Proposal ID 165
Lead Chair: Julie Chace
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
It’s now common for impact assessments to establish legally-binding measures to avoid or mitigate adverse effects. This session will discuss the experience of different jurisdictions in establishing legally-binding, clear, measurable and enforceable requirements as part of impact assessment decisions, including how jurisdictions undertake compliance activities and enforcement actions.
Acceptance Status: approve
Confidence in policies and public involvement: Moving targets?
Session Proposal ID 89
Lead Chair: Aaron Goldschmidt
Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
Whether intentional or not, IA has been pulled from a third-party, unbiased, science- and community-based practice to a politicized “hot button,†resulting in a whiplash effect ranging from implementation of requirements to confidence in the process. Case studies requested to share shifting EIA guidance and confidence effects..
Acceptance Status: approve
EA Follow-up: Exploring its role as a confidence building exercise
Session Proposal ID 51
Lead Chair: Urmila Jha-Thakur
Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G19 Capacity building in impact assessment
This session will explore Environmental Assessment follow-up case studies from around the world to review the extent to which they are helping in confidence building within and for Impact Assessment (IA). In doing so, the case studies will be compared against the recently updated best practice principles of IA follow-up.
Acceptance Status: approve
ESG's importance in building confidence in impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 87
Lead Chair: Francois Landry Landry | CoChair: Kim Swanzey
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G14 Social impact assessment
The panel discussion will highlight regulatory requirements, ESG performance standards, effective planning, reporting and engagement in a post-COVID world. The session will focus primarily on impact assessment and ESG reporting in the extractive sectors and will make linkages to the Low Carbon Economy Transition and Sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approve
First experiences with Canada’s 2019 Impact Assessment Act
Session Proposal ID 153
Lead Chair: Christian Reuten
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
Few projects have entered the new assessment process under Canada’s 2019 Impact Assessment Act, which particularly emphasizes the rights of Indigenous peoples and climate change. Presenters will share first project experiences under the new act with a focus on challenges, lessons learnt, and recommendations.
Acceptance Status: approve
From data and information to knowledge and wisdom in impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 161
Lead Chair: Nicolas Cohen
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G14 Social impact assessment
We will examine the challenges of relying on secondary data to inform impact assessments and the need for qualitative insights; meaningful relationships with host communities and recognition of local knowledge to support meaningful decisions in Project development.
Acceptance Status: approve
Game-changer: Social performance and community health & safety in Anglo American
Session Proposal ID 134
Lead Chair: Lauren Vopni
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G8 Corporate stewardship and risk management
Anglo American’s publicly available social performance standards - The Social Way – were recently updated. We will present a retrospective of our social performance journey, internal learning and development efforts, and how we are changing the game in critical areas like Community Health and Land Access, Displacement and Resettlement.
Acceptance Status: approve
Gender impact assessment (GIA) with an inclusive perspective
Session Proposal ID 74
Lead Chair: Bita Rais
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G14 Social impact assessment
The perspective on gender as ground of inequality in land use and transport planning has been criticised for missing the social diversity within gender. Other categories (class, age, disability) play a crucial role in transport needs and barriers. This session focus on an inclusive perspective which advances understanding of gender.
Acceptance Status: approve
Gender lens refocused: A deeper look at inclusion in impact assessments
Session Proposal ID 117
Lead Chair: Heather Horsefall
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G10 Community engagement
While gender equality is a critical component of IA, implementing gender analysis is often considered a complex undertaking. To overcome this challenge, Oxfam leads in developing effective methodologies for applying an intersectional gender lens in community-based HRIA. This session gives partners the floor to share experiences.
Acceptance Status: approve
Good practices of tiering SEA and EIA: How to make it happen?
Session Proposal ID 75
Lead Chair: Jos Arts
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2 Regional and strategic impact assessments: Moving from theory to practice and filling the data gap
In this session we will discuss the notion of tiering in IA and planning, the various dimensions related to tiering and good practices in tiering, how to make it happen. How tiering contributes to the overall confidence in planning/IA systems.
Acceptance Status: approve
Handbook of Cumulative Impact Assessment: Insights from Contributing Authors
Session Proposal ID 12
Lead Chair: Jill Blakley | CoChair: Daniel Franks
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G16 Cumulative affects assessment
This session showcases the work of select contributors to the Handbook of Cumulative Impact Assessment, released in 2021. The Handbook profiles 40+ authors across 9 countries; all practitioners and thought-leaders grappling with the challenges and opportunities of cumulative impact assessment in a wide variety of contexts. Insights and highlights from recent projects and material shared in the book are featured.
Acceptance Status: approve
Health and safety is our everyday: Outcomes of community-led Indigenous HIA
Session Proposal ID 47
Lead Chair: Janis Shandro | CoChair: Chris Apps
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T6 Supporting human and community well-being through effective participation
This session will present the work Kitselas First Nation has accomplished as part of community-led HIA. Evidence on how identifying health risks and impacts can: influence positive outcomes; improve understanding between proponents and communities, and; strengthen relationships will be provided. Kitselas has over 20 industrial projects affecting its People.
Acceptance Status: approve
Health impact assessment: Key topics and new direction for inclusion in handbook
Session Proposal ID 106
Lead Chair: francesca viliani
Session Format: World Café | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: T6 Supporting human and community well-being through effective participation
The editors of a handbook on HIA will set out, and invite comment on, the outline for the handbook itself. Through the discussion and audience interaction we will scrutinise what key topics and new directions should be included to ensure that the handbook remains relevant for the next 10-20 years
Acceptance Status: approve
Health impact assessment: Research, policy, and application
Session Proposal ID 128
Lead Chair: Sally Western | CoChair: Raina Fumerton, Dawn Hoogeveen
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G15 Health impact assessment
Advancements in research, policy, and practice have driven significant innovation in the incorporation of health impact assessment in environmental impact assessments. This session explores how health and wellness can be better integrated into impact assessment, from the local and community level up to Crown regulatory spaces and beyond.
Acceptance Status: approve
Human Rights Impact Assessments: Trends and Approaches
Session Proposal ID 133
Lead Chair: Irit Tamir | CoChair: Caroline Brodeur
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
The rise in mandatory human rights due diligence laws has clear implications for the role of human rights impact assessment in meeting these new requirements. This session will discuss the trends in Human Rights Impact Assessments and emerging approaches.
Acceptance Status: approve
IA: Special Challenges and Potential
Session Proposal ID 177
Lead Chair: David W. Poulton
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G17 Impact assessment,
In session (I) we examine the potential of IA to assist understanding of impacts in challenging socio-economic, political or legal circumstances. Session (II) presents a series of talks on key issues in impact assessment and mitigation, including stakeholder engagement, cumulative effects, climate risk, and the mitigation hierarchy.
Acceptance Status: approve
IAIA21 Test Session
Session Proposal ID 175
Lead Chair: Jen Howell
Session Format: Fishbowl | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G2 Earth resources extraction and processing
IAIA21 Test Session Summary Statement
Acceptance Status: approve
Impact assessment innovations in Western and Northern Canada
Session Proposal ID 91
Lead Chair: Matt Hammond | CoChair: Randy Krichbaum
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
This session showcases creative innovations to address known problems in impact assessment, from Western & Northern Canada. Examples include progressive policy, methods, processes, and assessment tools. Come explore exciting new approaches! Hosted by the Western & Northern Canada Affiliate of IAIA.
Acceptance Status: approve
Impact Assessment: Fostering partnerships for Green Resilient Development
Session Proposal ID 119
Lead Chair: Mokshana Wijeyeratne | CoChair: Neha (Vyas) Mishra
Session Format: Pecha Kucha | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T3 Partnerships in unlikely places: How new relationships are transforming projects
What kind of possibilities open-up when IA is used for promoting green and resilient development? What role do partnerships have in this? The session will bring together global experience that highlights success stories, lessons learnt and will make recommendations for promoting stronger partnerships that make IAs more effective.
Acceptance Status: approve
Impact assessment: Tool for promoting conservation or delaying destruction
Session Proposal ID 101
Lead Chair: Anupam Joshi
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
Have IAs served their intended purpose? What can countries developing IA guidelines learn from global experiences? Panelists will discuss the successes and limitations of impact assessments, identify key challenges and make specific recommendations for making IAs more effective.
Acceptance Status: approve
Impact of development on Indigenous community-conserved areas
Session Proposal ID 16
Lead Chair: Julian Inglis | CoChair: Soudeh Jamshidian
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G11 Indigenous peoples
Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) are conservation sites governed by Indigenous and local communities. Presentations range from Canadian to global overviews of social and environmental issues impacting ICCAs .Case studies consider how development projects and other activities are affecting ICCAs, with proposed prevention and mitigation measures to protect them.
Acceptance Status: approve
Including nature-based solutions in project design and impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 109
Lead Chair: Stephen Edwards
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: S1 Special to IAIA
This Session will discuss and clarify what are Nature-based Solutions, including a framework to design, implement and scale up NbS actions (the IUCN Global Standard for NbS), it will review cases where NbS is being used around the globe, and discuss how to integrate NbS clearly into policy and impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
Increasing Impact Assessment transparency though open science, data, and Indigenous Knowledge
Session Proposal ID 82
Lead Chair: Jessica Coulson | CoChair: Catherine Ponsford
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G17 Impact assessment,
"Big Data" and "Open Data" converge in Impact Assessment. This session will share lessons from the Government of Canada's experiences making cumulative effects information, publicly open and accessible. It is also an opportunity to learn from other jurisdictions, including Indigenous organizations, to make science, data, and knowledge accessible.
Acceptance Status: approve
Indigenous and Stakeholder Involvement in Post-Decision Activities
Session Proposal ID 110
Lead Chair: Philip Seeto
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3 Partnerships in unlikely places: How new relationships are transforming projects
Building public trust in IA requires involvement of Indigenous peoples and stakeholders following a decision. To accomplish this we require approaches that consider funding needs, legal limitations, policy approaches and creativity. Help us dive into a discussion on best practices for achieving these goals.
Acceptance Status: approve
Indigenous knowledge in impact assessment: International case studies
Session Proposal ID 59
Lead Chair: Rachel Olson | CoChair: Michel Bérubé
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T4 Indigenous knowledge, local knowledge, and Western science/emerging technologies
Impact assessment legislation and policy around the world is increasingly incorporating expanded requirements related to Indigenous Knowledge (IK). This session will provide an opportunity to share best practices, lessons learned, challenges, and opportunities related to the braiding of IK and western science through case studies.
Acceptance Status: approve
Insights on land from the Inspection Panel and the IAMs of EIB and EBRD
Session Proposal ID 36
Lead Chair: Mark Goldsmith
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
Land plays a vital role in the economic growth for billions and is at the center of sustainable development, but there are ever-increasing pressures on land use. This session will explore the experience of independent accountability mechanisms (IAM) at three international financial institutions (IFIs) based on development projects they have investigated where issues have arisen in relation to natural resource management or cultural values associated with land.
Acceptance Status: approve
Integrating intangible and spiritual values in impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 156
Lead Chair: Angeles Mendoza Sammet | CoChair: Eric Gagnon
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T4 Indigenous knowledge, local knowledge, and Western science/emerging technologies
In this session we will explore practices, tools and ideas to assess impacts on intangible values and to mitigate impacts on them. Protecting the cultural rights of communities and addressing the loss of cultural diversity are some reasons to improve the assessment of impacts on intangible and spiritual values.
Acceptance Status: approve
Leadership in IA is strategic for increased confidence
Session Proposal ID 71
Lead Chair: Ross Marshall | CoChair: Maria Partidario
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T3 Partnerships in unlikely places: How new relationships are transforming projects
The key to all successful IA partnerships is Trust. Strong IA leaders build confidence, trust,& cooperation through external & internal stakeholder networks. We will examine how IA professionals harness their leadership skills to bring forward sustainable solutions. IA leadership extends IA process into tangible outcomes
Acceptance Status: approve
Local Content: From policies to results
Session Proposal ID 135
Lead Chair: Jeanne Ellis | CoChair: Kyela de Weerdt
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G8 Corporate stewardship and risk management
This session will identify and explain different local content policies globally, discuss how to address them during the ESIA process, identify the public, private and civil society roles, and give examples of local content development programming, including programs that focus on indigenous suppliers and workers.
Acceptance Status: approve
Manito Aki Inakonigaawin and the Harmonized Impact Assessment Model
Session Proposal ID 62
Lead Chair: George Kakeway
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G11 Indigenous peoples
This session invites participants to learn about the Manito Aki Inakonigaawin and its implementation in the Anishinaabeg Nations of Treaty #3. Participants will examine how the Harmonized Impact Assessment model successfully integrates western science with Anishinaabe knowledge and stewardship practices.
Acceptance Status: approve
Meaningful participation: Defining this key to IA success and confidence
Session Proposal ID 77
Lead Chair: Janet Blackadar
Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G12 Public participation
This session aims to explore what constitutes meaningful participation and how it can contribute to a successful IA outcome. We will explore how our understanding of meaningful participation may evolve with different project types, locations and regulatory drivers.
Acceptance Status: approve
Measurement, methods, and meaning in psychosocial impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 103
Lead Chair: Sérgio Moreira | CoChair: Helen Ross
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G14 Social impact assessment
PSIA is crucial to understanding how communities can prepare for, respond to, and recover from development-induced impacts. To address persistent reluctance on PSIA in IA practice, we explore the meaning of psychosocial impacts and the range of methods available for assessing them, complementing a companion session on PSIA theory.
Acceptance Status: approve
Modern approaches to assess and regulate energy infrastructure projects
Session Proposal ID 37
Lead Chair: Genevieve Carr
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
This session will explore innovations in assessment and regulation of energy infrastructure projects, in the context of expectations and commitments to strengthen and broaden oversight of projects, and in a world that is moving toward a low-carbon future and emerging energy sources.
Acceptance Status: approve
More collaboration...better results
Session Proposal ID 144
Lead Chair: PatrÃcia Rodrigues
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3 Partnerships in unlikely places: How new relationships are transforming projects
Collaboration has become more and more the way to achieve better results. Having as common interest overcoming Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services challenges, we pretend to attract presenters who are willing to inspire, by sharing their experiences where a meaningful collaboration made the difference in Environmental Assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
Nature positive: Reaching a global goal for nature
Session Proposal ID 76
Lead Chair: Rachel Asante-Owusu
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3 Biodiversity and ecology
What role can environmental and strategic impact assessment (ESIA) and other process and approaches play, to help define and achieve Global Nature Positive goals. How can EIA practitioners be harnessed to help decision-makers and other societal groups to implement projects that meet numerous broader goals including Nature positive targets.
Acceptance Status: approve
New models of IA and climate change law worldwide
Session Proposal ID 126
Lead Chair: Abulele Adams
Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
Four presenters will discuss model IA law, including more effective Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment and Cumulative Effects Assessment in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and improved public participation processes. Also watch Michael Gerrard's pre-recorded video "Impact Assessment, New models of IA Public Involvement and State Level Decarbonization"
Acceptance Status: approve
Online IA processes for sustainable development: Building relationships and collaboration
Session Proposal ID 5
Lead Chair: Justine Knox
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3 Partnerships in unlikely places: How new relationships are transforming projects
The Covid lockdown measures accelerated moves to online work delivery of all aspects of IA practice, including implementing, teaching and training of IA. What are the consequences of this for relationships and sustainability outcomes? Papers are invited exploring the effectiveness of online IA processes, practices and teaching.
Acceptance Status: approve
Participation, Partnership and Impact Assessment: Tools and practice for better outcomes
Session Proposal ID 60
Lead Chair: Victoria Márquez Mees
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G11 Indigenous peoples
Participatory impact assessment processes are a key ingredient of sustainable and viable projects, but even more so when indigenous communities are involved. The discussion will focus on good and bad practices to date and propose a new paradigm of engagement.
Acceptance Status: approve
Planning early for next generation IA: Lessons from BC, Canada, and beyond
Session Proposal ID 122
Lead Chair: Anna Johnston | CoChair: John Sinclair
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
We know that early initiation and planning of impact assessment can lead to better results and greater buy-in, but how? This session explores best practice in early planning, and experience to date from Canada and beyond.
Acceptance Status: approve
Planning for a greener future? The role of SEA and recommendations to COP27
Session Proposal ID 107
Lead Chair: Peter Nelson
Session Format: Theme forum – World Café | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G13 Strategic impact assessment
Join the debate on this ground-breaking SEA which examines the global challenges of Climate Change Biodiversity Loss; Poverty and Inequality; War and Peace and International Governance. Discuss the SEA’s contents, potential solutions and help make recommendations to be submitted to the UN and COP 27 at Sharm El-Sheikh in November 2022
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS ONLY: Advancements in IA practice: New and evolving methods for IA
Session Proposal ID 168
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
From new methods for biological assessments to approaches for the evolving practice of addressing gender based assessments in EIA, this session will explore an array of new, innovative, and thought-provoking topics that advance the practice of EIA. This session is essential viewing for EIA practitioners looking for leading edge ideas.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS ONLY: Bridging the gap between the theory and practice of IA
Session Proposal ID 174
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
This session will examine the relationship between Impact Assessment (IA) theory and practice, including considering whether and how well IA in practice aligns with and supports the achievement of the goals and desired outcomes of IA in theory.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS ONLY: Legislation, regulation, and policy for IA: New developments
Session Proposal ID 173
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
This session explores the way new policy and regulatory approaches are changing the practice of impact assessment and helping to tackle emerging and longstanding challenges.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS ONLY: Public and community involvement in IA
Session Proposal ID 170
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
This session contemplates guidance and best practices for public and community involvement in various stages of IA processes, the role of public participation in achieving sustainable development, and ways to improve collaboration between local stakeholders, IA practitioners, and developers.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS ONLY: The role of IA in achieving sustainable development
Session Proposal ID 172
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
This session will examine whether and how Impact Assessment (IA) can contribute to the achievement of sustainability and sustainable development goals.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS ONLY: The role of IA in addressing regional and global-scale issues
Session Proposal ID 171
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
The presentations in this session examine how the consideration of environmental and social factors through project-specific or strategic IA can contribute to addressing national- or regional-scale issues.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS ONLY: The role of Indigenous peoples, knowledge, culture, and governance systems in IA
Session Proposal ID 169
Lead Chair:
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
This session explores the many ways in which Indigenous peoples, knowledge, culture, and governance systems are essential for successful IA. The session provides examples of successes and challenges with a goal of inspiring practitioners towards improved IA practice.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED: New models of IA and climate change law worldwide
Session Proposal ID 778
Lead Chair: Abulele Adams
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
Four presenters from different parts of the world will discuss elements of model IA law, including more effective application of Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment and Cumulative Effects Assessment in climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as improvement of public participation processes.
Acceptance Status: approve
PRE-RECORDED: Why does stakeholder engagement matter for impact assessments in LAC?
Session Proposal ID 48
Lead Chair: Eva Heiss | CoChair: Esteban Tovar
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G10 Community engagement
Stakeholder engagement? Yes, please! This session looks into the many reasons why engaging stakeholders is key to sustainable project outcomes. In a dynamic Panel we will share perspectives of the financier and the independent accountability office, hoping to shed light on challenges and opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Acceptance Status: approve
Public participation during COVID-19 in the environmental impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 66
Lead Chair: Alberto Barandiarán
Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G12 Public participation
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 means a challenge for the actors involved in the process of evaluating environmental impact studies that seeks to guarantee the right to effective, inclusive, transparent, accessible and timely citizen participation.
Acceptance Status: approve
Regional Assessments: Objectives, approaches, and lessons from practice
Session Proposal ID 54
Lead Chair: Steve Bonnell
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2 Regional and strategic impact assessments: Moving from theory to practice and filling the data gap
Explores the various objectives, approaches, outcomes and uses of regional assessments and associated initiatives, including experiences and lessons from recent practice.
Acceptance Status: approve
Safeguarding Indigenous coastal communities and marine environments
Session Proposal ID 63
Lead Chair: Laura Jokinen | CoChair: Christa Meuter
Session Format: Caravan | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: T4 Indigenous knowledge, local knowledge, and Western science/emerging technologies
Come with us on a journey to discover how one First Nation in British Columbia (Canada), Gitga'at First Nation, has implemented innovative approaches to identify, assess and manage environmental, social and health risks related to on-going industrial development, tourism and recreation in their territory.
Acceptance Status: approve
Sharing steps to improve IA by using stronger argument and reasoning
Session Proposal ID 145
Lead Chair: Glenn Brown
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G19 Capacity building in impact assessment
A panel of people from different sectors will share their experiences in adopting two sets of tools to present stronger argument and clearer communication, and thus improve the quality of IA documents. They’ll discuss steps in learning and implementing the tools, and the benefits and challenges they've seen.
Acceptance Status: approve
Socio-economic and environmental assessments for modernized land use plans
Session Proposal ID 67
Lead Chair: Kelly Sims
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
This panel will reflect the different practical, partnership, theoretical, socio-cultural, and applied views in undertaking socio-economic and environmental assessments (SEEAs) in the modern BC context of land use planning. Be prepared for a lively discussion on the gaps, hopes and challenges facing those undertaking SEEAs in BC.
Acceptance Status: approve
State-Indigenous processes that advance FPIC requirements under UNDRIP
Session Proposal ID 141
Lead Chair: Angel Ransom | CoChair: Trefor Smith
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T4 Indigenous knowledge, local knowledge, and Western science/emerging technologies
This session will explore the challenges and opportunities of emerging IA processes that seek to redesign and/or repurpose existing IA processes for the purpose of reconciling the rights and interests of Indigenous peoples and states in respect to proposed major projects.
Acceptance Status: approve
Status of IAIA's Climate Change Action Plan and next steps in 2022
Session Proposal ID 114
Lead Chair: Weston Fisher
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G5 Climate change
This roundtable will use the “IAIA Climate Change Action Plan Status Report and Next Steps 2022†to discuss accomplishments to date, and suggested practical next steps for the period May 2022 – April 2023. It will also include a discussion of the relationship of the Climate Change Section to the Theme of the Vancouver '22 Conference
Acceptance Status: approve
Streamlining EIA with pre-emptive “early†engagement: Does it work?
Session Proposal ID 123
Lead Chair: Malcolm Smith | CoChair: J.Charlie Palmer
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
This session topic will offer value to practitioners in exploring the benefits of formal pre-emptive engagement versus allowing these approaches to be conducted voluntarily. The session will provide information that can be used to improve early engagement regardless of the jurisdictional requirements.
Acceptance Status: approve
The 50th anniversary of NEPA: Lessons learned and future challenges
Session Proposal ID 50
Lead Chair: Michael Smith
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1 The role of legislation and policy in building confidence in impact assessment
This session will be part celebration of the world's first environmental impact assessment law, and part critical examination of the National Environmental Policy Act's (NEPA) 50-year history, accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities for the future.
Acceptance Status: approve
The COVID pandemic, disasters, conflict, impact assessment, and beyond
Session Proposal ID 111
Lead Chair: Charles Kelly
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G7 Natural disasters and conflict
COVID has affected the policy, practice and the lives of those involved in impact assessment. The session includes papers on how the pandemic has affected impact assessment. Recognizing that impact assessment faces other disasters besides COVID, a separate session is devoted to non-COVID disasters and impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
The Intersection of ESG, sustainability, and IA
Session Proposal ID 176
Lead Chair: Nazia Ahmed
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9 Regulation and governance
This session will explore the interface between the consideration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and sustainability issues and the practice of Impact Assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
Theories and concepts to build confidence in psycho-social impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 127
Lead Chair: Jeffrey Jacquet | CoChair: William Rifkin
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G19 Capacity building in impact assessment
Gain a better understanding of the concepts, theories and terminologies employed in Psycho-Social Impact Assessment through academic case-studies and real-world PSIAs.
Acceptance Status: approve
This is a test Title-q234
Session Proposal ID 777
Lead Chair: Carlos Quintero
Session Format: This is a test Format-q | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G5 Climate Change
This is a test Session Summary-q
Acceptance Status: approve
Trauma-informed impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 7
Lead Chair: Desiree Theriault | CoChair: Heather Webb
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: T5 Meaningful consultation: Advancing Indigenous governance and participation
This dynamic workshop invites participants into a conversation on trauma and what it means to be trauma-informed in our work as Impact Assessment professionals. Participants will gain an understanding of the impacts of trauma, why Impact Assessment professionals should be trauma-informed, and guidance on incorporating trauma-informed principles into everyday interactions.
Acceptance Status: approve
What’s hot in social impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 25
Lead Chair: Frank Vanclay | CoChair: Ana Maria Esteves
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G14 Social impact assessment
Invited SIA identities will give short pitches about what they think are current or upcoming hot topics. They are contributors to the “International Handbook on Social Impact Assessment†(editors Frank Vanclay & Ana Maria Esteves). This will be followed by facilitated audience discussion around what is or will be hot.
Acceptance Status: approve
Working with Indigenous community to create confidence in projects
Session Proposal ID 163
Lead Chair: Margaret Scott | CoChair: Geetha Ramesh
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G11 Indigenous peoples
This session aims to bring Indigenous Nation Leaders and IA practitioners together to compare and contrast approaches to improving project design development through involving Indigenous Nations as part of the development team or supporting independent impact assessments.
Acceptance Status: approve
Young professionals in impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 79
Lead Chair: Mario Mesarić
Session Format: Fishbowl | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: S1 Special to IAIA
How is the impact assessment perceived by the younger generation of environmental professionals and experts? To what degree does it meet their expectations and career aspirations? Through an interactive fishbowl concept session participants will get the opportunity to tell their experience and offer new a perspective on IA!
Acceptance Status: approve