Course #1. Labor rights and influx in impact assessment CANCELLED




The course purpose is to under how labor rights and influx related issues need to be reflected in an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA). Participants will discuss how labor rights and influx concepts are addressed in the ESIA process of baseline characterization, impact assessment,

significance attribution, and management measure identification. Ways to promote labor human rights, fair treatment and equal opportunity and to establish reasonable and productive worker-employer relationships will be explored. How workforces contribute to project induced in-migration and affect broad community support will be analyzed.


Typical problems that arise in infrastructure projects related to working hours, sub-contracting, vulnerable workers, and workforce accommodation will be discussed. Mitigation and enhancement measures including labor project commitments, worker codes of conduct, and skills development activities will be reviewed. Positive and negative effects on women and men in local communities from the presence of non-local workers as well as use of income by local workers will be assessed. Influx and community resilience management measures including procedures, commitments, plans and policies

will be discussed.


The training will be a mixture of presentation, individual exercises, small group work, case studies, and plenary discussion.


Level: Foundation

Prerequisites: None

Language: English

Duration: 1 day (2 May)

Price: US$275

Min/Max: 10-45

Requirements: Laptops suggested but not required.

Instructor(s): Marielle Rowan


Marielle Rowan


Marielle is a MSc (Rural Extension) qualified with almost 30 years of experience focusing on social safeguard and community development issues. Technical Director for social safeguards on Mott MacDonald's environmental and social team. Carries out social impact assessments (SIA) and develops social management plans as stand-alone documents or as components of environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs) for energy, water and transportation infrastructure projects.


Project manager of ESIAs. In SIA, considers well-being, vulnerability, gender, social cohesion, accessibility, and equity in the distribution of resources, poverty and livelihoods. For social due diligence of international projects, reviews projects for compliance with the Equator Principles and lenders' safeguard policies and performance requirements, for instance in relation to  labour management, resettlement, community health and safety, ecosystem services, indigenous peoples and stakeholder engagement.


During construction monitoring on infrastructure projects, assesses risks and identifies resolutions for non-compliances. Reviews, develops and implements consultation and disclosure plans in accordance with international guidelines and has practical experience facilitating community needs workshops and other community mobilisation exercises.


Experienced trainer on environmental and social management systems and social safeguard topics. With an academic background in adult education theory, enjoys producing training agendas and activities that meet a full range of learners' needs. Uses interactive exercises to help learners try out concepts, assess ideas, and confirm learning.


Lived and worked in Mozambique for more than 10 years working with a range of multi-lateral and bi-lateral agencies on community development issues. Speaks Portuguese fluently. Countries of on-site work experience include Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Turkey, England, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Nicaragua, Colombia and Honduras.